In the article, we will consider the instructions and reviews for "Biosil".
This is a combined medical product that helps speed up the processes of cell metabolism, restore elastin and collagen structures. The supplement is a hair growth regulator with severe hair loss, if this condition is caused by a lack of vitamins and natural mineral compounds in the body, and not by hormonal imbalance. As a result of treatment with this medication, the human body is rejuvenated to a certain extent. The lack of such a microelement as silicon leads to accelerated aging of all human biosystems, skin fading, and the appearance of wrinkles. In such people, the nail plates also begin to break, hair fall out, and teeth wear out.

Means "Biosil" and similar to it, "Biosil Plus" - are biologically active food supplements. They are not recommended to replace a good diet, whichshould include vegetables, fruits, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Such products can only be used as auxiliary sources of minerals and micronutrients. The product is widely used in the food industry and its intake can be prescribed by a specialist.
It is better to read the reviews about "Biosil" in advance.
Pharmacological properties
Despite the fact that "Biosil" does not belong to aggressive chemicals, if used incorrectly, the product can also harm human he alth. After a certain time of taking the biological supplement, the effect can be seen in the form of strong and silky hair, he althy nails.
This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of "Biosil".
Growth regulator contributes to the normalization of the formation and functioning of bone and cartilage tissues.

Silicon, which is part of the composition, helps to restore the level of elastin and collagen in the body. It is due to this effect that the structure of the vascular walls is strengthened, the processes of formation of blood clots are prevented. Zinc helps to optimize the body's defenses, stimulate the development of nail plates and hairline. The substance biotin, also present in the composition, optimizes the processes that are responsible for the restoration of the dermatological system of the body. The micronutrient B5 in this biological supplement plays the role of a prophylactic element and prevents hair loss on the head, the appearance of gray hair, weakening of the visual apparatus,decrease in the quality of memory and concentration.
Reviews of "Biosil" for hair are only positive.
In addition, this microcomponent contributes to the rapid healing of cracks, wounds, normalizes the hormonal state of the body, and prevents the occurrence of pathological rashes on the face (acne).

According to the results of numerous scientific studies that were conducted with the participation of dozens of people, it was found that pantothenic acid compound resists the formation of dermatological pathologies, the development of gray hair. This substance is excreted from the body through the work of the urinary system. The micronutrient can dissolve in water, it is very sensitive to changes in temperature. Its properties deteriorate by almost half if the material undergoes a heat treatment process. It also breaks down during canning. Therefore, such a substance is practically not contained in natural products and does not enter the human body with food. This means that its use is possible only with the help of active biological supplements to the diet, such as Biosil.
Composition and release form
DS is available in the form of capsules for oral use. This active supplement does not contain the main active element, since it is a combined pharmacological product that is filled with biotin, pantothenic acid compound, silicon, sorbitol, citric acid, zinc and other useful compounds. Capsules are packaged in plastic jars of 50 pieces for one therapeutic course.

In the content of the pharmacological product "Biosil" there is an acid pantothenic compound. It takes part in the regeneration of disorders of the dermatological biosystem, normalizes peristalsis in the intestines. Such a substance as biotin plays an important role in maintaining the aesthetics of the skin, prevents the appearance of age spots and wrinkles. This active biological supplement is considered the only product of domestic pharmacology that contains biotin and silicon in the required amount - materials that give a chance to renew hair growth, prevent their dullness and brittleness.
Sufficient daily amount of zinc is included in the product. That is why medical specialists use the drug "Biosil" in the complex therapy of skin in adolescents during puberty. Pantothenate is a representative of class B micronutrients. It is involved in metabolic amino acid processes, the processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thanks to this component, active processes of energy production by cellular structures occur. Micronutrient B5 is involved in protein metabolism, oxidation and acetylation reactions. In addition, the biological supplement has a direct effect on the processes of generating hemoglobin, cholesterol, histamine.
So it says in the instructions for use of "Biosil". We will consider reviews about the drug below.

Indications for prescription
Capsules of this pharmacological product are used as a prophylactic agent, in order to compensate for the lack of vitamins and useful elements present in its composition. Appointment is carried out by a highly qualified specialist. The use of the supplement should be preceded by a diagnostic examination. The qualities of the remedy give doctors the opportunity to prescribe it together with other pharmacological drugs after undergoing chemotherapy, as well as to patients who build up lost hair. You can use the capsules from the age of 12.
Side effects
When using this medication, allergic manifestations may occur - itching of the skin, rashes, redness.
According to reviews of "Biosil", this is extremely rare.
Contraindications for use
This tool has no strict restrictions on its use. However, some people have a high sensitization to the elements of this product. This is especially true for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Before taking the drug, you should determine the levels of vitamins and trace elements in the blood to prevent the development of hypervitaminosis conditions.

According to reviews, Biosil growth regulator suits many and is well tolerated.
How to use
For preventive purposes, the remedy is prescribed 1 capsule per day. It is necessary to take dietary supplements with meals. The course of therapy is 3 months. It is recommended to take it twice a year - in spring andautumn period. So the biological systems of the body receive the necessary amount of zinc, silicon, biotin and other essential substances during periods when the human body is most weakened. If there is a question about hair restoration, inflammation on the skin, then you should take 2 capsules per day. The duration of admission depends on the symptoms of a particular pathological condition. Acceptance is carried out until they are completely eliminated.

Reviews about "Biosil"
Reviews of people who took this biological supplement contain rather conflicting information. Some of them claim that this remedy is highly effective in hair loss and acne development, and helped them quickly eliminate such he alth problems.
There are also positive reviews about "Biosil plus".
Other patients say that they did not notice any special effect from the use of an active nutritional supplement, but their general well-being improved significantly, vigor appeared, sleep returned to normal, and visual acuity appeared. As for side effects, these have not been observed by consumers.
We reviewed the instructions and reviews for "Biosil".