Preparing for an MRI of the spine: how to prepare, indications for the procedure

Preparing for an MRI of the spine: how to prepare, indications for the procedure
Preparing for an MRI of the spine: how to prepare, indications for the procedure

In the modern world, there are a huge number of ailments that require modern detection and treatment. Due to the fact that medicine is constantly evolving, this is not difficult to do. The most important thing is not to over tighten. Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the innovative methods of laboratory research, which has high accuracy and information content. With its help, doctors can detect many diseases of various etiologies at the earliest stages. This type of diagnosis is one of the mandatory examinations of patients who have suspicions of any pathology of the spinal column. It allows not only to determine the nature of the disease, but also to assess the state of he alth of the patient, making a detailed clinical picture. Therefore, many people are interested in whether preparation for an MRI of the spine is necessary. This is a very important question that cannot be left unanswered. Let's take a closer look at it and find out how to make the diagnosis the mostaccurate.

General information

mri lumbar spine preparation
mri lumbar spine preparation

MRI (preparation for the examination of the spine will be described below) is a modern diagnostic method that provides a detailed picture of the state of human he alth. During the examination, doctors can identify the presence of any pathology and the cause of its occurrence, as well as determine abnormalities in the development of the bone skeleton. The advantage of the procedure is that it is completely safe for he alth, so it can be performed an unlimited number of times in order to monitor the progression of the disease and evaluate the prescribed therapy program.

Depending on the he alth problems present, an MRI can be performed both for the entire spine and for its individual sections - cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral. This technique makes it possible to detect the slightest structural changes in the bones, spinal cord and blood vessels. After the examination, the doctor receives a detailed picture of each intervertebral disc and nerve fibers in three dimensions.

It is worth noting that the apparatus used for laboratory research affects a person with short-frequency electrical impulses and high-power magnetic radiation. Therefore, in order to reduce any risks, the patient needs preliminary preparation for MRI of the spine. What does it mean by itself and how to perform it correctly, you can find out later in this article.

Why do I need an MRI?

The main goal is to confirm the setdiagnosis and monitoring of changes in the patient's he alth status during treatment. This type of research makes it possible to identify many diseases of various origins even at their inception. Due to this, patients can be prescribed therapy in time. With positive or negative dynamics, the necessary adjustments are immediately made to the course of treatment, which significantly increases the chances of a full recovery.

Pros and cons of the method

preparation for mri of the lumbar spine
preparation for mri of the lumbar spine

Many people are interested in the question of what preparation is needed for an MRI of the spine. The lumbosacral region or another area needs to be examined - this does not really matter, since the essence remains the same. Further, a detailed answer to this question will be given, but first you need to consider what advantages and disadvantages this type of survey has. Strengths include:

  • possibility of obtaining cuts in any planes;
  • high contrast and image detail;
  • no artificial structures in contact with bone tissue;
  • high accuracy and informativeness;
  • no ionized radiation;
  • possibility of examination using intravenously administered reagents;
  • diagnosing cancerous tumors at the earliest stages of development;
  • no need for preliminary preparation for MRI of the cervical spine and other parts of it.

Despite the many benefits, there areand certain disadvantages. These include:

  • examination is contraindicated in patients using pacemakers and having metal prostheses and implants in the body;
  • lower accuracy in diagnosing acute hemorrhages than computed tomography;
  • duration of procedure.

It is worth noting that the disadvantages of MRI are insignificant, which makes this research method one of the best today.

Indications for prescription

MRI of the lumbar spine preparation for the study
MRI of the lumbar spine preparation for the study

Today, magnetic resonance imaging has a fairly wide scope. It is used in almost all areas of medicine in case of suspicion of any serious illness. As for the MRI of the spine, preparation for the examination does not require much time, and it is prescribed if the patient complains of the following problems:

  • severe and sharp back pain;
  • deformation of the vertebrae of various origins;
  • various pathologies of the spinal column;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • anomalies in the anatomical development of the bone skeleton;
  • poor posture and scoliosis;
  • inflammatory processes in the spine;
  • new growths;
  • malignant tumors;
  • damage to the spinal cord and nerve endings by infections;
  • compression fracture and other back injuries;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • impaired circulation in the legs;
  • spinal stenosis;
  • scatteredsclerosis;
  • CNS diseases that occur in a slowly progressive form;
  • degenerative-dystrophic disorders of the spinal cord.

Thus, the scope of this survey method is almost limitless. In addition to all of the above, MRI (preparation for the examination of the spine is more psychological than physical) is often used to assess the he alth of patients who are undergoing rehabilitation after undergoing surgery.


Answering the question about what preparation patients need before MRI of the spine, let's first figure out in which cases it is worth refraining from the examination. Like any other type of laboratory research, this method has certain contraindications. Among the main ones are the following:

  • presence of prostheses and metal implants;
  • use of cardio and neurostimulators;
  • tattoo;
  • fear of enclosed space;
  • some equipment has weight restrictions;
  • the presence of diseases that occur in an acute form and are accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  • allergic reactions during the contrast method of research;
  • pregnancy;
  • limb tremor;
  • breathing problems;
  • heart failure;
  • people who have undergone coronary bypass surgery;
  • wearing an insulin pump;
  • vascular clipping.

If the patient is prohibited from magnetic resonance imaging due tothe presence of the above contraindications or the impossibility of conducting an examination for other reasons, the doctor selects alternative diagnostic methods. As a rule, CT, ultrasound or x-ray is prescribed. If there are no restrictions, then the patient is trained in MRI of the spine and subsequent examination. It lasts about 15-20 minutes, and the pictures will be ready in a few days, after which the specialist will decipher them and make the final diagnosis.

What is the preparation?

preparation for MRI of the lumbosacral spine
preparation for MRI of the lumbosacral spine

So we come to the answer to the question of interest to many people. Preparation for an MRI of the spine (lumbar or any other - it does not matter) is quite simple and does not take much time. Before entering the office where the device is located, you need to remove jewelry and metal objects, leave any electronic gadgets, bank cards, money and dentures in the storage box, and put on a special hat and gown. During operation, the equipment makes loud clicks and noises that should not be frightened.

In some cases, preparation for an MRI of the spine (the study of the lumbar region is carried out according to a similar algorithm as that of the cervical or thoracic) may involve refusing to eat a few hours before the appointed time. In case of renal dysfunction, before undergoing an examination, it is necessary to first pass a general analysis of blood and urine. If the patient is very nervous and worried, then the doctor can prescribe hima sedative taken shortly before a scheduled MRI to help stabilize your mental state.

Examination of the state of the blood vessels requires the introduction of a contrast agent. To avoid he alth problems and undesirable consequences, preparation for an MRI of the lumbar spine or any other spine is required. It involves collecting data on allergic reactions. As medical practice shows, in the vast majority of cases, no problems arise, but doctors strive to minimize all possible risks.

If the examination is carried out on small children, then their arms and legs are securely fixed with special straps. Any movement can adversely affect the accuracy of the results and complicate the correct diagnosis. Infants, as a rule, are given an injection of a drug that has a sedative effect. The dosage is calculated individually, taking into account the research method used.

That, in fact, is the whole preparation for MRI of the spine. Most people worry more than it's worth. This type of examination is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort to people at all.

Execution technique

mri preparation for examination of the spine
mri preparation for examination of the spine

Above, it was described in detail what preparation for MRI of the spine of the lumbar, thoracic or sacral spine implies. But many will probably have a question about how the survey is conducted. As noted earlier, the patient, in the direction of the doctor, comes to the office,equipped with special equipment. It is a cylindrical tube mounted on a movable table.

After a preliminary examination, a person removes all metal objects from himself. Next, the specialist fixes special coils on the desired section of the spine, after which the patient lies down on the table, which drives into the tomograph. The head, as well as the arms and legs, are fastened with straps to eliminate the possibility of movements that could distort the image. Throughout the procedure, the patient must lie strictly in one position.

If an MRI of the lumbar spine is to be performed, no preparation is required unless the patient is mentally or emotionally disturbed. In this case, it will be enough just half an hour before the procedure to take a sedative. If there are any he alth problems, the decision on the advisability of magnetic resonance imaging is made by the doctor. In some cases, it may be replaced by other research methods.

If there is a need to assess the state of blood vessels and identify various pathologies, a contrast agent is first injected into the subject. To prevent blockage of the veins, a catheter with 0.9% sodium chloride solution is placed. After completion, the patient is given a picture with a transcript of the results. With these documents, he goes to his doctor, who makes the final diagnosis.

Is there a possibility of misdiagnosis?

According to qualified specialists, MRI has almost 100 percent accuracy. Butwhen making a diagnosis, there may be erroneous results. Most often, this happens for the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with the technology of the procedure;
  • incorrectly selected type of study;
  • Insufficient level of professionalism of the radiologist;
  • violation of the conditions for preparing for MRI of the thoracic spine or other parts of the axial skeleton by the patient.

If you doubt the accuracy of the diagnosis, then you should contact another specialist with a transcript of the examination results.

Cost of procedure

It is very difficult to name the exact amounts, since prices can vary in a very wide range depending on the region of the country. For example, an MRI of the sacral spine (preparation for the examination is optional if there are no problems with the functioning of the central nervous system) in Moscow will cost between 10-12 thousand rubles, while in small border towns you will have to pay about 4-6 thousand for it. If the procedure is performed with the introduction of a contrast agent, then an additional 3,500 rubles will have to be paid.

Transcript of results

Do I need to prepare for an MRI of the spine?
Do I need to prepare for an MRI of the spine?

The radiologist is responsible for issuing the conclusion based on the images. If the patient does not have any he alth problems, then it will be ready within an hour and a half. In the presence of serious pathologies, decoding may take a whole day. If the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed, the big one is sent for a consultation with a specialized specialist, who takesdecision on further actions and makes the most effective therapy program.


Despite the high cost of MRI, today this type of laboratory research is considered one of the most popular. It has many advantages and high accuracy, and also allows you to identify many dangerous diseases at the earliest stages of development, at which they are best treated. As for the preparation for the examination, then, as a rule, it is not required. The main thing is to maintain the accepted position throughout the entire procedure, that is, to lie still. From this, to a greater extent, the accuracy of the diagnosis depends. Nothing else matters.

mri sacral spine preparation
mri sacral spine preparation

However, if you are scheduled for an MRI, then before going for it, it is advisable to first consult with the doctor on all matters relating to the procedure. If any preparatory measures are necessary for it, they will definitely tell you about it. Most importantly, don't skimp on your own he alth. No one will follow him except you!
