"Lady's formula. Personal monthly system. Enhanced formula": composition, instructions for use, reviews

"Lady's formula. Personal monthly system. Enhanced formula": composition, instructions for use, reviews
"Lady's formula. Personal monthly system. Enhanced formula": composition, instructions for use, reviews

"Lady's formula. Reinforced formula "according to the personal monthly system, is a natural biocomplex, which contains extracts of various medicinal plants. This drug is used to relieve the symptoms of PMS, stabilize the menstrual cycle and normalize the well-being of a woman during menstruation.

personal monthly system ladies formula
personal monthly system ladies formula

Form and composition

Personal monthly system "Lady's formula" according to the program for five days is produced in the form of capsules and contains the following medicinal substances:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • iron sulfate;
  • vitamin B12;
  • dandelion root extract officinalis;
  • raspberry leaf extract;
  • go cola leaf extract;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • stearic acid;
  • silica;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • cellulose;
  • stearatemagnesium;

Personal 20-day enhanced formula monthly system (capsules) contains:

  • wild yam root extract;
  • vitex sacred berry extract;
  • Dog Qui extract;
  • vitamins A, C, E, B6, D3;
  • buchu leaf extract;
  • magnesium oxide;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • Jamaican dogwood extract;
  • bromelain;
  • stearic acid;
  • gamma-linolenic acid;
  • cellulose;
  • silicon dioxide;
  • croscarmellose narthia;
  • magnesium stearate.

Also on sale you can find vitamins Lady's formula. Strengthened formula. Menopause.”

ladies formula for menopause
ladies formula for menopause

The supplement is an effective vitamin complex that helps women get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that occur during menopause.

What is the composition of "Lady's formula" for menopause? The preparation contains vitamins and bioadditives that help the body of a woman. In pharmacies you can find 2 types of this remedy:

  1. “Menopause. Day Night.”
  2. “Menopause. Enhanced Formula.”

After consulting a doctor, any lady will be able to choose the most suitable drug.


"Lady's formula PM Strengthened formula 20 system". Taken daily except during menstruation.

"Lady's formula PM Strengthened formula 10 system". Only taken during menstruation.

Pharmacological properties

Personal monthly system "Ladysformula" contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle, reduces the duration of menstruation and reduces the severity of pain. In addition, it significantly reduces the manifestations of soreness and hardening of the mammary glands, relieves the symptoms of PMS, regulates appetite and prevents the development of swelling associated with fluid retention in the body, gaining excess weight during critical days, and promotes a woman's activity during menstruation.

vitamins ladies formula for menopause enhanced formula
vitamins ladies formula for menopause enhanced formula

Indications for use

Personal monthly system "Ladies Formula" is indicated for use in the following pathological situations:

  • various menstrual irregularities (changes in blood volume, duration, severe pain);
  • symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (excessive irritability, aggressiveness, headache, fatigue, swelling, weight gain):
  • painful or unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the area of the mammary glands;
  • malaise, severe weakness, decreased performance during menstruation.

Can PMS be prevented?

Eating disorders can be quite effective in alleviating and preventing the development of PMS. Some doctors believe that fractional meals and a diet high in complex carbohydrates alleviate these phenomena. Fluid retention, mood changes, swelling, breast engorgement, fatigue, and food cravings may be due todeficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body. Regular use of Lady's formula biocomplex capsules according to a personal monthly system, thanks to its enhanced formula, in combination with the right diet, helps to eliminate the negative symptoms of PMS.

This biological complex for regulating female cycles is contraindicated only in cases of individual intolerance to the components contained in its composition.

Doses and method of administration

Taking the capsules of the biological complex "Lady's formula PM System" according to the enhanced formula No. 10, it is necessary to start the first day of menstruation 1 tablet 2 times a day, with a therapeutic course of 5 days.

After the end of the discharge, you should start taking the biological complex "Lady's formula PM System" according to the enhanced formula No. 20, 1 tablet 1 time per day, with a therapeutic course of 20 days.

ladies formula for menopause composition
ladies formula for menopause composition

Treatment of the above pathological conditions in women should last at least one month, the best option is therapy for a duration of 3-6 months.

Storage and shelf life

Store dietary supplements at room temperature, out of the reach of children. Shelf life is 3 years.

How does Lady's formula work?

The effectiveness of the impact of the personal monthly system “Lady's formula. Strengthened formula is due to the active natural substances present in this biological supplement and a unique complex of extracts of medicinal plants.

ladiesformula personal monthly system enhanced formula
ladiesformula personal monthly system enhanced formula

Unlike drugs, the Lady's formula biocomplex according to a personal monthly system acts gently, without provoking the development of addiction and adverse reactions, which makes it possible to use it for a long time. The natural bio-complex Lady's formula not only effectively copes with the violations of the monthly cycle and the negative manifestations of PMS, but also helps to eliminate their main causes.

This biological compound is manufactured in the USA to international pharmaceutical quality standards. This product is certified according to the systems of the State Standard of Russia, which implies a guarantee of high quality and safety.

Feedback on Lady's formula

This food supplement has been taken by many women, but the reviews about it are rather contradictory. The positive reviews reflect the information that this remedy significantly reduced the negative symptoms of PMS in women of various age categories. The complex was prescribed both for young girls during the first menstruation, which in most cases are painful, and for adult women with several children.

ladies system
ladies system

The patients noted the high quality of the supplement, a decrease in the pathological manifestations of PMS, a decrease in the abundance of menstrual bleeding, etc. However, the drug most often showed such properties at the end of therapy, after several months of taking it. There is also information about the use of the supplement during menopause, however, in the instructions forthe use of this remedy says that during menopause and menopause it is not prescribed. Women say they have less hot flashes and feel better overall.

Negative comments

In negative reviews, women note that they did not notice a significant effect from the use of the personal monthly system "Lady's formula". The symptoms of cycle disorders persisted, and the condition remained the same both during the course of administration and after its completion. Some patients experienced various allergic reactions to this remedy, which manifested themselves in the form of minor rashes on the body, urticaria, itching.
