Palatine tonsils: classification and treatment

Palatine tonsils: classification and treatment
Palatine tonsils: classification and treatment

In the autumn-winter period, the risk of contracting various infections increases, since at this time there is a tendency to reduce immunity. In this regard, processes aimed at protecting it are activated in the body. The palatine tonsils, which may also be called tonsils, are an important part of the human immune system. It is this organ that is the first barrier for microbes to enter the body. So what is the significance of the palatine tonsils for human he alth?

Definition of tonsils and their structure

medical examination
medical examination

Palatine tonsils are an oval-shaped accumulation of lymphoid tissue, which is located in the form of a ring on the border of the pharynx and oral cavity. Here, the production of lymphocytes and antibodies occurs, which determines their protective role. These cells prevent pathogenic viruses and other infections from entering the body from the external environment. If the immune cells were able to cope with the onslaught of bacteria, the person does not get sick. But if the microbial attack was very strong, and the immunity is not strong enough,inflammation of the palatine tonsils.

In newborns and infants, the tonsils are almost invisible. Their growth begins a little later, when the body needs additional protection - with more frequent walks, visits to kindergarten and playgrounds. Also, the growth of the tonsils is affected by colds, that is, when the infectious load on the body increases. The palatine tonsils in children become inflamed more often than in adults.

Functions of the tonsils

Currently, the following functions are performed by tonsils:

  • Protective. Microbes, entering the human body by airborne droplets or already being in it in the form of a chronic course of the disease (for example, caries or tonsillitis), first of all meet with the tonsils, which destroy them or cause serious damage. It is also worth noting the ability of the body to remember information about pathogenic cells and transmit it to other systems involved in the formation of immunity.
  • Voice. The palatine tonsils are also involved in the formation of human speech, along with teeth and tongue. It must be remembered that the tonsils give the voice a certain timbre and tone of speech. People whose activities are related to the vocal apparatus need to take this into account if the question arises of removing this organ.

It is worth noting that in the case when the palatine tonsils do not cope with the infection, it can affect the organ itself. As a result, immunity decreases, and the tonsils become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria that can affect the functioning of the human heart.

Reasonsdiseases of the tonsils

Basically, diseases of the palatine tonsils are provoked by pathogenic microorganisms, which, with reduced immunity, multiply very quickly. Among the main causes of inflammation of the tonsils:

  • viral infections - causative agents of SARS, herpes, adenovirus;
  • bacterial infections, most commonly caused by streptococcus;
  • fungal infections;
  • chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma;
  • scarlet fever, syphilis;
  • noncommunicable diseases – radiation sickness, leukemia;
  • Mechanical damage can also be the cause, such as being stung by a fish bone.

Provoking factors for the development of inflammation can be:

  • drinking cold water;
  • smoking;
  • hypothermia;
  • high stress;
  • breathing frosty air through mouth.

Varieties of inflammation and disease

Since when pathogenic microbes enter the body, the tonsils are one of the first to start fighting them, with an insufficiently strong response of the immune system, the organ itself can be exposed to various diseases. The most common diseases of the palatine tonsils are:

  • inflammation of the tonsils - tonsillitis (sometimes referred to as acute tonsillitis);
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • hypertrophy (increase);
  • plugs in the tonsils;
  • benign or malignant growths.


Photo signs of angina
Photo signs of angina

Angina is an acute inflammatory process in the tonsils, which has a bacteri althe nature of occurrence. This disease provokes streptococcus. As a rule, there is a bilateral lesion of the organ. With angina, timely treatment is very important, since the pathology can provoke serious complications.

Types of sore throats

In medicine, there are several types of tonsillitis, the most common are the following:

  • Catarrhal. A mild form of the disease, in which there is a superficial lesion of the palatine tonsils. Symptoms will be a sore throat, slight swelling, pain when swallowing and at rest are minimal or completely absent.
  • Follicular. Symptoms with this type of angina are very pronounced. There is a fever, severe sore throat, which can radiate to the ears, weakness, lack of appetite, soreness of the lymph nodes. There is a general intoxication of the body. Sometimes there is pain in the limbs and lower back. Children may vomit and have diarrhea. A distinctive feature is the appearance of pustules on the surface of the tonsils.
  • Lacunar form of inflammation. This is a severe type of angina, in which there is an accumulation of pus in the lacunae of the tonsils. Due to severe swelling of the tonsils, there is hoarseness, and sometimes a complete loss of voice.
  • Fibrinous inflammation. Manifested by a continuous coating of pus on the entire surface of the tonsils. Left untreated, this form can cause brain damage.
  • Phlegmonous inflammation is the rarest type of sore throat. It is manifested by acute pain in the throat, slurred speech, swollen lymph nodes, an unpleasant odor frommouth, disturbed sleep and appetite, fever, general weakness. The peculiarity is that the pus is localized only on one side of the tonsils.

Chronic tonsillitis

Symptoms of tonsillitis
Symptoms of tonsillitis

This is an insidious disease in which a steady inflammatory process occurs in the tonsils. As a rule, such a condition appears from an untreated sore throat, so inflammation is constantly present in the organ, and the healing process is delayed. Moreover, purulent plugs on the tonsils are also present in the remission stage. This form of the disease may not manifest itself for a long time, aggravating only in the presence of provoking factors - a decrease in immunity, hypothermia, when environmental conditions change. Exacerbation of symptoms in chronic tonsillitis occurs several times a year, it all depends on the work of the person's immunity.

Signs of chronic tonsillitis

The main symptoms of tonsillitis are as follows:

  • increased palatine tonsils;
  • swelling in the throat area;
  • loose tonsils;
  • bad smell;
  • presence of pus on the tonsils.
  • fever and sore throat are not always obvious enough.

Tonsil plugs

Reception at LARA
Reception at LARA

The presence of so-called plugs - deposits of calcified matter that accumulate in the recesses of the tonsils - is observed both in people with tonsillitis and in completely he althy people. They may not bring any discomfort, but sometimes they are manifested by pain when swallowing.and bad breath. Such plugs must be removed in a hospital setting.

Hypertrophy of tonsils

Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils is their pathological increase without participation in this inflammatory process. The reasons for this pathology are still not fully understood. It is assumed that frequent colds, reduced immunity, endocrine and upper respiratory tract diseases, allergic reactions and poor environmental conditions can contribute to this condition. In most cases, hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils is diagnosed in children aged 5-15.

Symptoms of this pathology will be:

  • swelling and softness of the tonsils;
  • looseness of the organ;
  • breathing disorders;
  • snoring;
  • voice change;
  • throat discomfort.

Special attention should be paid to unilateral hypertrophy, as this may indicate the presence of a fungal infection, tuberculosis or tumor.

Specialists distinguish three degrees of hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils, depending on how much space they occupy in an enlarged state:

  • 1 degree - the tonsil occupies a third of the space between the midline of the pharynx and the edge of the anterior palatine.
  • 2 degree - tonsil occupies 2/3 of this space;
  • 3 degree - the organ almost completely covers the space, and in more advanced stages, the tonsils can touch each other.

Hypertrophy of the tonsils is often a reversible process. But due to the fact that such a condition, especially in degrees 2 and 3, makes it difficult to breathe andchanges speech, it is worth consulting a doctor at the first symptoms.

Diagnosis of diseases of the tonsils

Throat swab
Throat swab

Diagnosing diseases of the palatine tonsils is done by a doctor (ENT). To begin with, the patient's complaints are heard, and then a pharyngoscopic examination and palpation of the lymph nodes are performed. In most cases, a doctor can make a diagnosis based on a visual examination. If there are some doubts, additional diagnostic measures are taken, including the following procedures:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • ultrasound examination of the pharynx;
  • pharyngeal swab;
  • if necessary, the ENT will refer the patient to other highly specialized doctors.

Treatment for angina

Inflammatory processes in the palatine tonsils are treated not only with medications, but also with more traditional ones, which include rinses and inhalations.

The main treatment for angina will be antibiotic therapy. Before taking medications, it is recommended to pass an analysis for the sensitivity of microorganisms to the prescribed medication. Mostly, penicillin preparations are used - "Flemoxin Solutab", "Amoxicillin" and others.

It is very important to gargle to flush germs from the surface of the tonsils. For this, soda-s alt and antiseptic solutions, decoctions of herbs - chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula are used. You can also irrigate the throat with antibacterial agents (for example, Miramistin).

Iftreatment does not bring the desired effect, and the patient's condition worsens, the doctor may decide on the need for a surgical method to get rid of the pathology.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Washing the tonsils
Washing the tonsils

With this disease, a very effective method is washing the palatine tonsils in a hospital. In this case, under strong pressure, a medical solution is injected into the gap with a special syringe, thereby clearing it of pus and bacteria.

After that, it is advisable to use physiotherapy - warming up, ultrasound therapy, in which the plugs on the tonsils are broken.

Treatment of tonsil hypertrophy

If this pathology does not bring serious inconvenience, then local treatment is used - treatment of the tonsils with astringent and cauterizing solutions, as well as rinsing, herbal or mineral inhalations, ultrasound treatment.

In addition, antimicrobial and antiviral drugs are prescribed.


The decision to remove the glands should only be taken as a last resort, when the main therapy has not brought results or serious complications are observed.

There are two types of surgery:

  • tonsillotomy - an enlarged part of the tonsil is cut off with a special tool in the form of a loop.
  • tonsillectomy - complete removal of an organ.

The operation in most cases goes without complications and has a short rehabilitation period.

The tonsils are an important organ of the immune system, so oftenafter their removal, there is a decrease in overall immunity and more frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


palpation of the lymph nodes
palpation of the lymph nodes

Preventive measures are aimed primarily at strengthening immunity. These include:

  • outdoor walks;
  • hardening;
  • protection against hypothermia;
  • proper nutrition;
  • complete treatment of chronic diseases;
  • gargling with decoctions of herbs;
  • It is also necessary to control nasal breathing, especially in winter.


The significance of the palatine tonsils in the human body is not exaggerated. This is an important organ that helps us fight pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Therefore, it is necessary to protect it and prevent the development of inflammatory processes. You also need to remember that at the first symptoms you need to see a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment. And with timely therapy, the risk of chronic manifestations of the disease will be minimized.
