The attractiveness of a person depends greatly on the condition of the hair. In caring for the beauty of curls, many women try various care products. But they are not always effective. After all, you need to take care of your hair from the inside. And with a modern lifestyle with malnutrition, the human body often lacks the trace elements necessary to preserve the beauty of curls. In this case, hair vitamins can help. Cheap pharmacy multivitamin preparations and more expensive products have recently been increasingly used in complex hair care.
What vitamins do hair need
The condition of curls depends on many things, including the quality of human nutrition. After all, it is from the inside, through the hair follicles, that the hair receives all the substances necessary for growth and he alth. Before choosing cheap vitamins for hair, you need to find out what should be included in their composition. There are several trace elements, the amount of whichthe state of a person's hairstyle depends greatly.
- Retinol acetate, better known as vitamin A, is essential for hair growth. It increases the density of hair, prevents hair loss and dandruff.
- Vitamin E or tocopherol strengthens the bulbs, restores their structure and promotes rapid hair growth. Curls become soft and shiny.
- Vitamin C improves blood circulation in the scalp, so that the bulbs receive more oxygen and nutrients. In addition, it is involved in the production of collagen, which is necessary for the density and elasticity of hair.
- Vitamin B2 normalizes the sebaceous glands. Thanks to it, dryness and brittleness of hair can be eliminated, and increased oiliness at the roots also disappears.
- Biotin is vitamin B7. It is considered one of the most important micronutrients for the he alth of the hair shaft. It prevents brittleness, normalizes water-fat balance, accelerates hair growth.
- B3 or niacin prevents premature graying and improves he althy hair color. It dilates the capillaries and helps to improve the blood supply to the scalp.
- B6 has a beneficial effect on the scalp, eliminating dandruff, itching, increased fat content.
- B9 or folic acid promotes rapid hair growth. This vitamin makes curls thicker and shinier.

What is the effect of vitamin preparations
Human hair needs a daily supply of all essential trace elements. If there isdeficiency of one of them, they begin to fall out, become brittle and dry, dandruff appears. This happens often, since many vitamins are often lacking in the diet of a modern person. Therefore, when problems with hair appear, doctors first of all recommend taking vitamin preparations or using them externally. Such funds have many useful properties and have the following effect:
- eliminate dandruff;
- accelerate hair growth, making them longer and thicker;
- strengthen bulbs to prevent hair loss;
- prevent split ends;
- make hair stronger and prevent breakage;
- normalize the water-fat balance of the scalp.

Rating of vitamin preparations for hair
Many different vitamin remedies allow everyone to choose a drug to eliminate their problem. If it is difficult to figure out which one is better, you can contact a trichologist who will determine the cause of hair loss or dryness and advise the necessary preparations. There are many cheap vitamins for hair loss, hair growth, dandruff and breakage. Usually, those whose course of treatment does not exceed 700 rubles in cost are popular. According to the reviews of people who used them for treatment, you can rank the best:
- "Alerana";
- "Perfect";
- "Aevit";
- "Vitasharm";
- "Vitrum Beauty";
- "Alphabet Cosmetics";
- "Fitoval";
- "Revalid";
- "Lady's Formula";
- "Complivit Radiance";
- "Neuromultivit".

Cheapest drugs
Now pharmacies and speci alty stores sell many different drugs. They may have a different composition and price. It is difficult for an ordinary person to figure out which of them is better. Plus, you don't want to overpay. Ideally, it is best to find cheap hair vitamins. There are such products in pharmacies, however, not everyone pays attention to them, since the packaging usually does not say that they improve the condition of the hair. These vitamins are used as a general tonic. But with a lack of hair vitamins, they can also be used.
Reviews of cheap vitamins for hair growth, against hair loss and brittleness note that several drugs have a similar effect.
- The most inexpensive vitamin complex with a universal effect is Complivit. Conveniently, all the trace elements necessary for he althy hair are contained in one capsule, which you need to take only once a day. The cost of a course of treatment with this drug is 140 rubles.
- The cheapest vitamins for hair is Aevit. There are a lot of positive reviews about the effects of this remedy, although it contains only vitamins A and E. Since they are very concentrated, they can only be taken orally bydoctor's recommendations or use externally. Even with this application, the curls become thicker, smoother and shiny. And the cost of such a course of treatment is only about 60 rubles.
- "Vitasharm" is the best cheap vitamins for hair and nails. The complex composition helps to fight excess fat, dandruff and baldness. And the presence of calcium in the composition additionally strengthens the nails. The cost of a monthly course of treatment with this drug will be about 250 rubles.
- The drug "Alfavit" will cost a little more. This is also a complex remedy containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary for he althy hair. And its advantages include the fact that they are not included in one tablet, but are divided into three different colors. You need to take them three times during the day. So vitamins are better absorbed.

The best vitamins for hair
Cheap pharmaceutical preparations are not always designed specifically for hair. Therefore, if there are any problems, it is better to pay attention to inexpensive, but special tools. Their composition is selected specifically from those substances that are necessary for the he alth of the hair, so their action is felt faster. There are some of the most popular products that combine high performance and low price.
- "Alerana" is considered the best complex that helps with brittleness and hair loss. Available in two types of tablets - for taking during the day and at night. Therefore, it contributes to the round-the-clock effect. The course of treatment will cost about 500rubles.
- "Perfectil", in addition to a complex of vitamins, contains herbal ingredients: bardana root and echinacea extract. The drug quickly stops hair loss. It costs about 500 rubles.
- The best cheap vitamins for hair growth is the Vitrum Beauty complex. After a monthly course, which will cost 650 rubles, the length and density of the hairstyle will increase significantly. The complex, in addition to the main vitamins, contains iron, calcium, folic acid.
- The Lady's Formula is not very cheap. It costs about 650 rubles. But the rich composition makes it very popular for strengthening hair and preventing hair loss. In addition to 29 vitamins, the preparation contains iodine, zinc and burdock root extract.

Vitamin complexes
You can also use pharmacy multivitamin complexes that are intended for other purposes. They are usually prescribed as a tonic and immune-improving agent. But often such drugs are prescribed to patients by trichologists for hair loss, brittleness and loss of he althy shine. Some inexpensive drugs can be used for this purpose.
- "Neuromultivit" is a complex of vitamins of group B. The drug normalizes metabolic processes, improves the condition of hair follicles. Used for hair loss. The course of treatment with the drug will cost 400-500 rubles.
- "Fitoval" is valued for its low cost - only 300 rubles per course. In addition to the complex of vitamins, the composition of the drug includesyeast that normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates hair growth.
- An inexpensive remedy is the drug "Revalid", which costs only 350 rubles. Its features include the fact that, in addition to a complex of vitamins, it contains natural ingredients: wheat germ, millet, yeast.

How to use these drugs
Before starting treatment, it is best to consult a doctor. After all, all vitamins are medicines and may have contraindications. Therefore, such drugs are taken orally as directed by a doctor. Usually the course of treatment is 1-2 months. Drink most drugs 1-2 tablets per day, usually in the morning. If hair problems arose due to a lack of B vitamins, then it is better to drink them at night. The course requires 30-60 tablets. If after a month of use no improvement is noticeable or side effects appear, you should consult a doctor who will help you choose another drug.
But you can also use vitamin products externally. They can be part of various shampoos or balms. Additionally, it is better to add pharmacy cheap vitamins to such products. For hair, you can buy injection ampoules or capsules with fat-soluble substances. If you use external application and ingestion together, the condition of the hair will improve faster.

External use of vitamins
Besides ingestion, for various problemshair may need the use of vitamins topically. They are added to the composition of balms or make masks based on them. To do this, you can use cheap hair vitamins in ampoules. Vitamins A, E or B are usually used. They cost from 20 to 150 rubles per ampoule. You can simply rub them into the hair roots or add them to various masks.
Those who want to stop hair loss and accelerate their growth can use a simple recipe. You need to take the yolk, 2 teaspoons of dry mustard and mix well. Then add to the mixture an ampoule of pharmacy vitamins A, E, B2, B3 and B12. You can keep the mask for no longer than half an hour, if there is no severe burning sensation. You need to apply it 2 times a week.
Cheap vitamins for hair: reviews
Many women suffer from hair loss and a dull, unhe althy look. Some of them, on the advice of a doctor or acquaintances, began to take vitamins. There are a lot of positive reviews about this treatment. Many did not even suspect that after taking the drugs inside, the condition of the hair would greatly improve. Particularly effective, according to consumers, were the drugs "Vitrum Beauty", "Perfectil", "Alerana". After a course of treatment, the hair grows faster, becomes thicker and shiny.