For the proper functioning of the body and its individual systems, a huge amount of various substances is required. They can be roughly divided into 3 groups. The first are those that are produced by the body. The second group is those that come exclusively from outside. And the third is the union of the first and second. One of the most important substances of the second group are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) omega-3. Not only foodstuffs, but also various dietary supplements serve as sources for replenishing the deficiency of these substances. The most popular remedy is "Omega Forte" from "Evalar". About him and will be discussed.
Importance to the human body

As a rule, the deficiency of certain substances in the human body occurs with an unbalanced diet. Since PUFAs come exclusively from food,there is a high probability of a deficiency of these components. Meanwhile, omega-3s are essential for maintaining many vital systems, such as the cardiovascular system. If we conduct a comparative analysis, it becomes clear that those nations that have a lot of foods rich in PUFAs in their diets live the longest. And the Russians are not among them.
"Omega Forte" from "Evalar" is designed to compensate for the lack of unsaturated fatty acids. When they enter the body, they contribute to better functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improve brain activity and improve blood quality. Also, these substances are necessary to increase the excitability, viscosity and permeability of cell membranes.
It is important that omega-3 is a building material for the synthesis of eicosanoids. These are biologically active components that are essential for the human body. In addition to the ability to maintain vascular tone and have a beneficial effect on blood composition, they stimulate an increase in immunity.
About "Omega Forte" from "Evalar"

A food supplement with biological activity, unlike similar products, is not made on the basis of fish oil, but from many different plant substances. This makes the PUFA content in this product twice as high as in preparations based on fish oil. Moreover, the dietary supplement is supplemented with a balanced complex of omega-6 and -9 fatty acids.
The drug is not a drug. It's just a food supplement. "Omega Forte" is available in the form of capsules of 0.56 g and 1.12 g,for oral use.
What's included?
Dietary supplement, according to the manufacturer, is of exclusively natural origin. The composition of "Omega Forte" from "Evalar" is mainly represented by linseed oil, including alpha-linolenic acid. Silicon dioxide, vitamin E and ascorbic acid act as auxiliary substances. Aerosil and selexen are also present in the preparation. In the amount of active substances not less than:
- 60% - PUFA;
- 40% - linolenic acid.
Instructions for use "Omega Forte" from "Evalar"

Although the drug is not a drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it. Acceptance is possible only by persons over 18 years of age. The dosage recommended by the manufacturer is 1 capsule per day. It should be taken with food, drinking plenty of plain water. The recommended duration of a course of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, it can be extended up to two months.
Dietary supplement properties

The main positive qualities of "Omega Forte" from "Evalar" in the instructions are described as the ability of the active substances of the drug to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels and stabilize the state of blood vessels and the heart.
As already mentioned above, omega-3s are structural components of heart and brain cells, as well as blood vessels and systemhematopoiesis in general. Regulating the permeability, microviscosity and excitability of cell membranes, PUFAs have a direct impact on a wide variety of vital processes in the body. In particular, on the transmission of signals between nerve cells, brain activity and the state of the organs of vision.
As for eicosanoids, these substances have a wide spectrum of activity. They are necessary to maintain the normal composition of the blood, the tone of the blood vessels and bronchi. Eicosanoids also have a beneficial effect on blood pressure and have some kind of immunomodulatory effect, increasing the body's defenses and the condition of the mucous membranes. In addition, as the reviews say, "Omega Forte" from "Evalar" has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and its appendages.
Restrictions on use

Given the category of the drug, in some cases it can be harmful. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor first so as not to worsen your condition. However, Omega Forte is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.
Restrictions for use are individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug. Reception during pregnancy and lactation is also excluded, as this may adversely affect the condition of the fetus or newborn.
Reviews about the drug

Since the price for 30 capsules is approximately 170 rubles, this fact cannot but please consumers. In general, about "Omega Fort" from"Evalar" reviews are positive, and almost everyone who underwent a course of treatment for 1-2 months was satisfied with the result. Consumers note a significant improvement in the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as a positive effect of the dietary supplement on brain activity. Memory improves, thinking processes are much faster than before. "Omega Forte" has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, which is confirmed by people suffering from various pathologies in these organs. Other positive reviews about the drug include comments that indicate the absence of negative reactions of the body in response to taking Omega Forte.
Like any other remedy, it also has negative reviews. There are fewer of them, but they exist. The main drawback that people note in this case is the absence of any effect. Why it helps someone, but does not have any effect on someone at all - it is not clear. It is important to note that it is the course treatment that is required, the duration of which cannot be less than 30 days. Perhaps those people whom Omega Forte did not help stopped taking it much earlier, without waiting for the effect. In this case, there will be no result. Almost all active substances tend to act cumulatively, that is, they begin to work only after their amount in the body becomes much larger. And many dietary supplements or drugs cannot show their effectiveness immediately after taking the first pill. This must be understood and always remembered.