The size of the corpus luteum by day of the cycle: the norm and deviations, features, medical advice

The size of the corpus luteum by day of the cycle: the norm and deviations, features, medical advice
The size of the corpus luteum by day of the cycle: the norm and deviations, features, medical advice

The concept of "corpus luteum" is very often used in obstetrics and gynecology, which often confuses some women. In fact, this is a non-permanent, liquid formation on the ovary in a certain phase of the cycle, or rather the luteal phase, at the moment after ovulation. Consider its physiological norm, size.

corpus luteum
corpus luteum

What is meant by the corpus luteum

This term is defined as a temporary gland that produces hormones. In structure, it is heterogeneous, having an irregular shape and edges on ultrasound images. Formation occurs on the left or right ovary during ovulation, 10-16 days of the cycle.

This iron got its name due to the color of the internal structure.

It changes during each day of the luteal phase of the cycle. By the end of it, the temporary gland decreases and disappears completely with the onset of menstruation, since fertilization does not occur.

Let's figure out what it is -corpus luteum during pregnancy. On ultrasound, it is visible in the gland in the period from fertilization to 10, and sometimes 12 weeks, until the functions of feeding the fetus are transferred to the placenta.

The size of the corpus luteum by day of the cycle during pregnancy on ultrasound sometimes corresponds to 3 centimeters, which is normal for this stage. At the same time, they actively produce the very necessary progesterone. The fading of these functions occurs by week 10.

Determination of the corpus luteum during pregnancy on ultrasound is also used to find out if an ectopic pregnancy has occurred. During the examination, a comprehensive assessment of the circumstances and signs is carried out to determine the location of the fertilized egg.

temporary gland
temporary gland


The formation of the corpus luteum plays an important role in the female body, producing a hormone such as progesterone. For its greater release, respectively, the size of the gland should also not be small. Progesterone prepares the body for pregnancy by strengthening the endometrium so that the fertilized egg can later attach to the uterus. Subsequently, this hormone takes over the function of feeding the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy.

To understand the full picture of changes in the female body, let's analyze the phases of the cycle, which are periodically repeated throughout life:

  • Menstrual - the initial stage, characterized by the cleansing of the internal cavity of the uterus from what was not needed for the fertilization of the egg. The manifestation of this stage isbleeding.
  • Proliferative, also called the follicular phase. This stage determines the restoration of the endometrium in the uterus and its preparation for the new acceptance of a fertilized egg after conception. The follicle matures in one of the ovaries. It carries the egg, and mucus is synthesized in the cervical canal with a change in its composition.
  • Ovulation is the shortest of the stages. Its duration is no more than 1 second. During this time, the egg breaks through the follicle and passes into the abdominal cavity. Her role is very important, because without her pregnancy is impossible.
  • Sector or luteal phase, which is divided into 2 stages. The first includes the acceptance of a fertilized egg, and the second occurs, in turn, in the absence of the introduction of a fertilized egg. Here is the disappearance of the corpus luteum and preparation for a new update.
luteal phase
luteal phase

There is also evidence that the corpus luteum, in addition to progesterone, synthesizes important androgens and stradiol.

Summarizing the role of this gland, the list of its functions is as follows:

  • Produce sufficient amounts of progesterone and other important hormones for the body.
  • Fetal nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Prevention of the development of new follicles.
  • Strengthening the endometrium and preparing it for fertilization.
  • Decrease in the contractile function of the uterus.

Formation process

The formation of the corpus luteum is divided into several stages:

  1. Proliferation is the occurrenceglands after the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg. In the process, cell division begins and the formation of lutein, which has a yellowish tint, begins. The corpus luteum acquires jagged edges and an inhomogeneous structure.
  2. Vascularization is the stage of growth of the gland, during which it wraps around the blood vessels and takes root in the epithelial layer. This happens on the 13-17th day of the cycle, it is a small tumor with normal blood flow.
  3. Flourishing - reaching the maximum size of the corpus luteum, acquiring brighter outlines and increasing blood flow, on the 19-25th day of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Regression - this stage will be only if fertilization has not occurred, and the egg dies. The corpus luteum decreases in size and disappears by the onset of menstruation. After that, scars or so-called hylian formations remain on the ovary.
follicle formation
follicle formation

Changes in the gland by day of the cycle

Passing through all the stages of formation, the corpus luteum accordingly changes in size, remaining in its place until the onset of pregnancy and its initial terms, or until the end of the luteal phase. This is the norm for this phenomenon.

Normal corpus luteum size

It varies depending on the period. The size of the corpus luteum varies by day of the cycle. The doctor can observe the resulting gland during examination only after ovulation, before that there should be only follicles.

In the first few days of the cycle, they are no more than 4 millimeters. Before ovulation, they can reach 25 mm.

Differentfrom the yellow gland of the follicle with a homogeneous structure and smooth edges. After it breaks, and this happens on the 11-16th day of the menstrual cycle, a temporary gland begins to form, the size of which is difficult to determine at this stage. Further, after the onset of vascularization, this becomes possible. The size of the corpus luteum on the days of the cycle should normally reach 30 millimeters, but no more. However, when the follicle ruptures, it should not be less than 10 mm, otherwise this situation indicates a gland deficiency, which is the cause of infertility.

The size of the corpus luteum by day of the cycle after ovulation normally looks like this:

  • 13-18 days - 15-20 mm.
  • 18-21 days - 18-20 mm.
  • 21-24 days - 20-27 mm.
  • 25-29 days - 10-15 mm.

These figures apply to women who have a menstrual cycle of 28-29 days, so the data above is an average.

For example, the size of the corpus luteum on the 20th day of the cycle is normally 18-19 mm.


There are situations in medical practice when the presence of a gland does not correspond to its average values. This is preceded by any conditions and factors. Deviations are possible in the presence of a cyst or insufficiency of the corpus luteum.

If ultrasound shows an increase in the diameter of the gland, then the doctor will have assumptions of neoplasms. Their nature is a cyst. This pathology occurs with a hormonal failure and disappears without any help after a few menstrual cycles.

Cyst over 40millimeters requires treatment or surgery such as laparoscopy.

If the formation is more than 60 mm, then there is no way to do without surgical methods, since its rupture is possible.

With small sizes of the corpus luteum on the days of the cycle, hormone therapy and long-term treatment are required due to the fact that most often these indicators are the cause of infertility.

drug therapy
drug therapy

Gynecological symptoms

For some menstrual disorders and pain, the situation is not always complicated by the manifestations of any serious diseases, but still requires a doctor's consultation, as well as an examination such as ultrasound.

An example of deviations is the corpus luteum on the 18th day of the cycle, less than 16 millimeters in size, since it will not produce the proper amount of progesterone, and when planning a pregnancy, this leads to disastrous consequences.

Symptoms of enlargement of formations are as follows:

  • Pain in one of the ovaries, different in character.
  • Last period more than 6 days.
  • Pain in the mammary glands, which previously did not bother.
  • Increase in basal body temperature.
  • Feeling of pain discomfort in the groin or lower back.

This symptomatology indicates the presence of a cyst.

ovulation period
ovulation period

Medical advice

Regular check-ups (once a year, and if possible, once every six months) and timely diagnosis are the mainrecommendation of all experts.

Avoid all kinds of pelvic injuries, take care of your he alth and lead a he althy lifestyle as much as possible.

cyst formation
cyst formation


Summing up, it is necessary to determine that the size of the corpus luteum is a diagnostic norm, which is reflected using ultrasound and CT. If there are any deviations from the known average sizes, pathology is often detected.

In most cases, an increase in the temporary gland indicates neoplasms such as functional cysts that do not require treatment, but you do not need to start such a process, a mandatory examination and supervision of a doctor is required.

Small or even insignificant size of the corpus luteum is the cause of hormonal failure, that is, an imbalance or some other gynecological disease that must be treated without fail.

An ultrasound examination is also necessary to prevent.

In modern medicine, there are a huge number of drugs that normalize the imbalance in the body of a woman, help prepare it for the upcoming pregnancy.