Supplements and vitamins 2024, October

"Lady's Formula. More than multivitamins": review, composition, reviews

"Lady's Formula. More than multivitamins": review, composition, reviews

The value of vitamins and minerals for the human body. A unique PharmaMed product designed specifically for women. Lady's Formula vitamins that can prolong youth, maintain he alth and beauty. The cost of the drug and consumer reviews

Vitamins with calcium: review, tips for choosing, reviews

Vitamins with calcium: review, tips for choosing, reviews

Calcium is a vital trace element in the human body. As a rule, bones and teeth need it, but this mineral is also important for the proper functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems

Vitamin potassium in what foods?

Vitamin potassium in what foods?

Vitamin potassium is one of the important trace elements in the human body. The full functioning of the endocrine glands, blood vessels, heart muscle is provided by this element. Its imbalance leads to the formation of heart disease, metabolic disorders, deterioration of muscles

Maxler VitaMen: reviews indications for use features

Maxler VitaMen: reviews indications for use features

Vitamin complex for athletes Maxler VitaMen: when and for what it is used, instructions for use, features of the complex

"Doppelhertz Active Omega-3". Vitamin preparations. Instructions for use

"Doppelhertz Active Omega-3". Vitamin preparations. Instructions for use

Recently, the multivitamin complex "Doppelherz Active Omega-3", containing natural salmon fat, is in increasing demand. Both doctors and ordinary consumers talk about its benefits and effectiveness

What vitamin is in fish oil? Fish oil: benefits and harms

What vitamin is in fish oil? Fish oil: benefits and harms

The taste and aroma of fish oil have been familiar to us since childhood, because each child's mother or grandmother asked to drink at least a spoonful. The specific smell and taste of this product was a real punishment for the kids, but parents firmly believed in its usefulness for the growth and he alth of the child. Is it really so? What benefits (or, conversely, harm) can bring fish oil to human he alth? What vitamin in fish oil has a positive effect on the development of a child?

Multivitamin drug "Farmaton Kiddy": instructions for use, reviews

Multivitamin drug "Farmaton Kiddy": instructions for use, reviews

The drug belongs to the group of multivitamin and polymineral products. It helps regulate the metabolic processes in the child's body and produce the necessary hormones. The complex of vitamins was developed taking into account all the needs of a child's, growing organism

Protein "King Protein": reviews

Protein "King Protein": reviews

Products "King Protein": reviews and opinions of experts and amateurs. Objectively about the domestic manufacturer and negatively about counterfeit

"Chitosan" - what is it? Instructions for use, reviews of doctors, composition, properties

"Chitosan" - what is it? Instructions for use, reviews of doctors, composition, properties

"Tiens" is a Chinese company that mainly produces products for the normalization of weight. Recently, the drug "Chitosan" has become especially popular. This is such a dietary supplement that contains chitin. The benefits of this element have long been proven by scientists

"Lady's formula. Personal monthly system. Enhanced formula": composition, instructions for use, reviews

"Lady's formula. Personal monthly system. Enhanced formula": composition, instructions for use, reviews

"Lady's formula. Reinforced formula "according to the personal monthly system, is a natural biocomplex, which contains extracts of various medicinal plants. This drug is used to relieve the symptoms of PMS, stabilize the menstrual cycle and normalize the well-being of a woman during menstruation

"Solgar" (lecithin): consumer reviews and features of the drug

"Solgar" (lecithin): consumer reviews and features of the drug

Tissues in the human body need lecithin. This phospholipid is part of cell membranes. Without this substance, the central nervous system, liver and brain cannot function normally. Lecithin is found in some foods. However, not always in the diet of an individual there is a sufficient amount of this element. Dietary supplements are needed to make up for its lack. For example, Solgar lecithin. Sections of the article are devoted to reviews of the additive and its properties

"Solgar Selenium": reviews, composition, instructions for use, manufacturer

"Solgar Selenium": reviews, composition, instructions for use, manufacturer

To normalize working capacity and life, a person should regularly consume a complex of minerals and vitamins. Even the most balanced diet does not allow you to get the entire required daily dosage. With a deficiency of one or another element in the work of the body, disturbances occur that lead to diseases, mental and physical exhaustion

"Doppelhertz" hyaluronic acid: reviews of doctors

"Doppelhertz" hyaluronic acid: reviews of doctors

"Doppelherz Beauty Lifting-Complex" with hyaluronic acid is a drug that is a source of pantothenic, as well as hyaluronic and ascorbic acids, biotin, beta-carotene, vitamin E, zinc and vitamin B7. The dietary supplement is produced in the form of capsules for oral use (ten pieces in each blister). In total, there are thirty capsules in the package, this amount of the drug is designed for one month of use

"Aquamarine Omega-3": reviews, instructions

"Aquamarine Omega-3": reviews, instructions

Fish oil maintains the elasticity of capillary walls, due to the antithrombotic effect, fatty acids inhibit the association of blood clots with each other, reduce the likelihood of myocardial infarction or stroke

"Solgar Multi 1": consumer reviews and additive properties

"Solgar Multi 1": consumer reviews and additive properties

Vitamins and microelements are necessary for a normal state of he alth. Part of the nutrients the body receives from food. However, sometimes he needs additional sources. To maintain he alth, you should use dietary supplements. One of the most popular additives is the Solgar Multi 1 complex. Sections of the article are devoted to customer reviews about the effectiveness of the product and the features of its action

Capsules "Livesil Premium": reviews, instructions for use

Capsules "Livesil Premium": reviews, instructions for use

Hepatoprotectors are a pharmacological group whose drugs contribute to the rapid resumption of liver function. Most often they are distinguished by a mild, but purposeful effect. The drug "Livesil Premium" belongs to this group. Below we will talk more about the tool. It will also be interesting to learn about its correct use and feedback on Livesil Premium capsules

Vitamins for hair growth and strengthening: list, names, rating of the best, composition and results

Vitamins for hair growth and strengthening: list, names, rating of the best, composition and results

Vitamins used for hair mesotherapy. Food products containing valuable trace elements. Factors that negatively affect the he alth of curls. List of the most effective vitamins for hair growth and strengthening. Feedback on the results of admission

"Citrojacks vitamin C": instructions for use, daily allowance, reviews and recommendations

"Citrojacks vitamin C": instructions for use, daily allowance, reviews and recommendations

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) enters the body only with food. In the autumn-winter season, many people develop a deficiency of this useful substance. The development of beriberi contribute to excessive physical and mental stress, stress, errors in nutrition. In such cases, doctors recommend taking the drug "Citrogex vitamin C". This remedy has very few contraindications. It is practically harmless. Does this remedy really help get rid of beriberi?

Magnesium and iron: compatibility, how to take

Magnesium and iron: compatibility, how to take

In order to cope with a vitamin deficiency, you need to either reconsider your diet or choose a vitamin complex. In addition, a person can take individual minerals and vitamins. Of course, it is much more convenient to take one tablet containing everything you need, but the benefit in this case is in question

Oatmeal-apple drink "Herbalife": benefits

Oatmeal-apple drink "Herbalife": benefits

Dietary fiber is essential for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The body's defenses depend on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, almost everyone today is deficient in this product. In turn, this leads to disorders of the digestive system. Against this background, often there is a set of excess weight due to constant overeating. The company "Herbalife" has developed a product unique in its impact, which serves as a complete support for the digestive tract

How to drink "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines: instructions for use, dosage, timing of admission and reviews

How to drink "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines: instructions for use, dosage, timing of admission and reviews

How to drink "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines - many patients who monitor their he alth and want to lose weight very quickly are interested. This drug is fast-acting and highly effective. However, before using it, you need to carefully study the instructions, since the composition has certain contraindications and side effects

"Calcium Magnesium Chelate", NSP: instructions for use, composition, reviews

"Calcium Magnesium Chelate", NSP: instructions for use, composition, reviews

Pharmacological agent "Calcium Magnesium Chelate" from NSP (USA) belongs to the category of dietary supplements. This drug contributes to the formation and restoration of bone tissue structures, as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels. While taking the drug, normalization of the functionality of the nervous system is observed due to the normalization of nerve impulse transmission

Solgar Antioxidant Formula. Appointment and customer reviews

Solgar Antioxidant Formula. Appointment and customer reviews

The human body ages over time. Everything has its time. Of course, in old age it will not work to look like in youth. But still, there are ways to delay this physiological process. A dietary supplement from Solgar, which contains an antioxidant formula, can slow down age-related changes. This is a preparation of an American company, developed specifically for the neutralization of oxidants

Water "Coral Mine": reviews of doctors, description

Water "Coral Mine": reviews of doctors, description

Coral water by nature meets all the parameters necessary for the body. It has unique properties, thanks to which it cleanses and heals. It is coral water that centenarians use every day

Black cumin seed oil: description, properties, benefits and harms, features of the reception

Black cumin seed oil: description, properties, benefits and harms, features of the reception

Due to its beneficial properties, black cumin seed oil is extremely popular. It is used in cooking, in daily skin and hair care, and for medicinal purposes. It has been used for centuries as an effective remedy for ulcers. When added to dishes, it gives them a spicy aftertaste. It is a unique source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body, skin and hair

Vitamins "Velwoman": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Vitamins "Velwoman": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Wellwoman is a dietary supplement designed for women. This drug is a unique combination of minerals and vitamins. It is designed in accordance with all the requirements of the current lifestyle. And designed for those who want to be in optimal shape at home, in the gym or at work

AAKG: what is it, instructions for use

AAKG: what is it, instructions for use

Various biological additives are often used in sports nutrition and bodybuilding. AAKG is no exception. What it is, many athletes know. But, according to some researchers, this dietary supplement does not contribute to accelerating the growth of muscle mass and increasing strength. However, AAKG continues to be used today

Vitamins "PharmaMed": names, series, compositions, rules of use and reviews

Vitamins "PharmaMed": names, series, compositions, rules of use and reviews

A wide range of natural vitamin and plant biological complexes on the Russian market is represented by a Canadian pharmaceutical company called "PharmaMed". Vitamins of this manufacturer are very popular. The production of modern biological complexes is a priority for this company

Vitamins for the pancreas: list, instructions for use, composition and photo

Vitamins for the pancreas: list, instructions for use, composition and photo

The diagnosis of pancreatitis refers to inflammation of the pancreas. This condition is accompanied by acute pain, nausea and vomiting, impaired stool and metabolism. It takes a lot of time and effort to heal and recover. The problem is solved by medication with the obligatory observance of a strict diet. During illness, the body weakens and requires additional support in the form of vitamin complexes. Today we will talk about which vitamins for the pancreas are the most important

Cheap vitamins for hair: a review of drugs, composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Cheap vitamins for hair: a review of drugs, composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Hair must be nourished from the inside. And with a modern lifestyle with malnutrition, the human body often lacks the trace elements necessary to preserve the beauty of curls. In this case, hair vitamins can help. Cheap pharmacy multivitamin preparations and more expensive products have recently been increasingly used in complex hair care

"Biosil": reviews, indications for use, release form, instructions and results

"Biosil": reviews, indications for use, release form, instructions and results

This is a combined medical product that helps speed up the processes of cell metabolism, restore elastin and collagen structures. The supplement is a hair growth regulator with severe hair loss, if this condition is caused by a lack of vitamins and natural mineral compounds in the body, and not by hormonal imbalance

"Lymphotransit", "Evalar": customer reviews, purpose, release form, instructions for use and contraindications

"Lymphotransit", "Evalar": customer reviews, purpose, release form, instructions for use and contraindications

Lymph cleansing is a significant procedure, since the lymphatic system ensures the cleanliness of the internal environment in the body. Its value is drainage and detoxification. Thanks to it, the transit of fluid in the tissues and the removal of toxins and waste from every cell of the human body is carried out

Vitamins for appetite for adults - list, composition and features

Vitamins for appetite for adults - list, composition and features

Loss of appetite is a pathology that is much more serious than it might seem. Proper and regular nutrition is a guarantee of he alth, and poor appetite leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which causes serious diseases

"Omega Forte Evalar": instructions for use, composition, reviews

"Omega Forte Evalar": instructions for use, composition, reviews

For the proper functioning of the body and its individual systems, a huge amount of various substances is required. They can be roughly divided into 3 groups. The first are those that are produced by the body. The second group is those that come exclusively from outside. And the third is the union of the first and second. One of the most important substances of the second group are omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. To make up for their deficiency, they often use the Omega Forte remedy from Evalar

"Complivit Calcium D3" for babies: instructions for use, composition, manufacturer, reviews

"Complivit Calcium D3" for babies: instructions for use, composition, manufacturer, reviews

Calcium deficiency in children is called hypocalcemia. The disease is characterized as reduced, in comparison with the norm, the content of calcium in the child's body. Calcium is considered one of the main substances necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby, as well as the correct formation of the bone and ligamentous apparatus, as well as for the coordinated and well-coordinated work of the muscular system

Best American vitamins: list of names

Best American vitamins: list of names

The high pace of modern life and the significant deterioration in food quality necessitates the use of fortified supplements in food. And not all of them are equally effective. That is why today we want to tell you about the best American vitamins

Choosing vitamins for nursing mothers: which ones are better?

Choosing vitamins for nursing mothers: which ones are better?

Would you like to choose vitamins for nursing mothers? Which ones are better and will suit you specifically, while you do not know? Ask a doctor for advice or choose a drug, taking into account the "wishes" of the body

"Multi-Tabs Kid": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Multi-Tabs Kid": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Childhood is one of the most active phases of human development. The child spends a huge amount of energy, and his immune system is extremely susceptible to various harmful factors. That is why many mothers resort to the use of various vitamin complexes that help strengthen immunity and improve the condition of the child as a whole

Complivit' for children: instructions, analogues and reviews

Complivit' for children: instructions, analogues and reviews

For children of different age categories, taking vitamins is very important. Valuable nutrients are necessary for the proper development and growth of the baby. To eliminate the deficiency of vitamins, you can use the drug "Complivit". For children, it is produced in several forms that correspond to the age of the child

Vitamins "Vitrum Superstress": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

Vitamins "Vitrum Superstress": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

In today's world, stressful situations are waiting for a person at every step, causing serious blows to the nervous system. The condition worsens malnutrition, frequent overwork and lack of vitamins. Strengthen the nervous system will help the drug "Vitrum Superstress". The vitamin complex contains the most necessary components for the body