The benefits of aloe are known to all. In many homes, it is grown and used for medicinal purposes. This plant is originally from Africa, and currently there are about 300 of its species, each of which has its own specific medicinal properties.
In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits of aloe and how it is used for certain problems.

How to grow aloe
Aloe is tree-like and bushy. Inside, only the last type of plant is taken, while the tree-like one is successfully used externally. Aloe is quite unpretentious. Even if you forget to take care of it for a while, it will regularly continue to grow. But if you want to grow a truly he althy plant, you should follow certain recommendations:
- The best soil for it is a mixture of brick chips and charcoal.
- Peat does not need to be added to it.
- In the warm season, aloe loves a lot of light, warmth, and it needs only moderate watering.
- In the cold seasonwatering should be even less frequent, but the place where the plant is kept should be light. Optimum temperature in winter: 12 to 14 degrees.
- A good feed for him will be top dressing designed for cacti.
- Young plants are transplanted annually, and those that are older - after 3 years. The oldest can be disturbed even less often - only every 5 years.
- Aloe can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and tuber division.

The benefits of aloe are due to its rich composition. So, succulent leaves contain a large amount of essential oil, 20 amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamins E, C, B, fiber and many other trace elements and nutrients. The plant is also famous for its bactericidal action.
Therefore, it is widely used as a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent. They are also used to treat burns, psoriasis, dermatitis, boils, acne and other skin diseases.
Use in cosmetology
The plant is part of many cosmetic preparations. But women widely use it, making natural masks, juice and more. After all, the plant perfectly moisturizes and restores the skin, cleanses it, is able to penetrate deep inside and stimulate regeneration, relieve itching and irritation.
Based on this, the benefits of aloe for the face are invaluable. After prolonged exposure to the sun, beauticians strongly recommend moisturizing the skin with products with the addition of aloe.

Often inbeauty salons make relaxing baths with its addition. And if you apply freshly squeezed juice at home on the face and neck area before going to bed, then it will look fresh and he althy in the morning. But before that, the face should be thoroughly steamed and cleaned.
Aloe can be added to creams and other skin care products. At the same time, in order for the result not to be long in coming, it is necessary to achieve a high concentration of the plant.
Aloe in cosmetics
Almost all skin care companies have products that contain aloe extract in their arsenal. However, if you look at its concentration, it turns out that the maximum content of the substance does not exceed 15%. But advertising labels are full of catchy headlines, assuring consumers of amazing results. Unfortunately, in reality, such a small concentration of the plant will not be able to lead to a truly effective result. That is why it is desirable to add natural and freshest juice to these products: it will bring much more benefit to the skin.
This is most relevant for mature skin, which requires more external substances to maintain tone.
Aloe in medicines

In addition to cosmetic purposes, aloe-based products are also used in traditional medicine. They are widely used in gynecology, dermatology, immunology, dentistry, and surgery. They treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, inflammation of the oral cavity, SARS and many other pathologies. Consider a fewdrugs for lovers of official medicine.
For example, pharmacies sell a drug called Aloe Juice, which is used for constipation, polyarthritis, gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, periodontal disease, etc.
Another well-known preparation is "Aloe Syrup with Iron". This unique combination can improve blood circulation and restore metabolic processes in the body. In addition, with its help, protective functions are restored, and infectious diseases go away. The drug is used in complex therapy for the treatment of anemia, intoxication, radiation sickness and asthenia.
With burns, "Aloe Liniment" is often prescribed, which is rubbed into the affected area. It is also useful for periodontal disease, arthrosis, amphodontosis, conjunctivitis and polyarthritis. "Aloe tablets" are recommended for myopia and chorioretinitis in combination with other drugs.
In case of eye diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, "Aloe extract liquid" or "Aloe extract liquid for injection" is often recommended, which have the same effect. The first of them is taken orally in a teaspoon three times a day, and the second is injected under the skin.
How to prepare a remedy at home
Understanding how great the benefits of aloe for the body, many homes grow this plant. Let's see how you can use it yourself.
Aloe is harvested at any time of the year. At the same time, mature leaves are chosen, those that are lower. When the tip of the leaf begins to dry out, it is ready for use. The leaf is cut off at the base or broken offhim.

To prevent the healing properties from being lost, the leaves cannot be kept without doing anything with them for more than 3-4 hours. Tinctures and mixtures are made from the plucked leaves. The recipes for treating them are not that complicated. They are prepared in two ways:
- Juice is simply squeezed out by hand without peeling.
- The leaf is peeled and all the pulp is applied.
The main thing to remember is that the prepared remedy must be used within a few hours after the leaf has been plucked from the plant, otherwise the benefits of aloe will be significantly reduced, and its use will become useless. If you do not need to use all the prepared juice, then it can be preserved by mixing eight parts of it with two parts of medical alcohol.
Homemade recipes
Cosmetic face masks can be made, for example, by mixing aloe juice with cream or egg white. After applying to the skin, the mask should be held for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your face with soft cool water or unsweetened tea.
For burns, it is best to use freshly squeezed aloe juice. The benefit from this will be the most effective. At the same time, nothing needs to cover the affected area from above so that the liquid is absorbed into the skin as much as possible.
For SARS and colds, aloe leaves (3 pieces), passed through a meat grinder, mixed with three tablespoons of honey and the same amount of alcohol.
When the body is depleted, a multivitamin mixture containing aloe, orally, is very useful. The benefits of it are due to the large number of useful substances included inin the ingredients used. Take one hundred grams: aloe juice, walnuts, lemon juice and honey. The mixture is taken in a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.
In case of gastrointestinal disease, you can simply eat a piece of aloe leaf (5 centimeters in size) 30 minutes before meals for a month or drink freshly squeezed juice in a teaspoon.

Given the benefits of aloe, and the harm from taking this remedy, too, should not be forgotten. So, a person may experience individual intolerance or an allergy to the described plant. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not consume aloe juice internally.