Surely every woman has noticed abundant white discharge (odorless and itchy) from the vagina. Many believe that this is the first bell of the appearance and development of the inflammatory process or infection. However, this is not always the case. White, thick, odorless discharge may appear at different periods of the menstrual cycle and are considered the norm. But if their appearance is accompanied by additional symptoms (abdominal pain, discomfort in the perineum), then in this case you should immediately run to the doctor. First things first.
Cause of odorless white discharge
Beli - the so-called discharge that occurs from time to time in women and girls. The most common reason is self-purification, when dead cells and pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the vaginal cavity. By the way, the amount and consistency may vary depending oncycle periods. This is normal.
The causes of white, odorless discharge and itching are natural processes that occur at a physiological level. Vaginal secretion is normally odorless. If you feel an unpleasant "aroma", then this is the first alarm signal that there are he alth problems.

Often itching, white, odorless discharge in women may appear due to improper hygiene of the genitals. Irregular hygiene causes bacteria to multiply rapidly and can cause serious diseases of the genitals.
Unscented leucorrhea can appear for the following reasons:
- Vaginal discharge is usually thin and watery and becomes more abundant during ovulation.
- Thick leucorrhea without smell and itching occurs during sexual intercourse. Natural lubrication appears in the vagina so that the male genital organ can easily enter inside. Thanks to this lubricant, both partners do not feel discomfort during intercourse.
- White may increase during childbearing. This is necessary to protect the fetus and mother from any infection.
- Provoking the appearance of leucorrhoea occurs when using intrauterine devices, creams with a contraceptive function.
How is it with teenagers?
White, odorless discharge in adolescents is due to the onset of the menstrual cycle. It is during this period that the hormonal background is improving, and the organs of the reproductive systemcome into an active stage, begin the production of hormones. As a result, white highlights appear. The same reason is the "culprit" of the appearance of acne on the face. And girls become more irritable and emotional, there is a frequent change of mood.
In girls, copious white discharge sometimes appears instead of menstrual blood for several months. And only after a while (2-3 months) does the blood begin to stand out. It is important to monitor such secretions in adolescence. So, if such discharge of a whitish hue appears within 3-6 months, then you should consult a doctor. These discharges may be a reflection of serious hormonal disorders or endocrine disorders.
White odorless discharge in women can be triggered by various factors:
- beginning of the menstrual cycle;
- ovulation;
- during pregnancy.
However, each factor is worth considering in more detail.
Types of discharges
Vaginal mucus without a strong odor and color is considered the norm. Depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, the density of secretion may change. In some cases, discharge is a signal of the onset of the disease. There are several types of secretions.
Thick discharge
This vaginal leucorrhoea has a dense creamy consistency. Most often, they indicate that there are harmful microbes in the woman's body.

The source of atypical profuse leucorrhea is fungal, viral or bacterial diseases. One of the most common is thrush, an infection of the urethra.
Liquid secretions
Such discharge is considered normal only during the period of ovulation. Persistent, white, streaked, watery discharge may be a sign of cervical inflammation or erosion.

If the whites have a yellowish tint with a pungent odor, then this is a signal of the appearance of diseases such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea with chlamydia.
Mucoid discharge
Discharges of this nature are perceived in two ways: the norm and the signal of the disease. If the leucorrhoea does not stop throughout the cycle and looks like dense snot, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

Often, mucous discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor is accompanied by itching. Similar signs can reflect diseases such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, vaginosis, thrush, gonorrhea.
Curdled discharge
Such whites have the smell of sour milk. This is a clear primary sign of the development of candidiasis (thrush). This disease can occur as a result of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which causes a fungus. The "cottage cheese" of a yellowish tint has no smell - this is the first sign that the ovaries, fallopian tubes are inflamed, or the appendages are affected by a bacterial infection.

Inflammatory process in the uterine appendages (adnexitis, salpingitis, salpingo-oophoritis) is usually accompanied by copious discharge, and if the stage is already chronic, on the contrary, in a small amount. Greenish curd whites are a sure sign of trichomoniasis, colpitis, inflammation of the urethra, urinary system or bacterial vaginosis.
Beginning of the menstrual cycle
Many women believe that the onset of menstruation must be marked by copious bleeding from the vagina. However, this is not entirely true. In order for the uterus to be cleansed of menstrual blood, its cervix must open. However, in this case, there is a high risk of various infections entering the uterine cavity. To do this, the body protects itself by activating all the forces. As a result, the uterus secretes copious mucous secretions that pass through the cervix, thereby cleaning it. This process can take two to three days. Then comes the usual menstruation.

Usually at this time, you can notice abundant discharge that is odorless and does not irritate the skin on the labia. Of course, if other symptoms occur, this may indicate the development of an inflammatory process or infections. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist.
White discharge, odorless, but usually slimy and thick, occurs around ovulation. It appears due to a hormonal surge,activating gland activity.
It is the glands that are responsible for the production of this mucus, located on the mucous membrane of the cervix. This mucus is responsible for the cleansing process of pathogens and prepares the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.
During pregnancy
White, odorless liquid discharge occurs during pregnancy. By the way, a woman may not be aware of the appearance of an “interesting situation”, taking these discharges as a harbinger of the onset of menstruation. However, soon the discharge becomes abundant, and menstruation does not appear.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that there is an active production of hormones that are necessary to maintain pregnancy in the first trimester. This is normal.
White mucus discharge of a viscous consistency may appear at the end of the third trimester a few weeks before delivery. The reason is the passage of the cork from the cervix. This odorless discharge does not cause any irritation, but may contain blood streaks.
After intercourse
White, odorless discharge can occur immediately after unprotected intercourse or several hours later. The reason is the cleaning of the vagina from male sperm. Allocations may appear during the day.

However, if a woman notices a white frothy discharge with an unpleasant pungent odor, then this is the first sign of infection in the genital tract.
Violationmicroflora in the vagina
If a woman develops thick white discharge resembling sour cream in consistency, then this is the first sign of a violation of the vaginal microflora. The vagina has its own optimal acid-base balance. In the case of the predominance of an acidic or alkaline environment, the body's defenses are activated, hyperactivity of the glands occurs. The vaginal microflora is disturbed due to the following factors:
- frequent douching;
- stress;
- Using the wrong cosmetic for intimate hygiene;
- in violation of the rules of personal hygiene;
- when wearing synthetic underwear;
- with frequent change of sexual partners;
- when taking certain types of medication, usually antibiotics or oral contraceptives.
If the acid-base balance in the vagina is disturbed, the risk of gynecological diseases increases.
Discharges that are considered normal
A white, odorless discharge is normal if:
- allocations are not abundant;
- transparent;
- do not have a smell (barely perceptible, individual for each woman);
- discharge does not cause pain, burning or discomfort.
In this case, everything is fine.
What diseases can there be?
If there is an itchy, white, odorless discharge in women of reproductive age, then this indicates that there are bacteria in the vagina. The reasons for such troubles may be different.
For thick discharge.
Diseases such as thrush or urogenital candidiasis may develop. The "culprit" of these ailments is Candida fungus. The main symptom is odorless white curdled discharge with characteristic itching and burning in the vaginal area. Whites have a sour, pungent smell.
Thick foamy discharge of a greenish tint indicates a disease - trichomonas colpitis. It is extremely dangerous for women's he alth, so urgent medical intervention is needed.
With liquid discharge.
Itching in the vagina and leucorrhoea can cause dysbacteriosis (bacterial vaginosis) of the genitals. For such a disease, frothy, abundant white discharge, odorless, grayish in color, is characteristic. This disease can be recognized by the smell of whites, reminiscent of the smell of fish.
For mucous discharge.
A whitish mucus is secreted from the vagina due to the development of diseases such as endometritis and cervicitis. Usually these diseases are manifested in women who have given birth. So, with endometritis, inflammation of the uterine mucosa occurs. As a result, stretching mucus. It can have an unpleasant odor and irritate the skin of the labia. In this case, the disease is accompanied by periodic pains in the lower abdomen, which are aggravated by sexual intercourse or strong physical exertion.
During cervicitis, the inflammatory process is localized in the cervix, which also has mucous membranes outside and inside. So, with inflammation, the amount of physiological mucus increases several times. This is due to the fact that the functioning of the glands is disrupted. The course of this disease is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and the presence of blood streaks after intercourse.
What to treat and who to contact?
Often, women who find themselves with uncharacteristic vaginal discharge are confused and do not know which doctor to contact. You should not panic and remember that a disease detected in time is insurance against possible complications and the appearance of he alth problems. So, if the discharge smells bad, has a strange appearance and discomfort is felt in the genitals, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist. It is this doctor who will help with identifying the exact cause of atypical discharge and immediately prescribe a course of therapy. Usually treatment occurs with the use of vaginal suppositories and tablets.

Usually the cause of heavy discharge is bacterial vaginosis. With such a disease, the doctor recommends adding drugs that stimulate the normalization of the vaginal microflora to taking medications. So, the gel "Multi-Gyn ActiGel" is based on a bioactive complex obtained from a gel-like extract of aloe leaves. Due to its effect, blocking and neutralization of attached pathogens to the vaginal mucosa occurs. As a result, the he althy microflora of the female reproductive system is restored.
Remember that timely access to a specialist and competent therapy will help to effectively get rid of an existing disease, as well as prevent complications.