IVF in Krasnoyarsk: an overview of clinics, indications, results, reviews

IVF in Krasnoyarsk: an overview of clinics, indications, results, reviews
IVF in Krasnoyarsk: an overview of clinics, indications, results, reviews

Recently, more and more Russian women resort to artificial insemination. Over the past year, this figure has increased by 38%. Consider the features of the activities of IVF clinics in Krasnoyarsk, what services they provide, reviews and the effectiveness of the procedure.

We will also talk about who and how can apply for free in vitro fertilization, how many such attempts can be made and for which you still have to pay.

IVF in Krasnoyarsk

IVF effectiveness in Krasnoyarsk
IVF effectiveness in Krasnoyarsk

There are several clinics in the city that provide women with artificial insemination services. Their list of IVF services is not limited. Specialists working in the centers can offer various methods of infertility treatment, if there is a reason, they also treat male infertility and other procedures.

The cost of IVF clinics in Krasnoyarsk varies from 3.7 thousand to 120 thousand rubles. This price includes both the initial inspection and the fulldiagnostics of both sexual partners and the conception procedure itself.

Average prices for IVF services in Krasnoyarsk clinics:

  • ICSI - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • ICSI + PICSI - from 42 thousand rubles;
  • cryopreservation of sperm, embryos, eggs - from 5.5 thousand rubles, 24.8 thousand and 4.5 thousand, respectively;
  • laser hatching – from 3.7 thousand rubles;
  • embryo transfer - from 17.6 thousand rubles;
  • stimulation of ovulation - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • standard IVF - from 99 thousand rubles.

These services are available at several clinics in the city, namely the Mother and Child Center for Reproductive Medicine and the Three Hearts Diagnostic and Treatment Center. You can also undergo a free artificial insemination procedure from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

IVF on CHI in Krasnoyarsk

Those couples who cannot conceive a baby on their own and do not have the means to pay for IVF can do the procedure for free. It is available in several clinics in Krasnoyarsk.

The program is state-owned and is aimed at supporting fertility in the Russian Federation, therefore it is carried out free of charge for patients. The money comes from he alth insurance funds.

Since 2017, the funds of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Krasnoyarsk Territory have been directed to the treatment of infertility, as well as the introduction of other technologies in the field of reproduction. In the common people, this is called "free IVF". IVF according to CHI in Krasnoyarsk is not available to everyone, herethere are a number of criteria and indications that are taken into account by the total commission, which we will consider below.

It is also worth noting that, for example, in the Three Hearts clinic, you can visit a free consultation on infertility on certain days for absolutely all women.

Quotes and queue

IVF in Krasnoyarsk
IVF in Krasnoyarsk

IVF has been carried out in all regional and regional centers of the Russian Federation free of charge since 2013 according to certain quotas, which differ numerically from the number of people living in a certain territory. Initially, the program was available only to those women who were diagnosed with such a pathology as tubal infertility. Since 2016, it has been available to all women who, for one reason or another, cannot conceive a child on their own.

There is a quota for IVF in Krasnoyarsk, which forms a certain queue for the procedure. At the expense of MHI funds, not all applicants are allowed to artificial insemination, but those who have passed the commission, passed a number of tests and submitted relevant documents and certificates. For example, in 2017, 1.5 thousand women in the Krasnoyarsk Territory received a referral for infertility treatment free of charge at the expense of compulsory medical insurance, 1,200 applicants received a positive response, and only 850 were treated.

The procedure is carried out with a positive response only in the region where the woman lives, while she can choose the clinic at her own discretion. On average, 106 thousand rubles are allocated from the fund for one attempt. The amount may differ depending on the region.

Criteria and indications

IVF forCHI account in Krasnoyarsk
IVF forCHI account in Krasnoyarsk

There is no mandatory requirement for IVF in Krasnoyarsk for free with regards to official marriage. The procedure is available to both couples who live in a civil marriage, and single women up to a certain age.

There are certain criteria and indications for the selection of patients for basic IVF. Namely:

  • diagnosed with infertility, which is associated with blocked tubes and lack of ovulation in women, as well as secretory infertility in men;
  • only persons officially registered and residing in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as having a compulsory medical insurance policy, can receive a quota for IVF;
  • Minimum age for a woman is 18, maximum age is 45;
  • lack of effectiveness in a woman during surgery for treatment, as well as the applied hormonal correction;
  • certain criteria regarding sperm and ejaculate count;
  • couple should not have a history of mental illness that may prevent pregnancy;
  • there should be no inflammatory processes or serious disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

What is included in the IVF implementation program at the expense of MHI funds?

In order to do IVF for free, you should first contact the antenatal clinic at the place of registration. It can be both a public and a private clinic, where a comprehensive examination will be carried out andfound the reason for the impossibility of conception. On average, this process takes from 3 months to six months.

Next, a referral is issued, the necessary package of documents is collected and submitted for consideration to the commission. She, in turn, considers the application for a month. If the outcome is positive, the woman is put on the waiting list for IVF in Krasnoyarsk.

As part of the free procedure:

  • primary examination by a reproductive specialist;
  • stimulation of ovulation, including with the help of drugs;
  • folliculometry (the growth of indicators is assessed during the treatment stage);
  • follicle puncture is taken under general anesthesia;
  • fertilization by a certain method depending on the indication;
  • cultivating embryos for up to five days;
  • embryo transfer into the uterine cavity;
  • cryopreservation if necessary.

What is charged separately?

How is IVF done?
How is IVF done?

Even with free IVF in Krasnoyarsk, additional costs cannot be avoided. Preparatory measures, that is, a comprehensive examination to identify the causes of infertility, are carried out at the expense of the couple. Collection of all examinations, certificates, transfers and hospital stay is paid.

The cost of IVF at the expense of compulsory medical insurance does not include:

  • preliminary examination at the place of residence or at the selected clinic;
  • storage of vitrified embryos;
  • single women or couples where men have no live sperm at all inejaculate, will have to pay for donated sperm;
  • preimplantation genetic diagnosis;
  • repeated consultations;
  • price of fertility drugs;
  • biopsy;
  • cryopreservation of male ejaculate.

How many attempts can I make for free?

If you have received a quota for free IVF, the number of attempts is not limited. This manipulation can be carried out as much as necessary, but not more than twice a year. This is necessary so that after an unsuccessful artificial conception, the female body receives a certain time to recover.

It is also worth noting that although attempts are not limited in number, each time you have to stand in a general queue and wait again.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, fertilization at the expense of compulsory medical insurance can be carried out at the Krasnoyarsk Center for Reproductive Medicine "Mother and Child" LLC and the Medical Center for Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproduction "Three Hearts" LLC.

Mother and Child Clinic

Clinic "Mother and Child" in Krasnoyarsk
Clinic "Mother and Child" in Krasnoyarsk

The Center for Reproductive Medicine is located in the city of Krasnoyarsk at the address: Kolomenskaya Street, 26/1. This is one of the most successful IVF clinics in Russia. 9 members of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, 10 candidates of sciences and almost 20 doctors of the highest category work here. Examination and treatment are carried out on modern equipment.

Clinic "Mother and Child" (Krasnoyarsk) in IVF uses the achievements and innovations of the worldmedical practice, while actively conducting scientific activities, all the time mastering new techniques and introducing new approaches to solving the problem of infertility. As a result, the effectiveness of the procedure is increased.

Clinic "Mother and Child" in Krasnoyarsk location
Clinic "Mother and Child" in Krasnoyarsk location

A feature of the center is an integrated approach. That is why narrow-profile specialists in various areas are being treated here, a wide range of diagnostic methods are used, including those necessary to identify the genetic causes of infertility, and pregnant women are also managed before childbirth.

The cost, for example, of genetic studies varies from 7 to 80 thousand rubles, donor services - 126-150 thousand rubles, cultivation of embryos - 27.5-46.5 thousand rubles, specialist consultation - an average of 1500 rubles.

Three Hearts Reproductive Center

Clinic "Three Hearts" in Krasnoyarsk
Clinic "Three Hearts" in Krasnoyarsk

According to reviews, IVF in Krasnoyarsk is best done in this center, which has existed for over 17 years and has a whole network of clinics. Here, treatment is carried out in the following areas: medical cosmetology, reproductive medicine, gynecology, urology.

The clinic is located at three addresses: on Molokova Street, 16/349, Vysotnaya Street, 2/1, and 60 Let Oktyabrya Street, 60. On the center's website, you can always find updated information about ongoing promotions and go, for example, comprehensive diagnostics at a reduced cost. The first infertility consultation is free.

The cost, for example, of an appointment with a geneticistis 1 thousand rubles, to undergo a genetic test - almost 30 thousand rubles. The price of IVF depends on the stage. Namely:

  • 1st stage (stimulation) – 20 thousand rubles;
  • 2nd stage (egg retrieval) – 20 thousand rubles;
  • 3rd stage (embryology) – 30 thousand rubles;
  • 4th stage (embryo transfer) – RUB 20,000

For ICSI you will have to pay 30 thousand, for PICSI - 12 thousand, TESA - 11 thousand

Effectiveness of IVF

The results of IVF in Krasnoyarsk are mostly positive, judging by the reviews, regardless of the clinic chosen by the patient. Here, almost 51% are patients living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and 41% are citizens of other regions. More than half of all cases end in pregnancy and the bearing of a he althy baby. Most often they are women under 35 years old. In world practice, this number is 10-15% less.

But if in countries with developed medicine after the first IVF procedure 36-50% of all women successfully give birth, then this figure for Russia is only 15-30%. If you try again, you can conceive a baby in 56-92% of cases. IVF data from the Krasnoyarsk perinatal center confirms this statistic, as all maternity hospitals keep records of how the baby was conceived.

At the same time, in European countries it is permissible to do IVF only 3-4 times, in Russia, even at the expense of compulsory medical insurance, this can be done an unlimited number of times, which only increases the chances of a successful conception. In most cases, pregnancy occurs on the 2nd or 3rd attempt, but sometimes up to 10 procedures are required.


IVF in Krasnoyarsk can be done both at your own expense and free of charge, using the MHI quotas. But for this you need to undergo a full examination, collect all the necessary documents and submit for consideration to the commission. If a positive result is obtained, it will be possible to undergo infertility treatment one by one in one of the city's clinics. According to the majority of patients, such a desired pregnancy occurs already on the 2nd or 3rd attempt, but it may be the first time, depending on the general he alth of the patient, as well as the cause of infertility.
