Why does my stomach hurt but I don't get my period? Cause and effect

Why does my stomach hurt but I don't get my period? Cause and effect
Why does my stomach hurt but I don't get my period? Cause and effect

Why does my stomach hurt but I don't get my period? There can be many reasons. This article covers the most common problems.


If your stomach hurts and you don't get your period, the first thing that comes to mind is a possible pregnancy. If such suspicions exist, then you should buy a test and go to the gynecologist for a consultation.


Some girls experience pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation. This does not always mean that a woman is unhe althy. Just because of some features of the body, ovulation is accompanied by pain. Such sensations arise due to the rupture of the follicle. This is normal and should not be alarmed.

Gynecological problems

missed period and stomach ache
missed period and stomach ache

If the stomach hurts, but there is no menstruation, then it is likely that the girl suffers from gynecological diseases. For example, inflammatory processes take place. Many girls do not pay attention to this, but think only when severe pain begins. But in this case, it is necessary to be treated. Inflammatory processes eventually turn into more serious diseases. The fact is that in the absence of treatment in the pipesfluid accumulates. Therefore, very often the stomach hurts, but there are no periods. Further, when a girl wants to get pregnant, she will not succeed, because the pipes will be impassable. And it is not a fact that such a disease will be possible to cure. Therefore, it is extremely important to diagnose the disease in time and start therapy.

Acyclic pains

From the name it is clear that the cycle does not affect pain. They are not temporary, but permanent. Most often they occur due to urolithiasis. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a therapist. Also, pain occurs due to endometriosis. In this case, the main thing is to diagnose the problem in time. Spikes can cause sharp and severe pain. And also problems arise due to cystitis, colitis and osteoarthritis. In addition, pain can also indicate the presence of fibroids, while the chest is also poured. It is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner, if the patient delays the visit, she may remain infertile.

stomach ache for a week
stomach ache for a week

Ectopic pregnancy

The reason why the stomach hurts, but there is no menstruation, may also be that the woman develops an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you need to carefully monitor your condition. If a girl is sick and dizzy, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the tube may rupture and bleed. In this case, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Last period and stomachache

As mentioned above, pregnancy can be the cause. And not necessarily ectopic. If it's still speculationconfirmed, you should consult a doctor. The cause of pain may be the tone of the uterus. This is a threat of termination of pregnancy. But do not worry too much, the gynecologist will prescribe drugs, and the pain will stop.

Stomach hurts, before menstruation a week

If your stomach hurts a week before your period, it's most likely ovulation. Possibly late. But in any case, you shouldn't worry too much. The so-called "ovulatory pain" occurs in about five percent of women every month.