Biologically active food supplements have long become something common. Their use helps to eliminate the lack of not only vitamins, but also other organic compounds. Doppelherz is known in the pharmaceutical market as a manufacturer of a wide range of dietary supplements. Its products are distinguished by the fact that each preparation is enriched with various amino acids and minerals. For example, "Doppelgerz Active Magnesium Plus" (vitamins with magnesium) helps to resist stress. The line also includes preparations intended for pregnant women, children and adolescents.

Recently, the multivitamin complex "Doppelherz Active Omega-3", containing natural salmon fat, is in increasing demand. Both doctors and ordinary consumers talk about its benefits and effectiveness. What is so special about this supplement? Is it true that this particular vitamin complex helps to eliminate the problem of being overweight? Let's try to find out right now.
Composition and description of the drug
Benefit of each dietary supplementdetermines its composition. What substances and vitamins are contained in the Doppelherz Omega-3 complex? The instruction tells us that the main component of the drug is arctic salmon fat. What is remarkable about this product? The fact is that it consists of two unsaturated fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic. It is in salmon fat that their content is very high and reaches 12-18%. In addition, Vitamin E is included in Doppelherz Active Omega-3 vitamins.

Capsules are made using gelatin, so they are soft and elastic to the touch. Inside the capsule is a light yellow liquid vitamin base. The original drug is packaged in jars with tight screw caps made of white polymeric material. Those, in turn, are placed in cardboard boxes with a company logo. One pack of vitamins contains 30 or 80 capsules.
Properties of the vitamin complex
What is so remarkable about the substance known as Omega-3? Does it really benefit the human body? It is known that polyunsaturated fatty acids, which include this component of the Doppelherz Active Omega-3 vitamins, act as very strong antioxidants. They contribute to the stabilization of cell membranes, enhance immunity. In addition, Omega-3 acids act as an anti-inflammatory, hypotensive and general tonic.
By the way, Doppelherz Active, reviews of which will be described below, contains at least a quarter of the recommended daily dose of Omega-3 acids. Capsulesimprove blood circulation, microcirculation and regulate lipid metabolism. Due to the regular intake of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases caused by high blood cholesterol levels is significantly reduced.

Indications for use
Let's move on to the next question regarding the intake of Doppelherz Aktiv Omega-3. Who needs to take this drug? First of all, when prescribing this dietary supplement, it is worth remembering that dietary supplements can only be used as adjuvant therapy, as well as prophylactic agents. That is why the Doppelherz Omega-3 complex is prescribed by the instruction to be taken by persons at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, cholesterol plaque deposits, etc.). Also, the intake of these vitamins can be carried out for a faster and more complete restoration of cerebral blood flow after traumatic brain injuries or other diseases that caused a deterioration in cerebral circulation.
How to take vitamins
The regimen for taking any complex of vitamins is extremely simple: one capsule per day is enough to fill the body's needs for the substances it needs. So, the reception of the complex described in this article is no different from the reception of the Doppelgerz Active Glucosamine complex. Experts advise taking the capsules with meals. They need to drink enough water. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician. More oftenin total, the reception lasts a month, after which a break is made for the same period. If necessary, repeat the course.

Side effects, overdose and contraindications
Dietary supplements are remarkable in that they have virtually no contraindications. This is especially true for those preparations that contain vitamin E and Omega-3, which are necessary for everyone without exception. The only thing that can become a serious obstacle to taking them is an allergy to one of the components of the complex. If the consumer develops symptoms of an allergy, Doppelherz Active Omega-3 should be discontinued.
There is no information about an overdose of this vitamin complex in the medical literature and reviews. But this does not mean that you can take higher doses of vitamins. In any case, you should consult your doctor about suspicious symptoms that occur while taking the drug.

"Doppelgerz asset" with Omega-3 for weight loss
Despite the fact that the main purpose of dietary supplements is to prevent diseases or metabolic disorders, many of them are often used as a means to lose weight. For these purposes, the drug "Doppelgerz" with vitamin E and Omega-3 is often used. In comparison with the regimen recommended by the manufacturer, in this case, the dose of the vitamin complex per dose increases by 3-6 times, and the duration of the course is 3 months. It means thatyou need to take capsules not one at a time, but several at a time.
Clinical data on the effectiveness of this method of weight loss to date, no. And this means that any person who decides to try it on himself, to some extent, endangers his he alth.

Reviews on Doppelhertz vitamins
Opinions about the effectiveness of the drug and the advisability of taking it from doctors and their patients are positive. From the beginning of the course, consumers did not notice an improvement in their general condition. However, after its completion, such positive aspects as improved memory and attention were clearly noticeable. Experts, in turn, confirm that this is a direct consequence of taking the Doppelherz vitamin preparation. The price of this supplement varies from 250 rubles for a package of 30 capsules to 680 rubles for 80 capsules.
In many situations, this vitamin preparation helps to eliminate the lack of substances needed by the body. Nevertheless, do not forget that when choosing such funds, you should not rely on the opinions of others. The best option is still considered to be an appeal to a doctor for clarification on the appropriateness of using a particular dietary supplement.