The result of fluorography helps specialists to decipher not only tuberculosis with oncology, but also other pathological manifestations in the organ. To conduct such a study, it is not necessary to have any indications, but you can perform, for example, an x-ray of the lungs simply for preventive purposes. So, let's start with the question of preparing for this procedure. After how much the result of fluorography will be ready, we will tell below.

Preparation and arrangements
In order to conduct such an examination, the patient does not need to undergo training. It is necessary to come at the specified time to take a picture. At the same time, one should never forget that an increase in the diaphragm can significantly affect the results of the examination. Therefore, it must be taken on an empty stomach.
Before the x-ray, you will need to undress to the waist in a special room, remembering to remove jewelry. Women who have long hair will need to raise it above neck level, fixing it withrubber bands or some kind of hairpins. The examination may consist of the following:
- As a general rule, the person should wear a protective apron.
- The patient is asked to enter the booth, then stand on a special stand, then you need to press your chest tightly against the screen of the apparatus.
- At the right time, the doctor gives the command to hold the air, and then not breathe for a while, which usually does not cause any inconvenience.
- When holding the breath, the device is turned on and it photographs the patient's chest.
- Then comes a command from the doctor that you can begin to breathe freely and are allowed to leave the cabin.
After the procedure, the person is dressed and instructed when they need to come for the results of the fluoroscopy. If there is a need to take pictures from different projections, photographing is done several times. The patient is then asked to snuggle up to the screen at various angles. How is this exploratory analysis transcribed?

Deciphering fluorography
During X-ray diagnostics, fluorescent microscopic particles are produced that penetrate the lung tissue and are transferred to the film. The result of fluorography is a drawing of the lungs. The presence of a pathological process in them is indicated by various changes displayed on the film:
- Lack of clear contours of the organ.
- Presence of focal prints.
- The presence of focused darkspots.
- The emergence of segment mappings.
- Appearance of increased lobar imprint in root zones.
If one of these types of blackouts is detected, patients are assigned an additional study in the form of a detailed radiograph, which consists in obtaining a chest image in different projections. Qualified radiologists are responsible for interpreting the results of fluorography in numbers to avoid making erroneous final diagnoses.
The detection of a focal spot up to ten millimeters in a person may indicate a problem in the vascular system, the occurrence of oncological pathology, a violation of the functional activity of the respiratory system, and so on. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a method such as computed tomography, and you will also need a laboratory study of sputum.
The presence on the x-ray of a single spot, which is triangular in shape and has a clear border, indicates the presence of a foreign body in the lungs, a consequence of trauma or endobronchial formation.
Features of the interpretation of the result of fluorography
An x-ray image can be interpreted by a doctor in different ways, for example, a changed shape of the diaphragm indicates formed adhesions in the chest or a disease of the digestive organs (this can be the esophagus, stomach, liver, intestines). The conclusion might be:
- If the roots of the patient's lungs are compacted and expanded, then the presence of bronchial asthma is quite possible,bronchitis or pneumonia.
- The presence of stringy roots characterizes an exacerbation of bronchitis or excessive smoking.
- The severity of the vascular picture is evidence of problems in the corresponding system. Bronchitis, pneumonia, the formation of a tumor-like formation, and the like are quite possible.
- The presence of focal spots in a patient is possible in the presence of tuberculosis or an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract. In such cases, the patient needs to be additionally diagnosed.
- Blackout with a clearly defined border indicates past pneumonia or tuberculosis.
Table for decoding the results of fluorography is presented in the article.

In which case do doctors write “normal” in the conclusion?
The result is interpreted as “normal” if the image does not show any pathological darkening along with displacements in the lungs and heart. When performing a good fluorography, as a rule, the heart is very clearly visible. The size of the organ in the photo is not enlarged. In the event that the lungs are completely he althy, then clear lung fields, a bronchial tree and shadows of the ribs will be transmitted. Normally, the so-called roots are uniform and not very branched.
Description of such a result contains the following values:
- In the patient's lungs without focal and infiltrative changes.
- The lateral sinuses are free.
- Shadow of the heart is not expanded.
- Breast cell organs without anyvisible pathologies.

How soon is the result ready?
Many are interested in when the results of fluorography are issued.
Such research, as a rule, does not require a long wait. Typically, the results of the diagnosis are reported the next day. You can get the results of fluorography at the point of issue of tests or from your doctor.
What do the results mean?
Filmed lung diseases are usually distinguished by shading. They are of various types. For example, darkening may indicate the presence of fluid, organs may not have a clear boundary, there may be focal prints and segmental displays. Focused spots and grain marks on the film cannot be ruled out.

In case of detection of pathogenic spots, the doctor prescribes an additional X-ray detailed examination. It consists in the fact that, as already mentioned, the patient's chest is photographed in different projections. Only an experienced radiologist should decipher such a picture in order to avoid possible errors in the diagnosis. Now let's talk about the features of the results of such an analysis in cigarette lovers.
What does a smoker's FLG result mean?
Features of the interpretation of the result in a smoker
Modern science has repeatedly proven that even one smoked cigarette can cause a number ofcertain pathological changes. That is why all passive and active smokers who regularly inhale the air with tobacco smoke should have their lungs examined at least once a year.

Very often, patients who abuse smoking are quite skeptical about such a diagnostic method as fluorography. But on the other hand, the timely detection of such a dangerous disease as pneumonia will make it possible to avoid the occurrence of many serious complications in the future.
Smokers observe the presence of a thickening of the lung tissue structure along with the accumulation of fluid in their cavity or the formation of tumor-like neoplasms. In this case, a course of therapeutic measures is urgently carried out aimed at removing the patient from the risk zone.
How to find out the result of fluorography?
What can you see in the picture?
After the procedure, the doctor determines various pulmonary anomalies from the pictures. Here are the main deviations from them. These can be adhesions along with fibrosis, stratification, sclerosis, radiance, and scarring.
If the patient is asthmatic, the image will show a violation in the form of a swollen bronchial wall, which appears due to excessive tension. Also in such pictures you can find a cyst along with abscesses, calcifications, emphysema and cancers.

Positive and negative aspects of diagnosing through x-rays
WhenThe described examination process places a certain burden on the human body. It is determined by x-rays directed inside a person. Therefore, such a diagnosis is prescribed only on the prescription of a doctor, and it is carried out under the close attention of medical staff. Fluorography has until now occupied and occupies a leading position among the methods for detecting pathologies in the human body. This is due to a number of advantages of such a procedure:
- Affordable cost, that is, it is affordable for every person. It can always be passed without any special problems in any district clinic. With the advent of digital technology, it was no longer necessary to purchase film in order to take pictures. They immediately enter the database, and the doctor can study them in detail through the monitor.
- The speed of the procedure is another plus. It lasts only a few minutes, without requiring an appointment with radiologists. The results of the examination are prepared in just a day, after which patients receive coupons for passing the diagnostics in their hands.
- X-ray beam does not cause pain. Before undergoing the procedure, the patient does not need to inject with an anesthetic. The downside is the cold parts of the device, which you need to cling to with your naked body.
- High information content is another advantage. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to detect terrible diseases at an early stage of development.
The only drawback of this techniqueis the harmful effects of X-rays on the human body. But in the event that the diagnosis is carried out with strict observance of the appropriate standards, then the negative impact, as a rule, is not felt. In addition, speaking about what the result of fluorography means, it should be noted that it cannot provide enough information to the doctor when examining a patient's chest. It can determine the focus of pathology, and the final diagnosis is established to the patient only after additional studies.

In conclusion
Thus, absolutely every person is required to undergo the named preventive examination annually. This will enable medical staff to detect the early stage of dangerous pathologies such as tuberculosis and tumor-like formations. The study of the general state of he alth of patients is carried out according to the final data of the studies. The fact is that deciphering the results of fluorography allows doctors to assess the general condition of the lungs.