Prevention of arthritis: advice from a rheumatologist

Prevention of arthritis: advice from a rheumatologist
Prevention of arthritis: advice from a rheumatologist

Arthritis, translated from the Greek word athron means "joint", therefore, this disease is characterized by inflammation of the joint (or group of joints) that occurs in the synovial membrane of the joint.

This disease torments many inhabitants of our planet. However, arthritis prevention is a very real thing for everyone in need. As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it for a long time, and not always successfully. The causes of arthrosis and arthritis, and prevention will be the subject of this article.

Causes of joint inflammation

The causes of arthrosis and arthritis can be different, for the most part they depend on lifestyle, the nature of the work function and other reasons.

arthritis prevention
arthritis prevention

The causes of this disease are divided into:

  • allergic;
  • traumatic;
  • infectious;
  • dystrophic;
  • rheumatoid;
  • reactive.

Allergic and traumatic arthritis

Allergic arthritis is a benign joint inflammation that isthe body's response to a particular allergen. This arthritis is completely reversible. This type of arthritis can be caused by certain foods, medicines, and mites. With the treatment of allergies, arthritis goes away. A relapse may occur, but in case of non-treatment, and upon contact with the allergen.

Traumatic arthritis occurs as a consequence of any injury, or with constant light injury.

Infectious and reactive arthritis

Infectious arthritis occurs as a result of an infection, virus, fungal infection or parasites. For example, hepatitis B.

prevention of arthritis and arthrosis
prevention of arthritis and arthrosis

Reactive arthritis is an inflammation of the joint that occurs after suffering from certain infectious diseases, such as intestinal, nasopharyngeal, renal, as well as conjunctivitis and uveitis.

Dystrophic, rheumatoid arthritis

Dystrophic arthritis occurs when a degenerative change in the composition of the joint, The cause of such arthritis are: lack of vitamins, metabolic disorders, hypothermia, low mobility or, conversely, excessive physical stress.

prevention of rheumatoid arthritis
prevention of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by a systemic chronic form of manifestation of a disease of connective tissue structures. In this case, small joints are affected. Subject to this disease are people whose work is associated with constant stress on certain groups of joints.

How is arthritis treated?

When diagnosing and treatingcertain arthritis, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, both tablets and injections or systems, massages, drugs with a regenerating and antispasmodic effect, and B vitamins. Warming and analgesic ointments are used. They also carry out joint arthroplasty.

arthritis prevention and treatment
arthritis prevention and treatment

As a rule, medicines aimed at treating joints have a negative effect on the stomach. Often, ulcers, gastritis, reflux are treated first, and after that, arthritis and arthrosis. Also, in the medical treatment of joints, drugs are prescribed to protect the gastric mucosa from burns and inflammation.

After treatment, arthritis prevention is necessary for normal life and prevention of relapse.

General preventive measures

Prevention of arthritis and arthrosis is especially important for those who are at risk due to their lifestyle, their work, and nutrition. As well as those people who have already suffered from this disease and do not want a repetition of events.

Prevention of arthritis of the joints consists of the following activities:

  • Minimization, or rather complete elimination of hypothermia of the joints.
  • Wearing comfortable shoes, if there is a predisposition to these ailments, it is better to use orthopedic shoes or insoles. Avoid high heels.
  • All doctors say that in a sitting position you can not cross your legs. And it is right. Crossbreeding leads to stagnation of the blood and immobility of the joints.
  • Being overweight can also lead to joint inflammation. Necessarywatch him.
  • Prevention of arthritis lies in a he althy daily routine: sleep, rest, work - everything should be in moderation.
  • Proper nutrition. As many foods containing B vitamins as possible. It is known that this vitamin cannot be accumulated “in reserve”, once it enters the body, it immediately begins to be consumed. More food containing fiber. And also people who are predisposed to these diseases need to eat more fatty fish (cod, iwashi, trout).
  • Drink more water, plain clean water. At least three liters per day. Often, diseases are caused by a lack of fluid in the body (these are s alts, inflammation, and thrombosis). Water is life!
  • Moderate exercise. For people leading a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle - gymnastics, which should be selected by a specialist.
  • And the last rule - all diseases are from nerves. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize stress.
causes of arthrosis and arthritis and prevention
causes of arthrosis and arthritis and prevention

Preventive measures for reactive arthritis

Prevention of reactive arthritis is:

  • First of all, hygiene. This type of arthritis occurs with salmonella, clostridium, dysentery and other viruses that affect the digestive tract. If you eat thermally processed foods, the risk of contracting these diseases is reduced.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to observe intimate hygiene, protecting yourself from sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasma and other microorganisms cause diseases of the urinary system).
  • Third,proper, balanced nutrition - rich broths, fish rich in omega 3 (trout, tuna, mackerel, halibut), nuts, whole grains, flax seeds, beans, asparagus, parsley. It is also necessary to give up alcohol.
  • And fourthly, periodic medical supervision.

Preventive measures for rheumatoid arthritis

Prevention of rheumatoid arthritis consists of two hypostases:

  1. The first is general prevention for people affected by this disease.
  2. The second is the prevention of relapses and exacerbations in those people who already suffer from one form or another of the manifestation of this disease.

The first type of prevention is:

  1. In the treatment of any infectious diseases (from acute respiratory infections to more serious diseases, such as HIV).
  2. Rehabilitation of any inflammation (treatment of caries, tonsillitis).
  3. In strengthening immunity - the body's defenses.
  4. In a he althy lifestyle (nutrition, sleep, work, rest, physical education, gymnastics, avoiding alcohol and smoking).

And the second type of prevention is presented in:

  1. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs and injections aimed at restoring joint fluid and cartilage tissue. It is also necessary not to forget about vitamin complexes, both in tablets and in injections.
  2. Gymnastic events to be selected by a specialist. In addition to gymnastics, cycling, walking, and swimming are used to prevent rheumatoid arthritis. However, before usingof this or that method of prevention, consultation with a specialist - a rheumatologist is necessary.
  3. Diet food (fruits, berries, omega3 fatty acids).
  4. Also, for the prevention of this disease, you can use compresses from canned pharmacy bile. To do this, you need to take gauze or cotton cloth, moisten it well with bile, put it on a sore spot, and create a vacuum with parchment. Ideally, this compress should be left for a day, periodically wetting it with bile, as it dries. But you can use it for 8-10 hours. By the way, this method is used not only as a prevention of rheumatoid arthritis, but also in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis in the early stages.

Preventive measures for hand arthritis

Arthritis of the hands and fingers is a disease that occurs in every seventh inhabitant of the planet, and women are five times more likely to suffer from this disease. To the question “why women?”, But because it is they who most often do some work with their hands (cooking, sewing, working at a computer, etc.).

arthritis prevention
arthritis prevention

Arthritis in these joints shows up as follows:

  • Pain in fingers and hands during habitual activities (pain is accompanied by burning, tingling and a pulling sensation).
  • Pain in joints before weather changes, changes in atmospheric pressure, eclipses.
  • Stiffness of the hands, especially after waking up.
  • The skin around the affected joint becomes red, hot and swollen.
  • There is a symmetricaljoint damage.
  • There is a creaking sound when moving the arms and fingers, but not like simple finger snaps.
  • Fatigue, irritability, weakness.
  • In general, arthritis of the hands and fingers is an unpleasant phenomenon at any of its stages (there are 4 stages), and if the disease is started and left untreated, then you can get a disability and stop serving yourself.

And in order to prevent these unpleasant consequences, prevention of hand arthritis is necessary:

  • Any infection that enters the body must be cured to the end.
  • Reception of vitamin-mineral complexes aimed at nourishing the joints with the necessary substances in full.
  • Engaging in sports exercises, which should be individually selected by the doctor.
  • Strengthening immunity, the body's ability to fight viruses.
  • Maintaining an adequate weight (this applies to both overweight and underweight).
  • Prevention of arthritis is impossible without a vitamin diet rich in vitamins B, D, Calcium. Compulsory consumption of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts.

In conclusion

Arthritis is a fairly widespread disease on our planet. As it became clear, it occurs, first of all, due to inflammatory processes. Therefore, its main prevention is the timely complete treatment of any viral or infectious disease. They fell ill once, fell ill two, three, four … They suffered the disease on their feet, did not cure it or treated it incorrectly at all … And then with age such sad things comeeffects like arthritis and arthrosis. They have to be treated for a long time, persistently, and it is not always possible to cope with the disease to the end, very often it goes into a chronic stage. And this is constantly aching pain in the joints, then it pulls, then it hurts, then it hurts for the weather. And sometimes this disease leads to disability and self-care.

reactive arthritis prevention
reactive arthritis prevention

Prevention and treatment of arthritis should be prescribed by a doctor, it is better if it is a rheumatologist, and under his supervision. However, it is always necessary to remember that the salvation of a drowning person is the work of the drowning person himself. Until a person himself wants to be he althy and begins to lead a he althy lifestyle, eat right, combine his life with adequate physical activity, he will not be he althy. Prevention of arthritis is the key to a long and pain-free life.
