Most people associate cholesterol with a harmful substance, the presence of which in the body causes diseases of the vascular system. This is true, but only in part. There are two types of cholesterol: bad and good. The latter, no matter how strange it may sound, ensures the processing of fats with subsequent evacuation. Its deficiency leads to obesity, atherosclerosis, ischemia. There are several ways to increase good cholesterol. Their use not only helps to increase the amount of the desired substance, but also has a beneficial effect on he alth in general.
What is cholesterol and what is its role?

Cholesterol is the most important representative of sterols, lipophilic alcohols of the steroid group. It is a participant in fat metabolism and a source of formation of substances necessary for the normal existence of the body.
Cholesterol is present in all cells of the body. According to chemical analysis, the body of an adult he althy person contains approximately 140 g. And according to the results of radioisotope studies, the content increases to 350 g. Most cholesterol is found in bile, adrenal cortex, sperm plasma, lymph, brain and nervous tissue.
The solubility of cholesterol in water is very low. But high in ether, alcohol, oils. Due to this property, lipophilic alcohol easily interacts with acids, forming esters, which cells and tissues need.
The role of cholesterol in the body is difficult to overestimate. Its physiological function is extremely diverse:
- Providing the cellular skeleton. Non-esterified cholesterol with phosphatides ensures the permeability of cell membranes. Regulates the activity of the biomembrane by changing its viscosity.
- Participates in the formation of bile acids necessary for the digestion and absorption of fats, and for some processes occurring in the digestive tract.
- Produces corticosteroids in the adrenal cortex. Depending on the number of atoms, corticosteroids are divided into estrogens and androgens.
- Participates in the formation of calciferols (vitamin D), which provide transport of calcium and phosphorus.
Types of cholesterol
In blood plasma, lipophilic alcohol is part of lipoprotein complexes that transport it to all cells. Lipoproteins are complexes of lipids with proteins involved in the transfer and storage of fats and fat-like substances. They are classified into 4 classes or 4 types of cholesterol:
- Chylomicrons are substances formed in the small intestine during the absorption of exogenous lipids;
- very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) are produced in the liverfrom apolipoproteins;
- low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are formed from VLDL during lipolysis;
- high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are formed in hepatocytes, have anti-atherogenic properties.
LDL carry cholesterol into the blood, where it accumulates, causing vascular damage. For this property, this group of lipoproteins is called bad cholesterol. HDL capture excess cholesterol and, by esterification, transport it from tissues and organs to the liver. In the parenchyma of the gland, lipophilic alcohol is converted into the necessary acids through a complex process of biosynthesis. In this regard, the symbol for good cholesterol is HDL.
The blood of a he althy adult is about 67-70% LDL and 20-24% HDL. This percentage is balanced.
High-density lipoprotein norm
HDL have a molecular weight of 0.25 million d altons. Their diameter is 7-15 nm, density is 1.13. The ratio of protein to lipids in their composition is 50:50. The half-life of high density lipoproteins is 5 days. Thanks to such physical and chemical properties, they are able to perform an important function - cleansing the vascular system.
HDL have an anti-atherogenic effect - they reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. Such properties are due to the small size. They easily penetrate the vessels without injuring them.
Despite the benefits, an increase in the content of good cholesterol in the blood, as well as a decrease, leads to the development of various diseases. Determine HDL in biochemicalblood test. The study is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. The day before the test exclude physical activity, from the diet - spicy, s alty foods, alcohol. One hour before the analysis, you should refrain from smoking.
The following indicators are considered to be the norm for HDL:
- women - 1, 3-1, 68 mmol/l;
- men – 1.0-1.45 mmol/l.
When the indicators increase or decrease, an additional analysis is carried out. Determine the coefficient of atherogenicity by calculating the ratio of bad and good cholesterol. The indicators are taken from the results of biochemistry or lipidograms and inserted into the formula KA=(LDL + LDL) / HDL.
Normal atherogenic coefficient values (same for men and women):
- 20-30 years - 2-2, 8;
- over 30 years old - 3-3, 5.
A score greater than 4 is most commonly seen in patients with coronary artery disease.
Reason for lowering good cholesterol

There are a lot of reasons why test results show downward deviations from the norm of HDL in people. Most of them are related to malnutrition and daily routine.
Factors affecting the reduction of good cholesterol:
- Low physical activity. In people whose work activity involves many hours of lack of physical activity, first of all, blood circulation is disturbed, an imbalance of all substances occurs.
- Violation of diet and lack of balance of BJU in the diet. A large amount of fats and fast carbohydrates in food increasesbad cholesterol.
- Overweight. Low HDL levels in obesity are due to impaired lipid metabolism.
- Bad habits. Cigarettes and alcohol abuse disrupt the concentration and aggregate properties of platelets. Blockage of blood vessels by blood clots makes it difficult to transport LDL to the liver. In addition, the iron itself is destroyed under the influence of alcohol, and it is it that synthesizes HDL.
- Hormonal disorders and diseases leading to hormone imbalance. The main cause of such disorders is a metabolic disorder. The lack of a normal ratio of proteins and fats in the body leads to malfunctions in lipid metabolism.
- Pathologies of the liver and kidneys. Destruction of hepatocytes and cells of the adrenal cortex leads to a decrease in their functionality. The liver parenchyma does not process cholesterol well.
- Chronic diseases. The chronic course of the pathology disrupts the functions of the immune system. T-lymphocytes begin to function as autoantigens, causing the formation of antibodies and autoimmune lipoprotein complexes. Such complexes are highly atherogenic.
- Illiterate use of medicines. Any drugs are concentrated chemicals that affect the functions of the body, the physicochemical or biochemical composition of cells, tissues, organs, etc. High doses disrupt the natural balance.
Ways to Increase HDLL
The basis of well-being, immunity, well-coordinated work of all human systems and organs is a he althy lifestyle. The decrease in HDL is somehow associated withinadequate he alth care.
Changes in the concentration of lipoproteins may not appear outwardly for a long time. The absence of symptoms does not mean the absence of pathology. Bad cholesterol can slowly accumulate in blood vessels and organs, gradually destroying them. Dysfunctions of various systems also gradually lead to a decrease in HDL production.
Is it possible to increase good cholesterol and how to do it? There are several ways to normalize the concentration and ratio of different classes of lipoproteins. But all methods take time, and for some it will be necessary to radically change the established way of life and habits. Almost all methods are associated with a he althy lifestyle, it will be easy to perform them.
Low HDL Diet

When correcting disorders of cholesterol production, diet therapy always comes first. Compliance with the diet and consumption of the right balanced amount of nutrients will first of all get rid of extra pounds. With moderate and severe obesity, a doctor should be involved in the development of a diet. This also applies to severe chronic diseases.
Saturated fat should be limited, especially for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is impossible to completely exclude triglycerides from the diet, as the lipid balance will be disturbed. Preference should be given to unsaturated fats. Diet rules:
- Dairy and sour-milk products. The fat content of milk should not exceed 2.5%. Recommended cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, fermented baked milk. cheese consumption,butter is sharply limited.
- Meat. The diet includes beef, veal, duck meat, goose is completely excluded. The product is boiled, the cutlets are steamed, it is impossible to fry. Exclude semi-finished products and sausages.
- Offal from the diet is removed, the exception is chicken liver. It contains vitamin D, which improves the production of good cholesterol, and calcium, which ensures the transport of lipophilic alcohol.
- Eggs. Preference is given to quail, when eating chicken it is better to refuse the yolk. Eggs are soft-boiled or steam omelettes are prepared.
- Bread. In fact, the product does not contain anything useful, and a freshly baked product increases the acidity of the stomach and causes gas formation in the intestines. If it is difficult to completely abandon bread, then at least try to replace it with crackers.
Useful products

If the results of the tests showed that high-density lipoproteins are lowered, first you should find out from the doctor how critical the situation is. For small deviations from the norm, the concentration of HDL is corrected with the help of certain substances contained in the products:
- Omega-3. It is impossible to completely exclude lipids from the menu, you need to replace saturated fats with aliphatic monobasic acids of the carboxylic group. Most of all, omega-3 is found in mackerel, trout, haddock, and anchovies. From plant foods, unsaturated fats predominate in seaweed, flax seeds, and spinach.
- Niacin. Nicotinic acid, or vitamin B3, is involved in oxidativerecovery processes, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Niacin improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to the rapid and complete processing of incoming food. Most of all, it is found in buckwheat, beets, beans, in some offal (liver, kidneys), mushrooms. Nicotinic acid has a lipid-lowering property, the consumption of products containing it significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
- Beta-sitosterol is a phytosterol similar in structure to cholesterol. In medicine, the synthesized substance is used to reduce the content and production of bad cholesterol. The substance is found exclusively in plant products: seaweed, avocado, peanuts, rice, linseed and pumpkin seeds.
Quit alcohol and cigarettes
Raising the level of good cholesterol, as well as improving he alth in general, will help complete cessation of smoking (including vaping, hookah) and alcoholic beverages.
Cigarettes contain nicotine, which has nothing to do with niacin. Nicotine is an alkaloid (poisonous substance) that destroys cholinergic receptors. During smoking, the alkaloid disrupts the heartbeat. Violation of the heart leads to failures in pressure and trauma to blood vessels. Nutrients are supplied to various tissues in insufficient quantities. Deficiency of micro- and microelements leads to disruption of lipid metabolism.
Alcohol is harmful in any quantities. There is also no benefit in wine, the consumption of a grape alcoholic drink violates the natural acidity of the stomach. Nutrients are not completely processed, providingadditional load on the liver. Alcohol is a strong toxin; when it enters the body, the liver tries to cleanse the blood. Hepatocytes work in an enhanced mode, which leads to their death. A diseased liver is not able to produce the right amount of HDL.
Physical activity

Good cholesterol - what is it? In fact, this is a substance that converts fats into important elements that give energy to the body. With weak activity, the body does not have time to use up the fats that come with food, they are deposited. To normalize the ratio of bad and good cholesterol resort to physical activity of any type. When choosing sports activities, one should focus on how low HDL is, on the presence of diseases, and personal preferences.
You can't limit yourself to morning exercises. To maintain the body and restore disturbed processes, moderate-intensive training should be resorted to. It is better to give preference to those types in which there is a uniform load on the whole body. Great for running, swimming, tennis. You can use the help of a sports instructor, he will help develop a set of exercises tailored to individual characteristics.
People whose work is not related to activity should do exercises every 1.5 hours, squat, bend, etc. In the evening, it is better to walk from the bus stop to the entrance. Enter the elevator on the second floor, walking on the stairs improves blood circulation.
How to increase HDL with drugs?

In case of serious violations, the doctor deals with the correction of the content of lipoproteins. How to increase good cholesterol with drugs? Self-prescribing and using medications can have a very negative impact on he alth.
The doctor will determine exactly how to increase good cholesterol without consequences. The use of drugs is resorted to if low concentrations of lipoproteins become permanent and increase the risk of developing various diseases.
Medicines that increase HDL:
- Statins are designed to reduce LDL fractions. The mechanism of action is as follows: active substances bind to low-density lipoproteins and remove them from the blood, restoring balance. The most commonly prescribed are Rosuvastatin, Aktalipid, Liptonorm. The use of funds is contraindicated in persons suffering from alcohol dependence, liver failure, polypharmacy. Use with caution in adulthood.
- Fibrates are drugs with antiaggregatory and hypocholesterolemic action. They inhibit the synthesis of lipophilic alcohols in the liver, normalize the content of lipids in the blood, remove uric acid. Means are contraindicated in cirrhosis of the liver, during gestation, lactation. Usually, doctors prescribe Glofibrate, Trilipix, Bezalip, Exlip.
- Bile acid sequestrants. Entering the intestines, they bind with bile, forming insoluble compounds. They are then excreted in the feces. An increase in the synthesis of bile acids causesbody to look for additional sources of cholesterol. Means cause side effects in the form of dyspeptic disorders (nausea, impaired stool, and others). During the course, you must adhere to a special diet. The most commonly prescribed sequestrants are Questral, Guarem.
Use of folk remedies for low HDL-C

Alternative medicine has in its arsenal many recipes to increase good cholesterol. Some home remedies have even been borrowed by manufacturers of homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements.
- A tablespoon with a slide of dried blackberry leaves is poured with boiling water (250 g), insisted for about an hour. Pass through the filter, drink 50 g before meals.
- 200 g of fresh carrot juice is mixed with the same amount of beet juice and 150 g of pressed celery. They try to drink the mixture immediately. The procedure is repeated every other day for two weeks.
- 200 g of linden flowers are brewed with 250 g of boiling water, infused for 40-50 minutes. Pass through the filter, drink the drink throughout the day.
Good cholesterol is essential for normal life. With its decrease, the risk of developing vascular pathologies increases. A well-chosen diet, physical education, and the rejection of addictions are the best means to maintain a normal concentration of HDL.