Acne is not a pleasant phenomenon, it is not in vain that a person tries to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Acne on the back and on other parts of the body can occur not only in a teenager, but also in an adult.

Medical observations have shown that acne on the back appears more often in the cold months. In summer, the sun's rays touch the skin, and acne does not bother so often. Having disappeared once, acne can disturb again.
Opinions of dermatologists differ. Who talks about the benefits of the sun, and someone, on the contrary, claims that the sun brings even more damage to the skin already damaged by acne. And in the event that during the summer months the skin suffers from pigmentation, it means that it is not entirely he althy. In general, acne on the back does not pose a threat to human he alth. In this case, only the psychological aspect can be considered.
Why did the blackhead appear on my back?
Causes of acne are diseases of internal organs, improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, infection of the skin. Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands leads to blockage of the skin pores. However, a thorough examination is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Need to take teststo establish a hormonal background, if there are problems with the endocrine system. Hormonal imbalance - lack or excess of any one hormone - requires first to cure the underlying disease, as a result of which acne will disappear.

Acne on the back may appear as a result of diseases of the stomach. Dysbacteriosis leads to constipation, which provoke intoxication of the body. Some of the digested products begin to be excreted through the sweat glands, of which there are a large number in the back area.
Lead to acne on the back and diseases of the urinary system, improper metabolism, problems of the spine. Allergic reactions cannot be ruled out. Constant contact of the skin of the back with aggressive tissue, washing powder or cosmetics can provoke a rash, but in this case it will be characterized by a reddish tint.
Acne on the back, how to get rid of it?
As mentioned above, for effective treatment, the true cause of acne should be established. If the problems are in too oily skin, in this case, the main remedy for acne on the back is proper nutrition. Abundant rashes require a complete rejection of sweet, fatty and fried foods. The diet should include a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, various herbs. The following measures will also help:
- Drink as much water as possible. Once in the body, water activates the metabolism, which means it cleanses the skin.

- Taking vitamins. They play an important role in maintaining the tone and good condition of the skin. In particular, the skin needs vitamins A and E. Acne indicates a lack of these vitamins in the body. Butter or cream, fish liver, dried fruits and vegetables are considered sources of vitamins.
Don't forget your wardrobe. Uncomfortable, tight, synthetic clothing is quite capable of provoking acne. Cleaning the skin by a cosmetologist will not hurt either. Ozone therapy helps a lot with acne, which, in addition to cleaning the skin, strengthens the human immune system.