A good appetite has always been a sign of he alth. But, as a rule, a person's need for food is a variable value. It depends on the food culture laid down since childhood, taste preferences, weather, mood and many other factors. Therefore, sometimes a decrease in appetite is considered the norm. A complete lack of interest in food, especially when it has been observed for quite a long time, can be a symptom of serious diseases. What prices, reviews and names of vitamins for appetite in adults have?
Loss of appetite is a pathology that is much more serious than it might seem. Proper and regular nutrition is a guarantee of he alth, and poor appetite leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which causes serious diseases.
If you do not feel like eating for more than fourteen days, then you must definitely consult a doctor. As a rule, experts recommend vitamins for appetite and certain medications for adults.

Why no appetite?
In most cases, thisthe phenomenon occurs due to the influence of the following factors:
- Constant stress.
- Tendencies to depression.
- Bad habits.
- Infectious diseases.
- Liver pathologies.
- Gastritis.
- Taking strong medications.
If a deficiency of vitamins and mineral components occurs in the body, then a person’s digestion is disturbed, a significant deterioration in well-being is noted.
The main symptoms of micronutrient deficiencies are:
- Apathy.
- Distraction.
- Unnaturally quick fatigue.
- Stomatitis, drying of the skin.
- Restless sleep.
- Hair breakage.
- Deterioration of nails.
If there is no appetite for a long time, any other violation of the habitual attitude to food appears - this is a signal that a person needs help. A psychotherapist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist are specialists who will establish the causes of appetite disorders and help restore it.

What appetite vitamins are prescribed for adults?
In many situations, the reluctance to eat is caused precisely by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. Therefore, doctors often prescribe the following useful components to improve appetite for patients:
- Thiamin activates efficiency, and also supports physical and mental abilities. The substance regulates digestive processes, stimulateswork of the stomach. A person feels better, there is a desire to eat.
- Niacin is involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Stabilizes the work of the stomach and intestines.
- Pantothenic acid converts fats, sugars, and starch into energy that keeps the body active. It has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system. Regulates the endocrine system and adrenal glands.
- Biotin is produced in high concentrations by the intestinal microflora, and in smaller concentrations it comes from food. The component controls the level of glucose in the blood, and also participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Helps proteins and fats to be better absorbed. In addition, biotin contributes to the formation of biologically active trace elements and fatty acids in the body.
- Cyanocobalamin maintains body tone at a standard level. Helps to eliminate the results of stress, prevents the development of depressive disorders. In addition, the substance regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
- Ascorbic acid - the main substance for the return of appetite. Vitamin C regulates redox reactions, is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Ascorbic acid helps iron, which enters the body with food, to be better absorbed. In addition, it contributes to the active production of cholic acids, as a result of which a person has an appetite.
How to take vitamins correctly?
As a rule, as vitamins to improve appetite in adults, doctors prescribepatients with ascorbic acid. It can be used in two ways:
- in tablet form;
- with fresh herbal products.
Ascorbic acid is involved in the formation of glucose in the body, so it increases appetite. And also with loss of appetite, it is often recommended to take cyanocobalamin and butanedioic acid. These components activate the digestive organs.
Experts advise adults to use vitamin complexes to increase appetite. In such a situation, you can purchase any preparations that contain vitamins and minerals. But you need to understand that pharmacy products cannot be a full-fledged replacement for high-quality and useful products.
An adult must eat well and properly, and use vitamin and mineral complexes as an additional source of useful trace elements.
List of Appetite Enhancing Vitamins
If you lose your appetite, you need to take the following vitamin-mineral complexes:
- "Vitrum".
- "Multitabs".
- "Peak".
- "Centrum A to Zinc".
- "Univit".
- "Undevit".
- "Supradin".
- "Alphabet".
- "Complivit".
The best vitamins to increase appetite for adults will be discussed below.

The drug is produced in the form of effervescent tablets,which are pale yellow with orange flecks. The drug is intended for dissolution in water and subsequent use of the resulting liquid. After dilution, a solution of a green or orange hue is obtained with a slight precipitate and lemon flavor.
The drug is prescribed to people to eliminate and prevent hypovitaminosis, as well as beriberi and lack of mineral components in the body, in particular:
- with malnutrition;
- with increased physical and mental stress;
- with diets.
During the use of "Supradin" a person may change the color of urine, due to the high concentration of vitamin B2 in the preparation, this is not at all dangerous.
The structure of the complex includes sodium, which must be taken into account when prescribing to people who follow a s alt-free diet. With increased sensitivity to lactose, Supradin should be taken with extreme caution.
Effervescent tablets do not affect a person's attention and ability to drive vehicles. The cost of the drug varies from 400 to 1300 rubles.

This is a complex preparation for oral use, the structure of which includes vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.
This multivitamin complex increases the body's resistance to viruses and various infections, and also protects against environmental damage and free radicals. Tablets will be prescribed to peoplewith malnutrition, frequent illnesses, when using antimicrobial agents or after undergoing surgical interventions.
According to reviews, vitamins for appetite in adults have certain characteristics. During drug therapy, the patient's urine may be orange, which is considered normal and does not require discontinuation of treatment.
People with disorders of the liver, kidneys, endocrine system, as well as diabetes mellitus, are not treated with this vitamin-mineral complex, or it is prescribed with extreme caution under the supervision of a specialist.
The price of the drug varies from 700 to 1300 rubles.

A line of vitamin and mineral preparations that are widely used for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis.
The pharmacological effect of "Alphavit" is due to the substances included in its structure, which are selected taking into account scientific recommendations for the joint and separate use of useful microelements, which ensures their most complete assimilation and practically does not provoke allergies. The cost of the drug varies from 180 to 350 rubles.

The drug contains both vitamins and minerals, which determine the therapeutic effect of the complex.
Vitamin C is responsible for the production of collagen, strengthening teeth, bones, cartilage. Without this component, the maturation of erythrocytes andhemoglobin formation cannot be complete.
Nicotinamide is a substance that takes part in carbohydrate metabolism, as well as in the process of tissue respiration.
Lipoic acid corrects carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, affects cholesterol metabolism, activates liver function. Cob alt stimulates the body's immunity and metabolic processes. Manganese is necessary for strengthening cartilage and bone tissue, as well as for metabolism.
"Complivit" was created taking into account the daily need of the body for minerals and vitamins. Particularly good feedback about the drug is left by patients with physical and mental exhaustion. The cost of the drug varies from 180 to 350 rubles.

The drug is a multivitamin complex that is prescribed to people to fill the deficiency of useful components in the body and prevent premature aging.
Dragee is prescribed for adult patients and children over twelve years of age for the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis and beriberi during the body's increased need for vitamins:
- Frequent colds and infections.
- Diets with restriction of protein, carbohydrates, s alts and fats.
- Puberty.
- Long-term antimicrobial therapy.
- Bad habits such as smoking, coffee abuse.
The cost of the drug is 60 rubles.
Does a person need many vitamins?
Vitamins that improve appetite,found in many products. Before taking vitamin complexes, you should find out what is the concentration of active substances in them, and also take into account the daily need of the human body for vitamins. The daily dose must not be exceeded, otherwise it will negatively affect the state of he alth.
With excessive ingestion of ascorbic acid, allergic dermatitis occurs, the functioning of the intestines and urinary system is disturbed, burning is noted when passing urine. And with an excess of iron, the digestive processes fail.
If a person wants to gain weight and improve appetite, then he must take complex actions: eat right and balanced, take vitamin complexes strictly according to the instructions, strengthen the body. To strengthen it, physical training and walks under the sun are preferred. Under the influence of sunlight, the body produces calciferol, also known as vitamin D. This substance has a beneficial effect on digestion. Vitamins to increase appetite in adults should also be taken as a preventive measure.