The diagnosis of pancreatitis refers to inflammation of the pancreas. This condition is accompanied by acute pain, nausea and vomiting, impaired stool and metabolism. It takes a lot of time and effort to heal and recover. The problem is solved by medication with the obligatory observance of a strict diet. During illness, the body weakens and requires additional support in the form of vitamin complexes. Today we will talk about which vitamins for the pancreas are the most important.

Correction nutrition
It is worth noting that the severity of the patient's condition may be different. In one case, a person experiences slight discomfort after eating, and in the other, severe nausea, up to a complete loss of ability to work. But pancreatitis isin any case is detrimental to he alth, regardless of the age of the person. The patient loses his appetite, and during treatment he has to follow a serious diet and even starvation. This leads to the fact that the body receives little nutrients and vitamins. For the pancreas, this is an opportunity to get a breather and recover, but the internal organs will suffer.
What causes a lack of vitamins
With a severe form of the development of the disease, beriberi is observed. As a rule, a deficiency of the necessary elements leads to the failure of the functioning of many organs and exacerbation of the course of the disease. How beriberi can be assumed by external manifestations:
- Weight loss.
- Skin rashes and excessive dryness of the skin.
- Hair loss.
- Brittle nails.
- Grey complexion.
To maintain the normal functioning of the body, you need to take additional vitamins. For the pancreas, they are also needed, as they allow its damaged cells to recover. And without this, it is very difficult to achieve a stable remission.

What trace elements to take
With pancreatitis, the body is weakened, digestion of food is disturbed, the absorption of the necessary elements is limited. Of course, the body suffers from this. Each element is needed so that one of the others can be assimilated. Vitamin D has not been absorbed, which means that most of the calcium will leave your body. To correct this condition, special complexpreparations with trace elements.
Vitamins for the pancreas are needed in the same way as for all other body systems. But you need to understand that there are no special vitamins for pancreatitis. To recover, you will need to follow a special diet and take medicines. But in order for the body to work normally, it needs vitamins of groups B, A, E, C, P. If the intestinal function is impaired, then the absorption of these microelements will be minimal. Let's look at the effects of each of these elements on the body.

B vitamins
Considering the most important vitamins for the liver and pancreas, one cannot fail to note the role of B vitamins. Each of the representatives of this group is of great importance for the functioning of the body. So let's look at each of them separately.
- Thiamin. It is an excellent antioxidant, which is involved in almost all metabolic processes. Accelerates metabolism, which increases the likelihood of absorption of the vitamin from food. Found in oatmeal and wheat, yeast, legumes, cabbage and potatoes, veal and milk.
- Riboflavin. Improves metabolism. Eat in buckwheat, spinach, oatmeal, fish.
- Nicotinic acid. Regulates redox reactions. The acid is synthesized by bacteria in the large intestine. The source is tomatoes and peppers, nuts and legumes.
- Pyridoxine. Helps in the metabolism of amino acids and lipids.
- Folic acid. Needed for DNA synthesisprotein, supports digestion. Present in nuts, legumes, pumpkin, dates.
- Cyanocobalamin. Participates in protein metabolism, does not allow hepatocytes to fill with fats.

General characteristics of the group
B vitamins are coenzymes. This means that they are integrated into the structure of the digestive enzyme, thereby contributing to the normalization of digestion. For example, thiamine is essential for the breakdown of carbohydrates. Gastroenterologists are well aware of the lack of which vitamins the pancreas reacts very sharply.
- Lack of thiamine leads to the fact that a person begins to have problems digesting carbohydrates. As a result, the patient experiences symptoms of bloating and pain in the abdomen.
- Nicotinic acid promotes the formation of amylase and lipase. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Of course, with a lack of this element, digestion will suffer.
Knowing the physiology, we can conclude which vitamins for the pancreas are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. All group B is very important for the normalization of digestion. In the treatment of the pancreas, a complex of vitamins is used as one of the most important and necessary components of complex therapy. In addition, they help lower cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation. This helps to normalize the work of the pancreas and reduce pain.

Vitamins for the pancreas in pancreatitis are needed primarily to normalize the functioning of this organ. With this disease, the absorption of vitamins A and E, as well as ascorbic acid, is impaired. They should be taken constantly in case of pancreatic diseases, since they are antioxidants, have a general strengthening effect, and relieve pain. With a sufficient amount of these trace elements, dyspeptic disorders are eliminated.
The lack of these elements only at first glance seems harmless. In fact, it can lead to the formation of gallstones. And since the ducts of the gallbladder and pancreas are combined before entering the small intestine, the diseases of these organs are interconnected.
- Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is important in the oxidation and reduction, breakdown of carbohydrates. Affects the synthesis of collagen, adrenaline and steroid hormones.
- Retinol is involved in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. Needed for protein synthesis, lipid metabolism and immune defense of the body.
- Tocopherol. Inhibits lipid oxidation.

How to take
As you can see, trace elements are needed for the work of each individual organ, as well as the whole organism as a whole. Vitamins for pancreatic disease are needed in larger quantities simply because their absorption from ordinary food is difficult.
To strengthen the body, you can drink complex preparations or a single vitamin. Don't forget thatexceeding the permissible dosage of tocopherol and retinol can lead to exacerbation of pancreatitis. Therefore, their intake should be supervised by a doctor. For chronic pancreatitis, the following medications are recommended:
- "Vitrum".
- Centrum.
- "Duovit".
- "Multitabs".
B vitamins are prescribed separately, most often intramuscularly after the exacerbation subsides. They must be taken separately. But E and C are best taken together, as they do not oxidize in the intestines.

Instead of a conclusion
Pancreatitis is a complex disease that develops for a variety of reasons. In particular, an insufficient amount of vitamins C and E from food is also considered one of the reasons for the formation of the syndrome. But the attending physician should decide which vitamins are needed for the pancreas. At the same time, it is based on the results of a biochemical blood test, the duration and severity of the course of the disease.
The second important point is the dosage. Even the same diagnosis in two different patients requires a different amount of a particular drug. For example, in old age the absorption of vitamins worsens. Consequently, vitamins are prescribed in injections, in larger quantities. In some cases, the optimization of substances entering the body leads to the fact that the condition stabilizes and its gradual improvement is observed. Of course, therapy must be complemented by diet.