In childhood, the rate of growth and development is quite active. That is why it is very important for children to receive the necessary amount of trace elements, vitamin compounds, proteins, he althy fats and other nutrients in a timely manner. Deficiency in the content of one of them can lead to a noticeable deterioration in the child's condition, to he alth problems.
One of these important compounds for the he alth and development of babies is lecithin. This component is found not only in food, but also in special preparations that every parent should know about in order to prevent the occurrence of lecithin deficiency in the child's body.
What is lecithin?
Lecithin is a fat-like organic compound from the group of phospholipids and belongs to the structural components of cell membranes.
The content of the substance ensures the normal functioning of the brain, heart, kidneys, digestive tract and other organs. The need for a trace element arises in a person from birth. Initially, lecithin enters the bodybaby with mother's milk or a substitute, and then with food.

The need for lecithin is due to its properties and effects on the human body. It strengthens the nervous system, improves its functioning. In addition, lecithin normalizes the functioning of the brain, helps to strengthen the defenses of the child's body. Improves the functioning of the liver and the gastrointestinal tract in general.
Lecithin deficiency in the body of a child causes a violation of the mental development of the baby. The child's sleep is disturbed, the mood worsens. The child cries and is naughty, angry for no apparent reason. At the kid the attention is broken, memory worsens. The child becomes forgetful, distracted. The lack of lecithin can affect the physical activity of children. There is constant fatigue and rapid fatigue.
Where is contained

In order for the child's body to regularly receive the required amount of lecithin, you need to include the following foods in the baby's daily diet:
- eggs;
- chicken or beef liver;
- 50g nuts;
- sunflower seeds;
- fish;
- sunflower oil (teaspoon);
- legumes;
- dairy products;
- buckwheat and other cereals.
Proper nutrition will keep the level of the trace element normal.
Product form of preparations containing lecithin

If an insufficient amount of lecithin enters the child's body, parents should resort to the help of dietary supplements containing the missing trace element.
Modern pharmaceutical companies offer it in several versions: as a single-component drug or as part of a multivitamin complex.
Most often, the trace element is available in the form of a gel. This release method has several advantages. This form of the component does not cause rejection in babies, since the preparation in the form of a gel has a pleasant sweetish taste. As a rule, such dietary supplements include other vitamin compounds.
For older children, lecithin can be granulated. In this form, the drug is dissolved in a liquid or added to food. You can also simply swallow the granules and drink liquid or chew them. Another form of nutritional supplementation with lecithin is capsules. They need to be swallowed and washed down with water. This uniform is suitable for children over the age of seven.
Popular drugs. Reviews

Today, pharmacies sell a lot of drugs for children with vitamins and lecithin. The names of many are heard thanks to advertising on TV and in the media. It is worth noting the most popular and popular.
- Kinder Biovital Gel is a drug that can be taken from the first days of a child's life. In addition to lecithin, the composition of the product includes ten vitamins, as well as calcium phosphinate, sodium molybdate and manganese citrate. You need to take a food supplement two to three times a day, half a teaspoon. This is the dosage for infants and preschool children. Schoolchildren and teenagers need to use a whole teaspoon of Kinder Biovital. The number of receptions remains unchanged. The drug has very good reviews. The average score on a five-point scale is 3.8.
- "Supradin Kids" - a gel containing lecithin, beta-carotene and eight vitamins necessary for the normal development of the child's body. Designed for children over three years old. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the child. The dietary supplement has good reviews. The average score on a five-point scale is 4.5. Parents note that after several weeks of regular intake of the drug, the child becomes more active, cheerful. The advantage of mom and dad is an interesting form of nutritional supplement release and a pleasant taste that does not cause rejection in children.
- "Multivitamol Doctor Theiss" - syrup with lysine and lecithin. Recommended for children from the age of six. One of the best vitamins for children with lecithin. Parents consider the high effectiveness of the drug as an advantage, as well as the affordable cost. Of the shortcomings, mom and dad note the not very pleasant taste of the product.
Lecithin supplements are best given to your child at or before meals. It is very important to follow the age dosages indicated in the instructions.
Review of vitamins for children with lecithin does not contain all the means, but only the most popular and effective.
Indications for use

Lecithin can help with unbalanced nutrition, it is necessary for intensive sports and physical education. Biologically active additives containing this microelement make it easier for a child to adapt to new environmental conditions or a new team. The trace element helps to cope with stressful situations, high mental stress.

Contraindications to taking drugs with lecithin include individual intolerance. With hypervitaminosis and problems with calcium metabolism, it is strongly not recommended to use multivitamin complexes.
Sugar supplements should not be taken if the child has been diagnosed with diabetes. Before buying this or that complex of vitamins, you need to study which vitamins contain lecithin for children in the required amount. This is necessary to replenish the content of the microelement in the body of the child. In order not to buy a fake, you must first familiarize yourself with the photo of vitamins for children with lecithin, study the composition.
Lecithin is an important component necessary for the proper development of children. Micronutrient deficiency can lead to he alth problems. The child becomes distracted and inattentive. The element can enter the child's body along with products or by taking special dietary supplements. Vitamins for children with lecithin can be purchasedat almost any pharmacy at an affordable price.
Currently, on the shelves of pharmacies you can find a huge amount of such funds. According to reviews, the gel with lecithin and vitamins for children "Supradin Kids" is one of the best and most effective drugs.
Regular use of dietary supplements with lecithin will help to avoid the occurrence of microelement deficiency in the child's body and prevent he alth problems.