Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) enters the body only with food. In the autumn-winter season, many people develop a deficiency of this useful substance. The development of beriberi contribute to excessive physical and mental stress, stress, errors in nutrition. In such cases, doctors recommend taking the drug "Citrogex vitamin C". This remedy has very few contraindications. It is practically harmless. How to use vitamins correctly? Does this remedy really help get rid of beriberi? We will consider these issues in the article.
The active substance of the drug "Citrojacks vitamin C" is ascorbic acid. This tool also includes the following additional components:
- dextrose;
- citric acid and baking soda;
- citrus fruit flavors;
- aspartame (gives the drug a sweet taste);
- dyes.
The drug is produced in the form of effervescent tablets for dissolution in water. Each contains 900 mg of vitamin C.

The effect of pills
How does ascorbic acid affect the body? This beneficial substance has the following properties:
- activates the production of antibodies and increases resistance to infections;
- improves metabolism;
- helps repair damaged tissues;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- normalizes the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas;
- stimulates the liver and gallbladder;
- neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals on cell membranes.
In addition, vitamin C acts as an antihistamine. Regular use of this remedy helps prevent allergic and inflammatory reactions.

Any manifestations of ascorbic acid deficiency are indications for the appointment of the drug "Citrojex vitamin C". Instructions for use recommends taking this remedy in the following cases:
- When avitaminosis C is diagnosed. Ascorbic acid deficiency is manifested in increased fatigue, frequent colds, bleeding gums, and a decrease in hemoglobin.
- In diseases of the digestive tract. Quite often, vitamin deficiency is formed due to a violationabsorption of ascorbic acid due to pathologies of the stomach and intestines.
- With malnutrition. The lack of ascorbic acid in food can be compensated with the help of the drug "Citrogex vitamin C". However, you can not rely only on taking pills. Include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet.
- With stress, hard physical and mental work. Emotional overstrain and overwork can cause beriberi.

There are very few contraindications to taking Citrogex vitamins. The instruction does not recommend using this remedy if you are allergic to ascorbic acid and additional ingredients of the tablets.
Also, this remedy should not be taken by patients with phenylketonuria. The tablets contain the sweetener aspartame, which is strictly contraindicated in this pathology.
Citrojacks vitamin C 900 should not be given to children. The content of ascorbic acid in tablets is quite large, it is designed for the daily requirement of an adult organism for vitamin C. For a child, such a high dosage is excessive.
The drug can be taken during pregnancy. However, caution must be exercised in doing so. Ascorbic acid passes through the placenta, and the fetus gets used to the constant intake of vitamin C in the body. In the future, this may lead to drug withdrawal syndrome in a newborn baby.
Unwanted effects
In most casesPatients tolerate the use of Citrojex Vitamin C 900 well. The instruction of the drug warns only about possible allergic reactions in people with hypersensitivity. In this case, the use of the vitamin should be stopped and a visit to the doctor.

No overdose of this drug has been reported so far. However, the permissible daily dose of ascorbic acid should not be exceeded. Uncontrolled intake of this remedy can lead to the occurrence of hypervitaminosis C. This condition is accompanied by anxiety, irritability, insomnia and palpitations at night. Therefore, the recommended dose of the vitamin should not be exceeded.
How to take vitamins
A tablet of the drug "Citrojacks vitamin C" should be placed in a glass of clean water (200 ml) and dissolved. This composition is taken 1 time per day. It is recommended to use the prepared solution during or after a meal.

The allowable daily dose of the drug is 1 tablet (900 mg). This product is not recommended to be chewed or sucked, it is intended to dissolve only.
Storage and price
Tablets "Citrojacks vitamin C" can be stored at a temperature of +15 to +25 degrees. They must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, since ascorbic acid is destroyed under direct sunlight. Also, tablets should not be kept in conditions of high humidity, this can worsen the medicinal properties of the drug. The product is suitable for use within 2 years from the date of issue.
The price of vitamins in a pharmacy is from 120 to 150 rubles. The drug is available without a prescription, but you should consult your doctor before taking it.
Patient feedback
Patients have a positive opinion about the drug "Citrojacks vitamin C". The reviews report that this tool has helped many people to strengthen the immune system. Regular intake of vitamins helped to avoid colds and flu during seasonal epidemics.
Patients also took this remedy at the first sign of a cold. This led to the disappearance of sore throat, runny nose and general weakness. The course of treatment helped prevent the development of severe symptoms of SARS.

This drug is also taken during convalescence from acute respiratory infections. Regular intake of vitamins helps the body recover faster after an illness and prevents recurrence of the pathology.
Patients with avitaminosis C also respond positively to the drug. The course of treatment with a vitamin remedy helped them get rid of fatigue, bleeding gums, and reduced efficiency. At the same time, a significant improvement in well-being was noted already in the first days of admission.
However, you can also find negative reviews about this tool. Basically, they relate to the composition of the drug. Not all patients tolerate sweeteners and dyes that are part of effervescent tablets well. In addition, some people find the pronounced citrus taste unpleasant.drug. In case of hypersensitivity to aspartame and coloring additives, it is recommended to switch to other forms of medicines with ascorbic acid.
Many patients report that their teeth turn yellow after drinking the tablet solution. In this case, it is recommended to drink the composition through a straw. However, if you use the drug in the recommended doses, it does not have a harmful effect on tooth enamel and does not lead to caries.