How do I tell my mom that I didn't get my period?

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How do I tell my mom that I didn't get my period?
How do I tell my mom that I didn't get my period?

Video: How do I tell my mom that I didn't get my period?

Video: How do I tell my mom that I didn't get my period?
Video: PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) 2024, July

“Oh, girls, I don’t know about you, but I have a problem: how to tell my mother that my period didn’t come? Physically, I took shape in an adult girl, and I have a boyfriend with whom we regularly have sex, but until today everything somehow managed. The delay is only a few days, but I'm so afraid that I've "flyed".

True, the last sexual intercourse was without a condom, but he managed to pull the penis out of the vagina before the sperm "shot" out of it. What will happen now? I'm only 15 and he's even younger. I’m afraid to go to the gynecologist, maybe you can advise?”

How to tell my mom that I'm on my period
How to tell my mom that I'm on my period

Doctors know a lot of similar stories, but inexperienced schoolgirls tell about them only when toxicosis begins to torment or the stomach grows. What to do with teenagers whose body asks, but in the head "no more than one and a half convolutions"? Tip one: start talking on an intimate topic even before menstruation declares itself.

Yes, girls are shy about such topics, but each of them can be approached, because no one knows her child so well as a mother. She should start a conversation without moralizingand with love, because this is her daughter.

Menstruation was 2 days
Menstruation was 2 days

Who should I go to with the question "How do I tell my mom that my period didn't come?"

Confidential conversations on similar topics can also be held by a psychologist if he manages to make friends with a teenager and become almost a kindred person to him. This will take time and patience for the girl to open her soul not to imaginary friends who are able to blather the secret of their peers on the corner, and even laugh a lot, informing the entire school parallel about the piquant situation, but to him.

Now imagine that you found a classmate's diary in which she wrote this:

“And yet, how do I tell my mother that my period did not come? You won’t go up to her in the kitchen when she’s chopping cabbage into borscht, and you won’t throw out the news from the threshold, from which your loved one may have to call an ambulance. This requires a subtle approach, for example, putting a pregnancy test in a prominent place without the ill-fated two strips. Maybe mom will guess and be the first to want to talk?

What to do if menstruation does not come
What to do if menstruation does not come

This option, of course, is ideal if family relations are warm. Otherwise, it’s not far from the scandal, but perhaps the parents will shout a little, and then, having calmed down, decide what to do? They probably won’t be kicked out of the house: thanks that the law is on my side, and it won’t be so scary to go to the gynecologist. He won't accept me without my mom anyway.

It is possible, in principle, to lie that the menstruation was only 2 days, but who will feel better from this? Scaryto go to the bedroom with my parents, but it’s even worse to be a hostage of toxicosis, then everyone will know that I’m not a virgin and they’ll start poking a finger.

Wait a little longer, what if this is just a delay?”

What should I do if my period doesn't come?

  1. Notify one of the parents.
  2. Be sure to visit the antenatal clinic.
  3. Get tested.
  4. Do an abdominal ultrasound.
  5. Don't torture yourself with the question "How do I tell my mom that my period is late?"

It is possible that you are not pregnant: sometimes failures occur in the body, and periods are shifted up to 10 days. But as soon as this period increases, it is possible that a baby will soon appear in your family.
