The market leader in fat burning supplements, which has rapidly gained its popularity, today is the Liquid Chestnut weight loss product. Contraindications, however, it has quite serious, associated with a powerful stimulating effect of its components. Chief among them is guaranine, a type of caffeine. It is a member of the purine alkaloid family (together with theine and mateine).

Powder from the dried fruits of the Amazonian creeper is a rather powerful energy drink, exceeding the effect of ordinary coffee by 2-3 times, it gives inexhaustible strength and lightness necessary for an active life and weight loss. But not everyone can use it for weight loss. For whom can taking the Liquid Chestnut slimming remedy be a panacea? And who should choose safer paths to slim figure?
What is known today about the Amazon Guarana food supplement, or"Liquid chestnut"? How to take a miracle product?
Despite the different packaging design of these identical products, inside the jars is the same brown powder obtained from the dried fruit of the Brazilian or Amazonian creeper.

Why is this remedy called Liquid Chestnut? How should it be taken by people trying to comfortably lose weight? The annotation to the popular dietary supplement states that it should be taken orally, diluted in liquid drinks, first courses or sparse cereals. The dosage, according to the recommendations of the product manufacturers, includes taking "Liquid Chestnut" twice a day, 0.5 teaspoons, but only in the morning. Compote, juice, smoothie cocktail can be an excellent basis for an energy drink. But coffee or tea (of any strength) is prohibited for use along with the Liquid Chestnut remedy. The instruction warns that this can cause nausea, dizziness, vomiting, a sharp jump in pressure. Such experiments are especially dangerous before training or intense physical labor.

In addition, the manufacturers of the super popular product recommend taking it half an hour before the main meal, diluting 0.5 tsp. powder in 100 ml of water or "zero" yogurt. Additionally, there is no need to drink Liquid Chestnut, as it enters the body along with water or other moisture. For weight loss, "Amazon Guarana" is used in courses: after two to three months of "caffeine therapy"you need to take at least a three-week break. This will protect the body from possible addiction to external stimulants. For the same purpose, you should not combine two daily doses of guaranine into one. Doing so may result in side effects or markedly higher than the recommended dose, which may cause significant harm to he alth.
In advertising - a miracle drug, but in reality?.
There is an erroneous opinion among unscrupulous sellers of this sensational weight loss product that there are no contraindications when using the Liquid Chestnut food supplement. But this is far from true. Firstly, guaranine - the main component of "Liquid Chestnut" - in combination with theophylline and theobromine can become a real poison for losing weight if consumed without consulting a doctor.

Especially dangerous is the uncontrolled intake of Amazonian guarana powder at one's own discretion, when, wanting to quickly lose weight, a person independently increases the dosage or prescribes a long course for himself. Moreover, in pursuit of profit, ubiquitous marketers often keep silent about the negative effects of food additives, limiting themselves to two or three types of ailments: cardiovascular problems, including hypertension, liver and kidney diseases, epilepsy and other mental disorders. From he althy people who are overweight, Amazonian "Liquid Chestnut" should not be consumed by: pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of 16 years. Taking a Stimulant Dietary Supplement Can Invigorateand increase activity in he althy people who want to reduce their weight. How to protect yourself from the possible negative consequences of using a powerful energy drink?
Who is not recommended to lose weight with Brazilian guarana?
In the description of the mega-popular drug Liquid Chestnut, the contraindications are as follows: cardiovascular diseases (including persistent hypertension, myocardial infarction or hemorrhagic stroke, heart rhythm disturbances), epilepsy, pregnancy and lactation. In an extended list of prohibitions, you can find blood clotting disorders, intolerance to individual components of the product, glaucoma, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (including ulcerative lesions), kidney and liver pathology, thyroid dysfunction and other endocrine disorders, atherosclerosis, increased nervous excitability associated with a violation sleep.

In addition, "Liquid chestnut" can harm the elderly and children. The use of psychotropic drugs, sedatives and antidepressants in people suffering from mental disorders also excludes losing weight with such a powerful energy drink as Liquid Chestnut.
Beware of side effects
When taking the manufacturer's recommended dose of Liquid Chestnut, the instruction states that there are extremely rare cases of adverse events. However, uncontrolled intake of guaranine can lead to increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, heart pain, heart failure, chest heat, sweating, tinnitus, visual impairment,headache, psychomotor agitation, rapid breathing, muscle tremors, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, sleep disturbances, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Despite the large list of side effects, it should be noted that they occur most often only due to an overdose of guaranine. "Liquid Chestnut", the use of which is limited to one teaspoon or two measuring spoons included in the kit and making up the recommended daily amount of powder, is absolutely safe for he althy people.
How to prevent side effects?
To avoid complications after taking Liquid Chestnut slimming product, you must pay attention to the seller's reputation in advance and do not buy the product in suspicious or unfamiliar places. The mega-popularity of Amazonian guarana powder also has the opposite effect - there is a high risk of acquiring a fake. In addition, "Liquid Chestnut", the instruction to which calls not to overeat and give up junk food, is not a fat-burning tool. It only gives energy and ease for training, during which the main process of thermolipolysis occurs.

Therefore, a large amount of high-calorie food is not compatible with the intake of exotic plant extract. "Liquid chestnut", the instruction of which contains strict warnings, should also not be used against the background of therapy with sedatives (antidepressants, psychotropic and sedative substances). When prescribing these drugs,tell your doctor about your diet and supplementation. When preparing a cocktail for weight loss, you need to carefully choose the basis for it and strictly follow the recipe. At the slightest discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the intestines and temporarily exclude the Amazonian "Liquid Chestnut" from the diet.
Myth one about the individual properties of "Liquid Chestnut" or "Amazon Guarana"
One of the most mysterious principles of action of the drug "Liquid chestnut" nutritionists call its fat-burning properties. Guaranine, which is part of the dietary supplement, is fortified with theophylline and theobromine, which help to prolong the invigorating, caffeine-like effect. During physical exertion, this allows you to stimulate the process of thermolipolysis (fat breakdown), prolong the training time, burning more and more calories.

At the same time, one should not hope that by taking "Liquid Chestnut", contraindications to the use of which must be strictly taken into account, eating fast food and other high-calorie foods, continuing to lead a sedentary lifestyle, you can lose any number of kilograms. At best, due to the diuretic and relaxing effect of theophylline, the body will get rid of excess fluid. The fat mass will remain the same. Only training will help reduce its amount.
Myth two
For lovers of urgent weight loss due to strict diets and a lean diet, Liquid Chestnut will help you achieve the desired results even faster. In this case, nutritionists warn that suchexperimenting on your body can lead to a hospital bed. Guaranin has properties identical to caffeine, being the most powerful stimulant of gastric secretion, which irritates the mucous membrane of the organ and can lead to its ulceration. During weight loss with Liquid Chestnut, you must adhere to a balanced and regular diet.
Myth 3
Marketers say that "Liquid chestnut", the photo of which shows a brown powder, can improve he alth. Nutritionists, in turn, doubt, since this remedy is not prescribed by doctors for any diseases. However, it is known, thanks to medical research, that caffeine and guaranine improve memory, stimulate cognitive abilities in young people and retirees, and are useful for chronic fatigue syndrome. They also help to improve a person's condition during weight loss, cheer him up and improve mood.
Fourth myth
"Amazon Guarana" or "Liquid Chestnut" can be consumed for as long as you like. Caffeine is known to be addictive over time. Guaranin, theine and mateine are its synonyms, their various names only correspond to the plants from which these substances are obtained. Therefore, long-term use of "Liquid Chestnut" may also be addictive and require an increase in dose.

Therefore, after completing a course of weight loss with this remedy, it is necessary to stop taking it constantly. You also need to limit its use for sleep disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and anxiety.condition.
Myth 5
Lovers of skin rejuvenation with natural remedies add "Liquid Chestnut" to home cosmetics and leave positive feedback about its action. In fact, this can lead to irritation, dryness, flaking of the skin and various inflammations, including acne.
Expert Opinion
Despite the numerous contraindications to the use of the "Liquid Chestnut" food supplement, the rules for careful handling of a powerful energy drink, this remedy has gained a large army of fans who have successfully reduced their weight with its help. A preliminary medical examination before starting active weight loss with guaranine will help to significantly reduce the risk of possible contraindications. Strict adherence to the dosage and time of taking the "miracle product" will protect the nervous system from overload. Feeling energized and wanting to move will help you actively lose weight. If you follow the instructions for such a common drug and the recommendations of nutritionists, the result will not be long in coming!