How to do chamomile douching at home?

How to do chamomile douching at home?
How to do chamomile douching at home?

In the treatment of most gynecological diseases, douching is used. In some cases, it can act as the main treatment, in others - auxiliary. And most often - this is douching with chamomile. A safe, effective remedy that helps in a variety of situations.

chamomile douching
chamomile douching

What is the procedure

This is a simple and convenient way of treatment that a woman can resort to on her own. It is a washing of the internal genital organs with a special pear or syringe. You can also use a large syringe without a needle, only the procedure in this case is longer.

Do not self-medicate

Many perceive douching with chamomile as a simple way of treatment and prevention. That is, they often begin to perform the procedure simply “just in case”. But every woman should be aware that only a specialist should prescribe her, otherwise such actions will only aggravate the condition.

First of all, remember that douching with chamomile is not allowedjust do it. Water or solution changes the environment of the vagina, which contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Of course, one douching will not entail serious consequences. But doing them regularly, on an ongoing basis, you risk.

douching with chamomile at home
douching with chamomile at home

Doctors' opinion

It must be said that each specialist prescribes treatment based on his experience and understanding. Douching with chamomile is not recommended by all doctors. And the main argument of opponents is that the he althy microflora of the vagina is washed out. If the procedure is prescribed, then strictly for a certain time.

Practice suggests that douching with thrush, performed without a system, can contribute to the development of dysbacteriosis. Do not douche before visiting a doctor, as this can seriously distort the clinical picture.

Not an ordinary flower

The presence of various trace elements in the composition allows the widespread use of chamomile even in cosmetology. But gynecologists took it into service much earlier. This is due to some sedative effect. These procedures somewhat calm the patients and reduce the intensity of discomfort, if they were pronounced. In addition, chamomile provides:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain relief.
chamomile douching at home how to do
chamomile douching at home how to do


Douching with chamomile in gynecology is often prescribed in the treatmentfungal diseases. Such irrigation is designed to restore the acid-base environment in the vagina, they are effective in a number of other diseases. For which diseases is this prescription recommended:

  • thrush;
  • erosion;
  • a variety of inflammatory processes.

That is, the spectrum of diseases is very wide. That is why the practice takes place when, so as not to bother, a woman immediately starts douching.


Chamomile douching with thrush is prescribed only after examination. This is necessary to exclude more severe diseases that are accompanied by the reproduction of the fungus. There are a number of contraindications that are very important to consider. These are any diseases of the genitourinary system in the acute phase. In this case, you first need to remove the symptoms of inflammation. Do not perform this procedure during menstruation and pregnancy.

Despite all the beneficial properties of chamomile and simple technology, you must remember about the presence of contraindications. After 45 years, these procedures become potentially dangerous, because they provoke overdrying and injury of the vaginal mucosa.

thrush treatment
thrush treatment

Execution technique

Let's take a detailed look at how to do a chamomile douche. To do this, you must first purchase a special pear or mug of Esmarch. As for the pear, choose with soft rubber and high volume. In this case, it will be easier to use. Before each procedure, you need to prepare:

  • Syringe and tube can be wiped with alcohol.
  • Rinse all parts with boiled water and boil the tip.
  • When you are sure that all parts are disinfected, you can start preparing the solution.
  • It is most convenient to perform the procedure in the bathroom. To do this, you need to insert a tip into the vagina and release the solution in a weak stream for several minutes. Do not forget that the solution must correspond to the temperature of your body. Otherwise, you can earn a burn, which is fraught with a long period of recovery.
  • After that, it is advisable not to change position to lie down for another half an hour. You can use the ship and perform the procedure on the couch.
douching with chamomile for thrush
douching with chamomile for thrush

Preparation of mortar

To do douching with chamomile at home, you must purchase this herbal remedy at the pharmacy in advance. Approximately 50 g of dry raw materials are required to be poured with boiling water (4 cups). The medicinal herb is brought to a boil, then covered with a lid and left to infuse. The cooled infusion must be filtered through cheesecloth. After that, the solution can be poured into a syringe.

Modern research suggests that this procedure is not acceptable for expectant mothers. This will provoke the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which threatens not only the mother, but also her fetus. Therefore, we first consult with a specialist.

Camomile wash

Despite the contraindications, the medicinal decoction is widely used during pregnancy. Only changesthe form. Instead of douching, you can wash with a solution of chamomile. External use of the decoction perfectly removes plaque and relieves obsessive itching. This will be a real salvation for expectant mothers in the first trimester, when almost no drugs against the fungus can be used.

The preparation of the decoction itself does not differ from those indicated above. How to do douching with chamomile at home, we discussed in detail above. And what about the expectant mother? She needs to wash herself twice a day: in the morning, immediately after waking up, and before going to bed. External use is permitted in all pregnancy lines.

chamomile douching reviews
chamomile douching reviews

How to recognize thrush

She has vivid symptoms, so it's hard to confuse her with something else. Usually, the doctor, already at the first consultation, analyzing the patient's complaints and examining her on the armchair, can say with certainty that Candida is the cause of the disease. You yourself can recognize it by severe itching, copious discharge with a sour smell.

The disease develops due to the reproduction of fungi of the Candida family. If left untreated, thrush becomes chronic and is quite difficult to treat further. Moreover, relapses will recur, more and more often.

Candida treatment

Very often douching with chamomile is prescribed for thrush. Usually gynecologists approve of this idea and prescribe a course of therapeutic irrigation to their patients. Chamomile contains active substances that help to cope with a number of diseases. It's medicin althe plant has an analgesic and powerful healing effect. In addition, it contains nicotinic, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, sugar and carotene. All of them provide the claimed properties.

What are the effects of chamomile douching? Reviews emphasize that improvement is felt from the first days after the procedure. Such treatment is quite simple and does not require large expenditures. As a result of use:

  • White clumps of fungus are washed out of the vagina;
  • reduces itching;
  • it has an anti-inflammatory effect, swelling is removed from the mucous membranes;
  • damaged vaginal mucosa heals quickly.
chamomile douching in gynecology
chamomile douching in gynecology

Instead of a conclusion

Camomile douching is an important part of the treatment of thrush and other inflammatory diseases. It is for this reason that gynecologists often prescribe it to patients against the background of the main treatment. Do not forget that before starting the procedures it is necessary to consult with a specialist. Only the attending physician can correctly diagnose. If the thrush is not burdened by anything, douching may be enough. In other cases, the parallel use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs may be required.