A swollen lymph node in the neck is a cause for serious concern

A swollen lymph node in the neck is a cause for serious concern
A swollen lymph node in the neck is a cause for serious concern

A swollen lymph node in the neck is the main symptom of lymphadenitis. A number of factors can provoke the development of this disease. Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the cause that served as its catalyst.

swollen lymph node in the neck
swollen lymph node in the neck

Key Features

As noted above, the main symptom of lymphadenitis is an enlarged lymph node in the neck. In addition, the inflammatory process is accompanied by a sensation of itching. The skin around the bump becomes dark red and sore. There may be an increase in temperature. Often, only one of the listed symptoms is pronounced, the rest are mild or not manifested at all. Pain disturbs the patient quite rarely.


So, why one morning a person discovers that he has an enlarged lymph node in his neck? There can be many reasons for this, ranging from an infection that has entered the body to oncological diseases. We list the main ones:

  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • laryngeal cancer;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • disturbedmetabolism;
  • all kinds of allergic reactions;
  • ARI, SARS, influenza and other respiratory diseases.
  • enlarged lymph node in the neck
    enlarged lymph node in the neck

Thus, you can make sure that an inflamed lymph node in the neck can appear both due to completely harmless diseases, and due to diseases that threaten a person's life. Therefore, when it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In order to make a correct diagnosis, the specialist will first resort to the method of palpation. If the examination does not give an unambiguous result, the doctor will prescribe such examinations as taking a histological analysis of the affected area, biopsy of an enlarged lymph node, MRI, X-ray, and finally a CT scan.


An inflamed lymph node in the neck, if not cured in time, can bring a lot of trouble to its owner. To avoid this, be sure to carry out therapy under the supervision of a doctor. Remember that self-medication and folk recipes can only harm. This is explained by the fact that a warm compress is appropriate and useful for colds, and, for example, with a tumor, heating the affected area of the neck will only aggravate the situation.

enlarged lymph node in the neck
enlarged lymph node in the neck

Pay close attention to your diet. Your diet should include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, and it is also recommended to drink at least two liters of water per day. Vitamin and mineral complexes and green tea are very useful. If an inflamed lymph node in the neck is one of the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, rinsing the mouth with medicinal herbal decoctions will help relieve the inflammatory process.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is quite preventable. Doctors advise, first of all, to beware of viral infections. Try not to overwork, do not allow hypothermia of the body, beware of drafts. During seasonal flu epidemics, be sure to wear a gauze bandage, do not neglect hardening procedures. All these simple precautions will keep you he althy.
