Women's he alth 2024, October

Ovulation Nausea: Causes, Description of Symptoms and Solutions

Ovulation Nausea: Causes, Description of Symptoms and Solutions

Nausea during ovulation can be a warning sign for every woman. This period is different for everyone, but generally speaking, a slight malaise cannot be called a separate disease, sometimes it indicates something more serious. A gynecologist will help to find out the cause and prescribe the correct treatment

HPV in women. Symptoms and consequences

HPV in women. Symptoms and consequences

One of the serious viral diseases is HPV. In women, the symptoms of this disease are often completely absent. This complicates the detection of the virus at an early stage of the disease

Gynecology in Samara: reviews, addresses

Gynecology in Samara: reviews, addresses

Gynecology in Samara will help all women with he alth problems. Many families owe the birth of he althy children to highly qualified specialists

Mammography - what kind of examination is this? How is a mammogram performed?

Mammography - what kind of examination is this? How is a mammogram performed?

Mammography is an examination of the mammary glands using a mammograph (X-ray machine). This procedure is the most common method of breast examination

Hypomenstrual syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatment

Hypomenstrual syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatment

What is hypomenstrual syndrome? The etiology of this disease, its symptoms and methods of treatment will be discussed in this article

"Angelik": reviews of women who took the drug and doctors

"Angelik": reviews of women who took the drug and doctors

“Angelik” is a hormonal drug that can eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of menopause. Is it so? What do doctors and women who take this remedy say?

The ovaries hurt - causes, recommendations

The ovaries hurt - causes, recommendations

Many women face the problem of ovarian pain. Often ladies do not pay attention to this, but there are those who think about it. In this article, we will take a closer look at the question: "Why do the ovaries hurt?"

Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, consultation with a gynecologist, possible effects on the fetus and treatment

Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, consultation with a gynecologist, possible effects on the fetus and treatment

Hyperthyroidism is a condition characterized by increased production of thyroid hormones. With this diagnosis, the level of hormones T3 and T4 increases in the blood, as a result of which metabolic processes are accelerated. It happens that such a pathology occurs during pregnancy, which can cause serious disturbances in the development of the child, since an excess of hormones can flow to him due to the placental circulation

Ureterocele in women: causes, symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods

Ureterocele in women: causes, symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods

Ureterocele in women is a disease associated with the overlap of the bladder and urinary canal with swollen venous areas and tissue deposits - tumors, cysts. This phenomenon is often congenital in nature and is classified as an anomaly in the development of the genitourinary system

Diaphragm - contraceptive: instructions, advantages and disadvantages, reviews

Diaphragm - contraceptive: instructions, advantages and disadvantages, reviews

Any method of protection is good at least because every woman can prevent an unplanned pregnancy. When a man does not want to use a condom, the partner can use a contraceptive diaphragm, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus

How to stop lactation naturally? Stop lactation

How to stop lactation naturally? Stop lactation

Cessation of breastfeeding is a very difficult psychological moment for both a woman and a child, so it deserves due attention. How to stop lactation naturally, will be written in this article

Mixed flora in a smear in women - what does it mean? Swab analyzes for flora: interpretation of the results

Mixed flora in a smear in women - what does it mean? Swab analyzes for flora: interpretation of the results

Analysis of the vaginal secretion is carried out from time to time to monitor the state of reproductive he alth, if there are complaints of itching and burning in the genital tract, during pregnancy or during menopause. The results allow an objective assessment of the number and percentage of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms

What to do if a clot remains in the uterus after childbirth?

What to do if a clot remains in the uterus after childbirth?

The birth of a child is a joyful and exciting moment. But with the advent of the baby, one should not forget about one's own well-being. In the first days after childbirth, a woman becomes more vulnerable. The body has experienced severe stress, and it needs strength to recover. Doctors pay special attention to the condition of the reproductive organ

Stitches after caesarean section: what to do?

Stitches after caesarean section: what to do?

Caesarean section is a surgical operation aimed at removing the baby from the uterus through an incision in the abdomen

Phytotampons: reviews of women and gynecologists

Phytotampons: reviews of women and gynecologists

Medicinal phytotampons were created specifically to maintain women's he alth. Reviews of many women note that they effectively cure thrush and many other gynecological diseases. Their composition is based on the foundations of ancient Chinese medicine. Products help ladies cure many gynecological diseases, restore the vaginal microflora and normalize the hormonal environment. Have antibacterial properties

Medical tampons: reviews of doctors, instructions

Medical tampons: reviews of doctors, instructions

Medicated tampons are often used in gynecological therapy along with traditional pharmaceuticals. You can find such a tool in finished form or make it yourself, pre-soaked with oils (decoction of medicinal herbs, medical solutions and ointments). When choosing this method of treatment, it is worth remembering the mandatory consultation with a gynecologist

Biochemical screening: to do or not?

Biochemical screening: to do or not?

Biochemical screening is an important test that all pregnant women need to undergo. It will help in the early stages to identify the risk of fetal pathologies and begin timely treatment

Unicornuate uterus: causes of development, diagnosis, treatment

Unicornuate uterus: causes of development, diagnosis, treatment

One-horned uterus with a rudimentary horn is the cause of the development of various diseases of the reproductive organs. That is why women with similar complaints need 2D and 3D ultrasound

How long after giving birth does my period start? Menstrual cycle after childbirth

How long after giving birth does my period start? Menstrual cycle after childbirth

The question that worries almost all new mothers: "How long after giving birth do periods begin?" This is not surprising, because it is the menstrual cycle that, as a rule, is a guide to the state of women's he alth. We propose to understand in more detail the topic of when menstruation should begin after childbirth, and find answers to the most common questions of young mothers

Urethral polyp in women: treatment, causes, symptoms

Urethral polyp in women: treatment, causes, symptoms

As you know, it is better to start treating all diseases as early as possible. And in order to detect them, it is necessary to periodically visit a medical facility and undergo appropriate examinations. This is the only way to prevent the development of serious diseases, from which no one is immune. One of these ailments is the polyp of the urethra in women. Treatment, causes and symptoms of this pathology, we will consider further

Cystitis: which doctor treats this disease in women?

Cystitis: which doctor treats this disease in women?

Many girls have experienced such an ailment as cystitis. Which doctor treats this disease in women, unfortunately, not everyone knows. We will figure out which doctor you should contact if you suspect that you have this disease

Ovarian wasting syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ovarian wasting syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Female infertility today is an urgent problem, as it is being diagnosed more and more often. Among its main causes, doctors distinguish inflammatory and endocrine diseases, adhesive process in the small pelvis. The inability to conceive may be associated with ovarian failure syndrome. This is a disorder in which the sex glands stop producing eggs. It is not normal and requires medical attention

Discoordination of labor: what is it, classification, causes and treatment

Discoordination of labor: what is it, classification, causes and treatment

Discoordination of labor activity is considered to be a rather complex and dangerous pathological condition that can provoke the occurrence of complications

Lactation crisis: signs, periods and timing

Lactation crisis: signs, periods and timing

Lactation crisis happens to almost every woman at least once during breastfeeding. This is an ordinary physiological phenomenon, which causes quite a lot of anxiety. That is why all nursing mothers need to be aware of the possible occurrence of such a situation, be prepared for it and know its usual duration, as well as the procedure

Ultrasound of the uterus: how they do it, what it shows, decoding the results

Ultrasound of the uterus: how they do it, what it shows, decoding the results

Modern diagnostics is not complete without ultrasound. You can confirm or refute the diagnosis using this procedure. This method allows you to look inside the human body and see what was previously impossible

Signs of missed pregnancy: how to recognize the danger?

Signs of missed pregnancy: how to recognize the danger?

You can recognize the signs of a missed pregnancy on your own, but even with any not very pleasant sensations that occur in any trimester, you should consult a doctor. The causes of fetal fading are, as a rule, in a not too he althy lifestyle

What antibiotics to drink after an abortion? Tips & Feedback

What antibiotics to drink after an abortion? Tips & Feedback

Do I need to take antibiotics after an abortion? How to reduce the likelihood of negative consequences for the body and avoid complications after surgery? We will talk about all this in our article

Prevention of abortion. Complication of abortion

Prevention of abortion. Complication of abortion

Prevention of abortion is an urgent issue, which, first of all, should convey the truth to humanity about the negative consequences of abortion for the physical and mental well-being of a woman. The article deals with popular measures for the prevention of abortions, the types of abortions are considered and the damage that this operation causes to the female body is indicated

Vacuum aspiration: indications, mechanism, possible complications

Vacuum aspiration: indications, mechanism, possible complications

Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity involves surgical intervention, which allows, by creating negative pressure, to remove the contents of the named organ. Most often, the procedure is carried out for the purpose of artificial termination of pregnancy for up to 6 weeks. At a later date, suction aspiration is called a mini-abortion. Vacuum aspiration of the uterus is carried out by two methods, which we will discuss below

Medicated abortion: how it goes, stages, consequences and reviews

Medicated abortion: how it goes, stages, consequences and reviews

Despite the huge choice of contraceptives, the problem of unplanned pregnancy is extremely relevant today. Few of today's families are really involved in planning the birth of a child. It is for this reason that the abortion service is constantly in demand

Female pelvis: anatomy, structure. MRI of the pelvic organs in women

Female pelvis: anatomy, structure. MRI of the pelvic organs in women

The human body consists of unique natural components, each of which performs its own functions. These include the structure of the human pelvis

When is a planned caesarean section done?

When is a planned caesarean section done?

If a mother or fetus has risks associated with natural childbirth, doctors prescribe a caesarean delivery. Since a cesarean section involves the removal of a child from a comfortable environment, where everything is adapted for him, into an alien and hostile environment of the outside world, the fetus must be sufficiently developed so that his body can breathe on its own, take and digest food, defecate, therefore, cesarean section is prescribed for certain gestational age

Does coconut oil help with stretch marks?

Does coconut oil help with stretch marks?

An effective remedy for stretch marks is of interest to every woman, regardless of whether she has them. And if you are preparing to become a mother, then they become a necessity. Today we will tell you about coconut oil for stretch marks and how to use it correctly

20 cycle day: is pregnancy possible

20 cycle day: is pregnancy possible

Quite often, women wonder if pregnancy is possible on a given day. In order to accurately verify the result, you need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor can conduct a series of studies and determine whether conception has occurred. This article will consider the 20th day of the cycle. You will find out if pregnancy is possible at this time

Yellowish discharge in women: causes and types

Yellowish discharge in women: causes and types

The condition of the female genital organs can be assessed by the nature and intensity of the secretions that are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. In the female vagina there are secretory glands, which contribute to the secretion of mucus. It is important for the formation of beneficial microflora, as well as moisturizing the mucosa

The conjugate is true, outer, diagonal. Dimensions of the small pelvis of a woman

The conjugate is true, outer, diagonal. Dimensions of the small pelvis of a woman

The article describes the parameters of the small pelvis that are important for obstetric practice (true conjugate, etc.). Attention is paid to such concepts as anatomically and clinically narrow pelvis: what is it and why these conditions are dangerous

Symptom of uterine prolapse. How to recognize pathology?

Symptom of uterine prolapse. How to recognize pathology?

Today we will talk about the symptom of uterine prolapse. This pathology is characterized by a displacement of the organ due to weakness of the muscles and ligaments, caused by a variety of reasons. About what exactly is at the heart of such an anomaly and how it manifests itself at different stages, we will tell in this article

Tubal infertility: its causes and methods of treatment

Tubal infertility: its causes and methods of treatment

About 30% of women face such a diagnosis as tubal infertility. This disease implies obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which is a natural obstacle to the penetration of the egg into the uterus. However, this state of affairs cannot be considered a verdict, and you should not give up ahead of time. As practice shows, in 80% of women with this diagnosis, attempts to cure lead to very positive results

Left-sided adnexitis: signs, diagnosis, consequences and features of treatment

Left-sided adnexitis: signs, diagnosis, consequences and features of treatment

Adnexitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the uterine appendages. Women under 30 are more susceptible to the disease. Most often, left-sided adnexitis is diagnosed, which tends to progress rapidly. If left untreated, a chronic stage of the disease can develop, which often leads to infertility

Abundant periods: reasons for what to do

Abundant periods: reasons for what to do

Heavy periods are a real problem for a girl. Normally, menstruation lasts up to 7 days, and up to 150 milliliters of blood is lost. But some girls are different