Condylomas in women: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Condylomas in women: types, causes, symptoms and treatment
Condylomas in women: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Most sexually active people are infected with one or many viruses at once. There are more than 100 types of formations on the body (warts) and on intimate places in women. This virus is widespread and has a high degree of contagiousness. When warts are damaged, they become infected, accompanied by secretions with a not very pleasant smell, an itchy feeling and painful sensations. When asked about the danger of warts in women, doctors answer: by the fact that they become malignant. Pathology is sexually transmitted.

Condylomas - what is it?

Condylomas are one of the types of viral warts, which are some kind of papillary formations on a stem, tending to cluster. A sort of colonies that most often occur and cause discomfort on the genitals and their areas, problems in intimate relationships.

These small formations on the skin and mucous membranes look like tumors. The pathology has a chronic, relapsing course, which spreads strongly, is also characterized by high sensitivity.

Condylomas in women are dangerous
Condylomas in women are dangerous

Risk group for neoplasms and bleeding

Condylomas are easierget infected if a person has:

  1. Past STDs.
  2. Free sexual behavior.
  3. Reduced immunity, lack of vitamins, frequent stress.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Vaginal dysbacteriosis.

How it can leak:

  1. Self-healing.
  2. Lack of momentum.
  3. Increased warts.
  4. Malignant degeneration of warts.

Formations are characterized by degrees of risk, such as:

  1. Non-oncogenic.
  2. Low risk.
  3. Medium risk.
  4. High risk.

At medium and high risk, there is a possibility of cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer. It is transmitted from one person to another. The infection can be secretive, as the right amount of virus must accumulate in the cells in order for symptoms to occur.

After entering the body, the virus first infects epithelial cells.


There are these types of genital warts in women:

  1. Papular warts that are dark red in color, dome-shaped and smooth. They are located on completely keratinized epithelium.
  2. Giant condyloma - begins to develop with reduced immunity, during pregnancy.
  3. Endourethral warts - develop in the urethra in men. Modern methods of treatment are not able to completely cure any type of genital warts, especially since it is impossible to guarantee the complete absence of recurrence of genital warts. It is necessary to undergo virological control of the degreetreatment of warts, and women are recommended an annual histological examination.
Wide warts in women
Wide warts in women

Causes of warts in women

The main cause of genital warts is the human papillomavirus. Most sexually active women have warts. In childhood, the virus can enter the body through abrasions. And it is possible to detect it only during a routine examination and testing by a gynecologist.

What are the main causes of human papillomavirus infection?

This is:

  1. Lack of contraception with new partners.
  2. Smoking (constant use of nicotine reduces the body's immune functions, and a woman becomes more susceptible to infection).
  3. Unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the virus.
  4. Poor hygiene.
  5. Disturbances in the body in the postpartum period.
  6. Weakened immunity due to previous diseases (long-term use of antibiotics, beriberi, HIV infection, malnutrition, cancer).
  7. Hormonal failure in the body, lack of timely treatment.

The most common method of infection with the human papillomavirus and, as a result, the appearance of condyloma in women in the perineum, is through unprotected sex with carriers of the disease.

A baby can get infected from the mother while passing through the birth canal (if there are formations on the mucous membranes), so the safest solution is a caesarean section. Some experts claim thatit is possible to become infected by household means, but at the moment there is no scientific justification for this theory.

Symptoms of genital warts in women

The symptoms of genital warts are quite simple, no special tests are needed to detect them.

You should see a gynecologist if:

  1. Found an uncharacteristic outgrowth on the skin in the area of the labia or anus, resembling a cauliflower in appearance.
  2. Experiencing itching and burning or pain in the genital area.
  3. A foul-smelling liquid comes out of the seal in the genital area. There is a feeling of moisture.
  4. There was bleeding and pain in the area of condyloma.

If the disease is not treated, then over time, all these symptoms increase. When condyloma has formed on the cervix, in the vagina or urethra, it is more difficult to diagnose the disease on your own. It is also difficult to detect warts flat.

However, there are also common symptoms:

  • difficult or even painful urination;
  • pain occurs in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during intercourse.

Regular examination by a gynecologist will diagnose the disease at an early stage and prevent it from developing into a malignant tumor.

woman at the reception
woman at the reception

Forms of warts

If we talk about the classification of genital warts depending on their shape, size and direction of growth, then in modern medicine there are three main forms:

  • exophytic;
  • endophytic;
  • giant condyloma (tumor)Bushke-Levenshtein.

As for exophytic, genital warts, as a rule, occur on the mucous membranes. Most often, the location of such warts is the mucous membrane of the genital organs. This is especially true for women in whom the clitoris, labia, and vagina are susceptible to infection. In men, the scrotum area is at risk, as well as the entire surface of the penis. Rarely, condyloma occurs on the mucous membrane of the urethra. Also, genital warts can occur on the oral mucosa.

Elements of warts of the endophytic form are of three types:

  1. Flat warts in women. Despite the clear contours, they are practically invisible visually due to the fact that they do not rise above the level of the epithelium.
  2. Inverted. Outwardly similar to flat and often combined with them. They differ in their ability to grow into the underlying tissues.
  3. Atypical. They are small spike-like growths on the mucous epithelium, which makes its surface appear mottled.

Buschke-Levenshtein condyloma is a rare pathology that usually occurs on the anogenital area, but can form on almost any surface, both skin and mucous. It is a fast growing exophytic formation similar to cauliflower.

Diagnosis of genital warts

A person who notices strange-looking growths should see a specialist. The doctor conducts a survey of those who apply to him and prescribes a number of procedures that will help clarify the situation.

For holdingcondyloma diagnostics needed:

  • clinical examination;
  • ureteroscopy;
  • examination of a smear from the cervical canal;
  • histological examination;
  • PCR;
  • An immunologist's test for the presence of antibodies in the blood.

Condylomas in men often have a pointed shape. Tumor growths are confused with a papular necklace, which is accepted as the limit of normal formations on the penis.

In women, pointed papilloma is also confused with another type of tumor growths. For example, they are mistaken for micropapillomatosis if the formation is formed on the labia.

When, during the examination of a patient, a doctor suspects that he is dealing with genital warts, the specialist must conduct a series of additional tests and examinations. This is done in order to exclude the possibility of misdiagnosis and to obtain confirmation that the tumor growth is not a consequence of other diseases. Example: molluscum contagiosum, condyloma lata, provided the patient has syphilis.

Wide warts in women
Wide warts in women

Surgical Therapy

Condylomas are treatable only at an early stage of the disease, but even a young process is recommended to be removed by surgery rather than waiting until the tumor becomes large. An attempt to get rid of warts by other methods may not lead to the desired result, and drug treatment helps to accelerate the falling off of the process.

Creams, ointments, tablets areancillary therapies before or after surgery.

The human body does not develop immunity to HPV, so relapses often occur.

Removal of warts in women under local anesthesia occurs in several ways:

  • laser coagulation;
  • cryolysis;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio knife.

During laser coagulation, the affected area is treated with a neodymium laser (or carbon dioxide). Tissues are killed, evaporated, leaving a dry crust, a scab is formed.

Radioknife with the help of radio waves quickly removes the processes of warts, there is practically no pain during the operation.

Cryodestruction - freezing of the tumor process with liquid nitrogen. The method is prohibited for use by women who do not have children, who have never given birth.

Electrocoagulation - condyloma is removed by exposing it to electricity through an electro-knife. A high frequency current flows through this tool.

For any type of removal of genital warts, local freezing of the affected area is used with the help of drugs: Podophyllin, Ferezol, Imiquimod, etc.

In order for the removal of the build-up to be as painless as possible and there was no trace of condyloma, before surgery, the affected area is prepared for surgery. For two to three weeks, lubricate the sore spot with ointments or tinctures that help burn warts. The leg of the build-up narrows, becomes thinner, as a result of which the stain after removal of the processsmaller, the skin is smooth, without a rough surface.

After surgery, a course of medication is performed to improve the immune system. This is done in order to protect the human body from relapse. Cases when condylomas grow again on the affected areas after surgery reach up to 30%. However, if warts are removed in time, combining it with drug treatment, then new recurrent formations are reduced to zero.

Responding to the appearance of tumor processes in the genital area should be quick so as not to start the disease to the point where the percentage of recurrence of neoplasms will be large.

Types of genital warts in women
Types of genital warts in women

Drug therapy

Condylomas are treated with medication only when they have not reached a large size.

Patients treat themselves at home, purchasing drugs in pharmacies on the recommendation of the attending physician.

After the examination, the gynecologist decides what kind of treatment or drug will be effective for the grown condyloma. The following drugs are used:

  • "Podophyllotoxin";
  • "Solcoderm";
  • antiviral therapy to increase immunity with Meglumine, Likopid, Immunomax, Panavir;
  • "Isoprinosine";
  • Imiquad cream.

Solutions of "Condilin" (podophyllotoxin) and "Solcoderma" are used for multiple formations of small pointedgrowths. Drugs work on the principle of cauterization. Eliminating the focus of inflammation, the drug contributes to the destruction of bacteria, resulting in a decrease in the leg on which the condyloma is held. Over time, the leg dries out completely, the formation disappears. After treatment, there may be a relapse. The situation recurs in 30% of patients, but if the treatment is continued, then over time the probability of relapse is reduced to zero in a particular patient. To avoid relapse, doctors recommend carefully monitoring the state of the level of immunity. It plays a significant role in protecting against the virus.

Isoprinosine is considered one of the good drugs against warts. The tablets contain inosine pranobex, which acts as an active substance.

They take pills inside with papillomas. The dosage of the medication is calculated by the attending physician.

Tablets from genital warts
Tablets from genital warts

Don't take Isoprinosine if the patient is sick:

  • gout;
  • has increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • for hyperuricemia.

Cream "Imiquad" contains an active substance called imiquimod. Used to treat small genital warts. The cream is used three times a day. With each application, it is applied to the diseased area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and left overnight. In the morning, the affected area is washed with clean water. After each contact with the ointment, wash your hands thoroughly. Ingestion of the ointment is not recommended.

Antiviral therapy starts aftermain treatment. The goal is to prevent relapse. The drugs are aimed at increasing the strengthening of immunity.

Also there is medicine in injections. They are used to treat herpes, but also with condylomas, there is a positive result at the end of the treatment course.

Condylomas in pregnant women are treated only after the baby is born.

Condylomas in women
Condylomas in women

Folk ways to fight the disease

It is recommended to treat warts in women with folk methods only if it is recommended by a specialist observing the patient. At the same time, alternative treatment is not the main one, but complementary, stimulating.

Genital and wide warts in women are cauterized at home with tinctures of celandine, propolis, fresh celandine juice. Tinctures should be used with caution, as skin burns are obtained from these agents. Contact of tinctures and juice of celandine with the skin should be frequent, but short. Making lotions from tampons is not recommended. It is enough to moisten the skin area with tincture and let the solution dry, then put on clothes.

You can also use iodine to neutralize the affected area. It relieves inflammation, heals small cracks. It is impossible to abuse iodine. With frequent use, iodine burns the skin, it cracks, the epithelium exfoliates in pieces.

There are two more ways to heal an inflamed area of skin with warts or papilloma.

Raw egg: white is chosen from it, the yolk is not needed. The protein is stirred until smooth, so that itdid not stretch with threads and flagella, then the mass is applied to condyloma and nearby skin areas. Let dry. Repeat the procedure several times in a row. They keep the egg on the condyloma for an hour or two, after which I wash off the protein with clean water.

The second variant of the gentle cauterization-drying method is onion with vinegar. Finely chop one medium onion, add a teaspoon of vinegar. Insist for two hours, the liquid is drained. The resulting mixture of onions is applied to the affected area, covered with gauze, and fixed with a plaster to the body. After 7 days, the cauterization course is completed regardless of the result. Further exposure to onion with vinegar will harm the skin.

When resorting to the folk method of treating genital warts in women, you must remember: these are aids. Cauterization of the process is done with the expectation that the condyloma will fall off and there will be no need for surgical intervention. However, there are no scientific statements in this direction. The benefit of cauterization has not been proven. At the same time, there remains a risk of cauterizing not condyloma, but a skin area that the patient will lubricate with tinctures and mixtures. However, if you use cauterization two weeks before surgery, it will lead to a better result in that the leg of the condyloma will become thinner, the trace of tumor removal will be smaller.
