Intestinal cleansing is carried out by a variety of means and methods. Some do an enema, others take a laxative. However, all this helps only within certain limits. If a medical examination is required, then usually these funds are not enough.
In this case, the drug "Fortrans" helps to cleanse the intestines. Many doctors and patients say that this remedy is quite effective and safe.
Importance of bowel cleansing
Recently, people tend to lead a he althy lifestyle, trying to prevent the development of dangerous chronic diseases. A very important factor is bowel cleansing. This can be achieved by using the drug "Fortrans", which is characterized by high efficiency and speed.

The condition of the intestinal mucosa cannot but affectgeneral well-being of a person. All toxic products that can no longer benefit the body must be eliminated, otherwise the bacteria will begin to destroy cells important for life, harming the body.
It has long been proven that intestinal he alth is also reflected in a person's mood and appearance, as the accumulated toxins and waste products give the skin an unhe althy shade. On the mucous membrane of the colon remain particles of mucus, feces, as well as other excretory products that do not completely come out during defecation. Accumulating, they gradually begin to negatively affect well-being.
That is why many people prefer to periodically cleanse the intestines for preventive purposes, use an enema for this, but this method is not always effective and causes certain inconveniences. It is best to use special preparations for this. The use of "Fortrans" for bowel cleansing gives a very good result and allows you to achieve the desired effect in the shortest possible time.
Feature of the drug and composition
It is important not only to know how to drink "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines, but also what exactly this drug is. It has a laxative effect. Often it is used for high-quality cleaning of the intestinal walls before performing diagnostics or surgery.
If we take a closer look at the principle of action of the drug, it can be noted that it replaces the enema, but does it more gently and effectively. According to reviews, the use of "Fortrans" for bowel cleansing is considered fast andeffective technique. The main components of the drug are:
- medical solvent;
- macrogol 4000;
- saline;
- sugar substitute;
- baking soda.
The medicine is produced in the form of a white powder, which dissolves without residue in water and conducts osmotic cleansing of the intestine, covering all its departments. You can buy medicine at a pharmacy. The package contains 4 sachets of the drug.
Pros and cons of the drug
How to drink "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines - very many people who want to lead a he althy lifestyle are interested. According to the reviews of doctors and patients, this medicine has many advantages. For weight loss, only one application of the drug is enough. This is the main advantage, since there is no need to control the time and dosage of taking.

In addition, it should be noted such advantages of the drug as:
- almost instant effect;
- affordable price;
- disappearing belly.
However, despite all the advantages, there are also negative aspects of the drug. The downside is the bad taste, so drinking the drug is quite problematic. It causes nausea, does not affect body fat. After taking the medicine, discomfort may occur, and there is also a possibility of dysbacteriosis.
How the drug works
It is important to understand how to take "Fortrans" to cleanse the colon, as well as how it worksmedicine. This good laxative is used to quickly and effectively remove accumulated toxins in the body.
The drug works like an enema, but you need to take it once. Active ingredients free the colon from accumulated harmful substances. They retain the water they drink until everything that has accumulated in the intestine leaves behind its walls. Accordingly, toxins increase the water level, causing a laxative effect.
The time of action of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the person. It begins to completely remove all accumulated toxins from the body in about 1-2 hours. Later cases of action of drug were sometimes observed. This happens 4 hours after starting the drug.
Feces will periodically come out 3-6 hours. At the end of the removal of all toxic substances from the intestine, a light-colored liquid with a yellowish tinge should come out. After using the drug, dehydration of the body does not occur. The main component does not bind water molecules, pulling them out of the body, it only reacts with the liquid that was drunk with the medicine.
Indications for use
According to the instructions, "Fortrans" for bowel cleansing is used the day before:
- colonoscopy;
- operations;
- diagnostic procedures.

In particular, the drug is used before endoscopic and X-ray examination. Doctors also recommenduse this tool for a comprehensive cleansing of the intestines with all its existing folds and irregularities from accumulated harmful deposits. It is also required before starting fasting or transitioning to a diet.
How to apply correctly
To achieve a good result, you need to know how to drink "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines. It is worth remembering that for weight loss it can not be used more than 1 time in 3 months. It is recommended to do this whole procedure at the weekend and preferably at home, as weakness and dizziness may occur after cleansing.
The dosage of the medicine is calculated according to the person's weight. According to the instructions, "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines per 20 kg of weight should be taken at a dosage of 1 liter of water with 1 sachet of the drug. You need to drink it in small sips. To make the taste more pleasant, squeeze a little lemon juice before using the medicine.

To urgently get rid of extra pounds, you can take "Fortrans" in several ways. The first implies that the right amount of liquid is drunk in about 4 hours, dividing the entire solution into equal parts.
In addition, you can drink the volume of the prepared solution in 2 visits, in the morning and in the evening until 18:00. All liquid must be drunk within 2 hours. How best to drink "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines in order to lose weight, everyone decides for himself.
The drug is often used for colonoscopy. 2 days before the proposed procedure, the patientshould completely stop taking absolutely any antidiarrheal and laxatives. It is very important to know how to drink Fortrans to cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy, as the preparation requires a serious approach, and if used incorrectly, it can cause significant harm to the entire body.
For this, the last meal should be at 11 o'clock in the afternoon. In this case, the food consumed should be light and low-fat. You can drink the medicine 2 hours after that. Every 20 minutes you need to drink 1 tbsp. solution. Thus, bowel cleansing takes place without negative consequences and ends in about 24 hours.
In the morning, on the day when the colonoscopy is scheduled, you can not eat or drink anything. If a similar procedure was scheduled for the evening, then you can drink low-fat chicken broth without meat and bread.
Eating mode
How to drink "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines, you need to know for sure every person taking this medicine. It is important to study the instructions beforehand, and it is also advisable to consult a doctor.
Receiving "Fortrans" is accompanied by rather unpleasant sensations. A specific taste affects reflexes and causes nausea. To successfully complete the cleansing procedure, you need to help your body. The feeling of nausea is easily eliminated by eating a slice of lemon or apple.
To make it easier to transfer the cleansing procedure, you need to prepare for it in advance. To do this, for 2-3 days to minimize the consumption of foods rich in fiber. The day before the procedure, you need to eat easily digestible food. On the appointed dayonly omelet breakfast is allowed. The last meal should be no later than 12 noon.

Dinner is better off. Then, throughout the day, you can consume only lean broths, tea or juice. After the end of the cleansing procedure, you need to return the body to its usual mode, eat boiled rice and drink clean water. It is recommended to lie down as much as possible and try not to overwork.
Frequent bowel movements can irritate the anus. During bowel cleansing with Fortrans, it is not recommended to use ordinary toilet paper. After each act of defecation, you need to use wet wipes, as well as wash yourself. It is also worth using an emollient cream.
You need to know not only how to take "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines, but also how long the whole procedure lasts. It takes an average of 3-4 hours for a person to receive a solution, and the act of defecation itself lasts 5-6 hours. Then you need to give the body time to recover.
As stated in the instructions for use, "Fortrans" for bowel cleansing has certain contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to take medicine for children under 15 years of age. Since the drug has not been studied when used by pregnant women, the use of the solution during childbearing and breastfeeding should be limited. In addition, a doctor's consultation is required in advance.
There are also other contraindications to the use of the drug, andnamely:
- heart failure;
- dehydration;
- malignant tumors;
- obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract;
- intestinal perforation;
- carcinoma.
Powder intended for colon cleansing should not be taken if the intestinal mucosa and stomach are damaged. In addition, intolerance to the components of the drug is a contraindication.
Side effects
How best to drink "Fortrans" to cleanse the intestines, every person who decides to try to use this medicine should know to prevent the occurrence of side effects. Often people complain of severe pain and discomfort in the anus.

To avoid the occurrence of soreness, after taking the Fortrans solution, you do not need to use toilet paper. In addition, the anus should be lubricated with vegetable oil or baby cream. Gastrointestinal side effects are also possible, namely:
- nausea;
- vomit;
- bloating.
Hypersensitivity reactions are also possible, in particular, a person may have a rash all over the body, swelling and hives appear.
Medicine analogues
It is imperative to study the Fortrans instructions for bowel cleansing and the reviews of patients who took this drug. The medicine has certain contraindications, and side effects can also be observed. In such cases, it is worth choosing analogues of the drug, in particular:
- Picolax;
- "Laktuvit";
- "Phytolax";
- Microlax;
- "Defenorm";
- "Normaze";
- "Duphalac".
Many analogues have a much milder effect on the body, they have a pleasant taste and affordable cost. The drug "Lavacol" is taken with much less water, is used for weight loss and can be drunk for complex bowel cleansing.

In addition, activated carbon is widely used. The laxative effect of this drug is not very noticeable, however, due to its special qualities, it can attract pathogens, toxins, and toxins that gradually accumulate on the walls of the colon. In this case, the drug is excreted from the body without problems.
Bisacodyl is used for the symptomatic treatment of constipation before diagnostic procedures or surgery. In addition, medicine is often used in the postoperative period.
"Picolax" is used for constipation, as well as to facilitate the process of defecation.
Reviews of Fortrans for bowel cleansing are different. They are mostly positive. Negative opinions are most often associated with the taste of the powder. Many patients note the rapid effect of the drug, as well as the affordable cost. They say that the next day the solution is used, there is a special lightness in the stomach.
With the help of medicine, you can quickly and effectively get rid of excess toxins and toxic substances. According to reviews, the entire process of bowel cleansing takes an average of 6 hours, but sometimes it can last up to 12 hours.
Doctors say that this drug is fast-acting and has many advantages compared to mechanical cleaning. Despite the fact that the procedure is not the most pleasant, it is possible to achieve a good result. Doctors confirm the effectiveness and safety of this drug.
The "Fortrans" drug is characterized by the fact that it perfectly copes with its main task, cleanses the intestines and creates good conditions for a subsequent examination or operation.