Women's he alth 2024, October

Mastitis: signs, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Mastitis: signs, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Mastitis is a disease associated with an inflammatory process in the tissues of the mammary gland. Most often they are affected by women who are breastfeeding in the first two weeks after childbirth. Signs of mastitis are: severe arching pain in the chest, redness of the skin, thickening, swelling, chills, a rapid rise in temperature. As a result of the disease, a purulent abscess may occur

How to push properly? Free courses for pregnant women. Preparing for childbirth

How to push properly? Free courses for pregnant women. Preparing for childbirth

Expectant mothers often live in their own world, for the most part they are only concerned with new unusual experiences associated with expecting a baby. It is especially difficult for those who are preparing for childbirth for the first time, because it is so difficult to foresee all the nuances associated with the upcoming cardinal changes in life. That is why it is important to identify and find answers to the most important questions: how to push correctly during labor, how to feed the baby and take care of him at first

Washing with soda for thrush: benefits and harms

Washing with soda for thrush: benefits and harms

Washing with soda for thrush is used by many women. This method has been used for quite a long period of time and is considered quite effective. Is it really effective? Let's try to figure it out

Yellow discharge after childbirth - normal or pathological? How many days is the discharge after childbirth

Yellow discharge after childbirth - normal or pathological? How many days is the discharge after childbirth

Yellow discharge after childbirth is quite common. For many women, this raises a lot of questions: is this normal or should I see a doctor? Read more about this in our article

If labor starts in the car, what should I do? How to take birth? Childbirth in an emergency situation

If labor starts in the car, what should I do? How to take birth? Childbirth in an emergency situation

Car births don't happen that often, of course. However, there are situations in life when there is no time to think. In this case, the baby is born right in the car. Recommendations for those who are afraid to be in this position, we will give in our article

Let's figure out what a fertile day is

Let's figure out what a fertile day is

Oddly enough, but girls know almost nothing about fertile days. Moreover, many may even hear about such days for the first time. The situation is fundamentally different for those who want to get pregnant. It also happens that, for one reason or another, a married couple cannot conceive a child. In this case, the first thing they should think about is fertile days. So, fertile days - what is it?

Episiotomy. Sutures after episiotomy: description, appearance and treatment

Episiotomy. Sutures after episiotomy: description, appearance and treatment

An episiotomy is a small incision in the perineum that is made to a woman in labor at the time of expulsion of the fetus. Usually, before this, the expectant mother is given local anesthesia, but sometimes there is no time for this, and they do without anesthesia

Breast self-examination: methods, timing, results

Breast self-examination: methods, timing, results

The mammary gland depends on the state of the hormonal background, which can change over time. A woman needs to visit a mammologist regularly or conduct a self-examination of the mammary glands at home, preferably once a month

Low placenta - causes and consequences

Low placenta - causes and consequences

Low placenta is a fairly common pathology of pregnancy, which is very common in the first two trimesters

Wumbling: exercises at home and at work

Wumbling: exercises at home and at work

If you consider yourself a log, especially in bed, then do not believe what your brain tells you. He is wrong and after a while he will understand how much, because after 10 lessons you will become the queen of the bed. And wumbling will help you with this. Exercising at home is no different than exercising at the gym, so get ready to write down what you read about below

Yellow discharge, odorless. Is it worth it to panic?

Yellow discharge, odorless. Is it worth it to panic?

It's no secret that secretions from the genitals are familiar to every woman and girl. And even very young girls also have a slight discharge. However, it cannot be said that they are always transparent. Sometimes they are white, and sometimes they become yellowish and even brown

Pimples on the labia: causes, how to treat

Pimples on the labia: causes, how to treat

Some women may be bothered by pimples on the labia. What is the reason for such a manifestation, and how can you get rid of it? Such questions excite women who have similar problems. The appearance of pimples in the intimate zone can speak of several diseases at once. First, you need to consult a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis, and, in addition, to prescribe the appropriate therapy

Busted ovarian cyst: symptoms, treatment methods, surgery, consequences

Busted ovarian cyst: symptoms, treatment methods, surgery, consequences

Almost half of the world's women have ovarian cysts. Some representatives of the weaker sex are not even aware of their pathology. A tumor is detected only at the next gynecological examination or during an ultrasound examination. Today's article will provide you with information on how a ruptured ovarian cyst manifests itself

Diagnosis and treatment of female infertility

Diagnosis and treatment of female infertility

Recently, infertility provoked by gynecological female diseases is becoming more common, as well as the impossibility of conceiving a child for other reasons. There are many factors - environmental degradation, stress, poor nutrition and an unhe althy lifestyle. Sometimes the impossibility of pregnancy is provoked by pathologies of the reproductive system, but not every case is explained in this way

How to increase the lactation of a nursing mother? Some Tips

How to increase the lactation of a nursing mother? Some Tips

Sometimes mothers may wrongly perceive normal lactation as a lack of milk due to strange children's behavior. If you have determined that you really produce little milk and the baby does not have enough for normal nutrition, then you should consult a doctor and find out from him how to increase the lactation of a nursing mother

List and symptoms of gynecological diseases. Adnexitis. Adenomyosis. Cervical erosion. Infectious gynecological diseases

List and symptoms of gynecological diseases. Adnexitis. Adenomyosis. Cervical erosion. Infectious gynecological diseases

Women face various gynecological diseases throughout their lives. The symptoms and signs of the disease are sometimes misleading. Only a specialist with medical education can make the correct diagnosis. Therefore, at the first suspicions, you should consult a gynecologist

Are missed periods and white discharge a sign of pregnancy?

Are missed periods and white discharge a sign of pregnancy?

It is not always a delay in menstruation and white discharge are a sign of pregnancy. Sometimes these symptoms can indicate the presence of serious malfunctions in the body of a woman

Bicornuate uterus - what is it?

Bicornuate uterus - what is it?

Many women believe that a bicornuate uterus occurs in unfaithful wives who, as a result of their "adventures", have acquired the disease. In fact, this anomaly is congenital

Fibroadenomatosis of the breast - what is it?

Fibroadenomatosis of the breast - what is it?

Every fifth woman aged 30 to 45 hears a diagnosis: breast fibroadenomatosis. What it is? This disease refers to benign tumors in the breast. Most of its manifestations are curable

Abortion at home: how to do it and what could be the consequences?

Abortion at home: how to do it and what could be the consequences?

Induced abortion is always a risk. Do you want to know about abortion at home? How to do it and how fast will it go? Better think again. In almost half of home abortions, complications occur that cause the death of the woman or lead to the inability to have children in the future

Endometrial hardening - what is it?

Endometrial hardening - what is it?

Endometrial diseases - what is it? If you have been diagnosed with a hardening or inflammation of the uterine mucosa, it is better to start treatment as soon as possible

Green waters cause for concern in childbirth?

Green waters cause for concern in childbirth?

There are a lot of reasons why green waters appear during childbirth. Doctors and other specialists still cannot fully explain this phenomenon. Often this does not affect the child in any way, but it happens and vice versa

Is it possible to breastfeed cherries, and in what quantities?

Is it possible to breastfeed cherries, and in what quantities?

Is it possible to breastfeed cherries and other berries and fruits? Yes, but it depends on the age of your baby. It's only good that it's timely

Is it possible to breastfeed seeds and how much?

Is it possible to breastfeed seeds and how much?

Some women do not know if seeds, fruits, mushrooms and other foods can be breastfed. For those who do not know what to eat while breastfeeding, we have compiled the rules. This is a set of tips that will help you navigate and make a diet

How is cervical erosion treated in the clinic?

How is cervical erosion treated in the clinic?

How is cervical erosion treated? Modern medicine knows many ways to heal from this disease. Folk healers also have several recipes in stock. The main thing is timely treatment

How much blood does a woman lose during her period?

How much blood does a woman lose during her period?

How much blood does a woman lose during her period? Is it dangerous? How long should a normal cycle last? All these questions have only approximate answers

Can you get your period a week after your period?

Can you get your period a week after your period?

If you have your period a week after your period, you most likely develop some kind of disease. First of all, consult a doctor

How long can you have an abortion without consequences?

How long can you have an abortion without consequences?

Many people want to know how long it is possible to have an abortion. In fact, the situation is much simpler: if you do not want to have a child, then just go to the doctor. Now medicine is capable of much. Regardless of the gestational age, it is possible to successfully have an abortion or induce labor

How to cure bloating in early pregnancy?

How to cure bloating in early pregnancy?

Bloating in early pregnancy is common. Your body is rebuilt under the influence of hormones, and as a result, increased flatulence, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms occur

How to properly insert a tampon for an inexperienced girl

How to properly insert a tampon for an inexperienced girl

Sooner or later, every girl has a question about how to properly insert a tampon. And not everyone has someone to consult on this topic. There are many questions that the girl is not able to answer herself

Diagnosis: breast fibroadenoma. What it is? Is it dangerous?

Diagnosis: breast fibroadenoma. What it is? Is it dangerous?

A rare woman is not afraid after such a neoplasm is discovered. First thoughts about oncology, about surgery. Is breast fibroadenoma dangerous, what is it in general? After the removal, will it be possible to return to normal life, or will there be no "after"?

Pain in childbirth: pros and cons

Pain in childbirth: pros and cons

So the wonderful nine months of waiting have passed, very soon there will be an addition to your family. But, the closer the baby's birthday, the more fears of pain during childbirth appear in the expectant mother. Many people want pain relief in childbirth

Foliate fibroadenoma of the breast: causes, symptoms and treatment

Foliate fibroadenoma of the breast: causes, symptoms and treatment

Foliate fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm. It often appears as a result of hormonal imbalance. The likelihood of such a tumor turning into a malignant pathology is rather small. It is about 5 percent

Brown discharge before menstruation: what does it mean, causes

Brown discharge before menstruation: what does it mean, causes

Incomprehensible brown discharge before menstruation often causes many women to fear and fear for their he alth. The reasons leading to these discharges, in some cases, may indicate certain diseases

Varicosis in the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Varicosis in the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

What is varicose veins in the uterus and how to treat it? Everything you need to know about pathology: features, description, causes, diagnostic methods, clinical manifestations, the most effective methods of treatment and prevention, as well as possible complications

Benign ovarian tumor: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Benign ovarian tumor: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

In modern gynecology, benign ovarian tumors are an urgent problem. Every year the disease only "gets younger". Both young girls and older women are equally affected by it. Lack of quality treatment can lead to disastrous consequences, including death

The nipple hurts and burns: causes and treatment regimen

The nipple hurts and burns: causes and treatment regimen

Pain and burning in the nipples can appear for various reasons. The female breast is naturally highly sensitive, so if the nipple is on fire, this is not a reason to panic. Such discomfort does not always indicate pathology and may be temporary. However, in some cases, burning in the nipples is still a signal of the development of serious diseases that require consultation and professional help from a specialist

Why does menstrual bleeding occur?

Why does menstrual bleeding occur?

In some cases, bleeding is not nosological, but symptomatic. In young nulliparous girls, it may be associated with disorders of the ovarian pituitary gland. In more mature women, uterine menstrual-like bleeding is due to inflammatory processes in the genital organs. Its origin is based on problems with ovulation as a result of artresia or persistence of follicles

Intrauterine device: pros and cons. looking for answers

Intrauterine device: pros and cons. looking for answers

You are wondering: do I need an intrauterine device? Find out all the pros and cons in this article

Adenomatosis of the uterus - what is it?

Adenomatosis of the uterus - what is it?

Endometrial adenomatosis is called atypical (focal or diffuse) endometrial hyperplasia, in fact, a precancerous condition. A precancerous process is a certain pathology that, with varying degrees of probability, can turn into cancer