For children of different age categories, taking vitamins is very important. Valuable nutrients are necessary for the proper development and growth of the baby. To eliminate the deficiency of vitamins, you can use the drug "Complivit". For children, it is produced in several forms that correspond to the age of the child. Let's take a closer look at what this vitamin complex is and how to take it correctly.
General product information
Currently, a variety of vitamin supplements are in great demand. Such drugs help to maintain the body's performance in stressful situations. Do children need vitamins? Experts answer this question in the affirmative. The role of these nutrients in the development of the child is difficult to overestimate. "Complivit" is a drug that contains a certain set of vitamins and minerals.

The manufacturer offers a whole line of products under this name. Multivitamins are represented by separate complexes,appropriate for a particular age of the child. After all, the needs for nutrients in children of different ages are very different.
Development and production of Complivit vitamins for children is carried out by the domestic pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard-UfaVita. All products of the manufacturer meet quality and safety standards. You can buy a vitamin complex in almost any pharmacy. The cost depends on the type of drug and varies between 160-250 rubles.
The manufacturer offers the following types of Complivit for children:
- Complivit Calcium D3 (chewable tablets).
- Complivit Calcium D3 (powder for suspension).
- Complivit He althy Eyes.
- "Complivit Active" (for teenagers).
- "Complivit Active chewing" (for children from three years old).
- Complivit Active Bears.
- Complivit FrutoVit.
- Complivit Multivitamins plus Iodine.

Different pharmaceutical forms of the multivitamin complex are available for different kids and teenagers. The composition of each drug is balanced and can fully satisfy the daily need of the body for micro- and macroelements.
"Complivit Calcium D3": description of the drug
For normal growth and development, a baby needs calcium from birth. "Complivit" for children with calcium and vitamin D3 will completely replenish the reserves of this microelement and help it to be properly absorbed. The manufacturer releases the product inin the form of chewable tablets intended for children over three years of age, and in the form of a powder for oral suspension. A multivitamin supplement can help prevent calcium deficiency and rickets in babies.
For children "Complivit Calcium" will bring great benefits from the first days of life. Experts strongly recommend giving this drug to babies who are at risk for a deficiency of this trace element and vitamin D3. These are mainly children born with low body weight and premature, with reduced motor activity.

In powder form, the vitamin remedy is intended for babies from birth. Powder (43 g) is placed in a glass container. It tastes and smells of orange. Calcium carbonate and calciferol are used as active substances in the preparation.
Children's chewable tablets "Complivit" with calcium are packaged in plastic jars of 30 or 100 pieces. They contain vitamin D in the form of calciferol and organic calcium. The microelement is needed not only for the mineralization of teeth and strengthening of the skeleton, but also for maintaining the contractile activity of muscles, conducting nerve impulses, and proper functioning of the heart.
How to prepare and take the suspension?
Complivit calcium suspension for children from one year old is prepared immediately before the start of therapy. The powder is diluted with chilled boiled water. To do this, two-thirds of the liquid must be poured into the bottle with the powder and mixed thoroughly. After that, you should bringup to 100 ml of medicine by adding a little water to the suspension.
The resulting medicine is given to babies of the first year of life, 5 ml per day. For children older than 1 year, the dosage can be increased to 10 ml. The course of treatment is usually at least a month. If necessary, the specialist can extend the therapy.
"Complivit" with calcium should not be given to babies with diseases such as hypercalcemia, urolithiasis, intolerance to fructose or any components of the product. With caution, the drug is prescribed for impaired renal function.
Complivit Asset Chewing Marmalade
For children from three years old and teenagers 12-14 years old, the pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard-UfaVita produces several multivitamin complexes. Complivit Active Bears is a good support for immunity.

This is a fairly effective remedy, which contains all the necessary nutrients:
- vitamin C (40 mg) - ascorbic acid allows you to establish the process of absorption of iron, normalize blood formation and strengthen the body's defenses;
- vitamin B1 (0.55mg) - helps convert nutrients into energy and has a positive effect on mental performance;
- vitamin B2 (0.7 mg) - strengthens the nervous system, increases stress resistance;
- vitamin B3 (8 mg) - helps to cope with depression, improves blood circulation;
- vitamin B5 (3mg) - improves memory and increases concentrationattention, saturates the body with oxygen;
- vitamin B6 (0.7 mg) – is involved in the production of antidepressant hormone, has a positive effect on the nervous system;
- vitamin B12 (1, 25 mg) - improves metabolism, improves blood condition;
- biotin (10 mcg) - prevents anemia, essential for normal growth;
- folic acid (100 mcg) - prevents the development of colds, improves the functionality of the circulatory system.
Complivit Active pills
Chewable tablets for children "Complivit Active", in addition to vitamins, are additionally enriched with magnesium, iodine and calcium. This complex is suitable for children from three years old. Delicious tablets contain vitamins such as B2, C, B5, B6, D, B9, B12, A, E and PP. A multivitamin remedy can be used both for the prevention of nutrient deficiencies in children and for the treatment of anemia. The drug will help strengthen the immune system suffering from adverse environmental conditions, improve the functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamins "Complivit" for children from the age of seven are produced in the form of tablets for oral administration. The product contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals that bring great benefits to the entire body. Thanks to the right composition, such a vitamin complex helps not only to eliminate the lack of nutrients, but also to improve the functioning of all systems. To do this, it is enough to drink 1 tablet of "Complivit Active" per day after meals. The recommended course of treatment is 30 days.

When is it worthtake Complivit (for children)? Instructions for use recommends giving a multivitamin complex to children who suffer from a deficiency of nutrients in the body, during a period of active growth and increased stress (mental and physical). You can not do without this tool in cases where the child is malnourished.
The manufacturer warns that during the period of treatment with any complex it is strictly forbidden to give the child other medicines containing vitamins.
Complivit Multivitamins plus Iodine
Dietary supplement based on a complex of vitamins and minerals, enriched with iodine, is an additional source of nutrients for children over three years old. The product is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension that has a pleasant cherry or banana flavor.

Iodine has a direct impact on physical, mental and intellectual development. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the prevention of a lack of this trace element in children of preschool and school age.
Children from 3 years old are usually given a multivitamin complex with iodine in the form of a suspension, 1 scoop per day. From the age of 11, the dosage increases to two scoops per day. The drug can be taken during or after a meal, stirring with tea, juice.
"Complivit" for children: reviews
What do consumers think? According to reviews, one of the most effective drugs in the vitamin category is Complivit. For children, it is released in the formsuspensions, chewable tablets and fortified gummies. Most parents report that after taking a multivitamin supplement, their children's immune systems become stronger and better able to resist virus attacks during the cold season.

To prevent and eliminate the symptoms of beriberi, you can use other vitamin complexes. Among the Complivit analogues, such drugs as Pikovit, Aquadetrim, Multi-tabs Malysh, Kinder Biovital, Alfavit Our Baby, Vitrum Kids, Supradin have proven themselves well. The cost of such drugs will depend on the manufacturer and form of release.