"Vitrum Prenatal Forte" - reviews. "Prenatal Vitrum Forte" - instruction

"Vitrum Prenatal Forte" - reviews. "Prenatal Vitrum Forte" - instruction
"Vitrum Prenatal Forte" - reviews. "Prenatal Vitrum Forte" - instruction

Pregnancy is a responsible and joyful period in the life of every woman. There are so many plans for the future, and you need to have time to prepare for the appearance of the baby. Or maybe you just thought about replenishing the family? It is at such moments of life that it is worth thinking about both your he alth and the successful outcome of pregnancy, because the body is changing, its protection is weakening. Now you need to take care not only about yourself, but also about the future baby.

Unfortunately, not all drugs are suitable for ladies in an interesting position. It is necessary to choose a complex that will help you maintain your he alth in excellent condition and protect against possible fetal pathologies. To the delight of women, modern medicine is constantly developing new drugs that are suitable for pregnant women. One of these complexes is the drug "Vitrum Prenatal Forte". Reviews confirm its positive effect on a woman's body.

vitrum prenatal forte reviews
vitrum prenatal forte reviews

Original item

Unfortunately, more and more counterfeit goods appear on our market. This also applies to medicines. You can distinguish the original product according to several criteria: it is produced by the Unipharm corporation in the USA, the color of the capsules can vary from light to dark gray. Pay attention to the inscriptions that are printed on the tablets: on the one hand, the name Prenatal should be present, on the other - Forte. The presence of all these identification marks testifies to its originality. Only on such a product the company gives security guarantees. You can also see what the Vitrum Prenatal Forte complex looks like. The photo is presented in the article.

prenatal vitrum forte instruction
prenatal vitrum forte instruction

What is he prescribed for

This drug has a specific pharmacological focus. The complex is designed to fill the need of the female body for multivitamins and multiminerals. The action of the drug is determined by the properties of each individual component that is included in it. Whether you are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant, you need to keep your body in top condition.

Unfortunately, many do not even think that the lack of any vitamin or mineral in the required amount can lead to both miscarriage and fetal pathology. Prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies, replenishment of the deficiency of essential microelements - with thesethe drug "Vitrum Prenatal Forte" copes with problems. Reviews of women state that it is very convenient to use one complex of vitamins, while there is no need to select additional minerals. It is recommended to take it during the period of planning a baby, pregnancy, breastfeeding, in the difficult postpartum period. Also, the remedy is aimed at preventing iron deficiency anemia, which can develop during pregnancy.

Rich composition

Complex "Vitrum Prenatal Forte", reviews of doctors confirm this, contains the most important vitamins and minerals for the body in a stressful situation - pregnancy. Manufacturers have taken into account contraindications. We accurately calculated the safe dosage and selected the optimal combination of all components. Vitamins in the composition:

  1. elevit or vitrum prenatal forte
    elevit or vitrum prenatal forte

    A (retinol acetate).

  2. Group B1, B2, B6, B12.
  3. E (tocopherol acetate).
  4. D3 (cholecalciferol).

Acids and natural compounds:

  1. Pantothenic acid.
  2. Folic acid.
  3. Nicotinamide.
  4. Biotin.
  5. Betacarotene.

Minerals for a he althy body:

  1. Iron.
  2. Calcium.
  3. Magnesium.
  4. Zinc.
  5. Yodine.
  6. Selenium.
  7. Chromium molybdenum.
  8. Manganese.

How to decide

If you are faced with a choice of whether to purchase Vitrum Prenatal Forte vitamins, reviews from satisfied customers will help you make a decision. Women confirm that their well-being withthe use of this complex has improved significantly. This is especially true for pregnant women: they note that weakness, dizziness have passed, the general tone of the body has increased. In some cases, toxicosis completely disappeared. But the girls who are just preparing for conception reported that their complexion has significantly improved, their nails and hair have strengthened. All these positive changes occur due to the rich content of vitamins.

What role do vitamins play

vitrum prenatal forte reviews of pregnant women
vitrum prenatal forte reviews of pregnant women

For example, vitamin D3 plays a very important role in regulating and maintaining the balance of phosphorus and calcium in the body of a pregnant woman. With a lack of this substance, there is a risk of developing rickets in the unborn baby. Well, for the mother herself, there is a threat of osteoporosis. Vitamin A is actively involved in the complex synthesis of various substances: mucopolysaccharides, proteins, lipids. But it is generally impossible to do without vitamin B: it is active in the formation of enzymes that regulate metabolic processes. It is indispensable for the nervous system and the proper formation of the fetus, in particular the neural tube.

Vitamin E is also very important during pregnancy and during the planning of a baby - its deficiency can lead to miscarriage at an early stage. This substance is a natural antioxidant, prevents increased blood clotting, regulates blood circulation. Actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and proteins. Helps to properly form the cells of the muscles, sex glands, heart and small vessels.

But vitamin C is necessary foroxidation of some biologically active substances. Regulates metabolism in connective tissues, controls blood clotting and tissue regeneration. A very important function that is provided by the norm of vitamin C is the formation of hormones of steroid origin. Also, the resistance of the woman's body to infections increases, and inflammatory manifestations decrease. All these characteristics make this complex simply indispensable for pregnant women.

Minerals and trace elements

Despite the rich composition and obvious positive effects on the body of all components, doctors urge to observe an adequate dosage of the drug "Prenatal Vitrum Forte". The instruction clearly describes both the mode of administration and the required number of tablets per day. Very often, women in a position do not pay due attention to their nutrition, so it is so difficult for the body to get all the necessary elements, which is very detrimental to the he alth of both the mother and the unborn baby. If you want to avoid trouble, you should take Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Reviews confirm that this complex prevents pathologies in the fetus and increases the body's resistance to various diseases.

vitrum prenatal forte reviews of doctors
vitrum prenatal forte reviews of doctors

Everyone knows that during pregnancy, a woman simply needs calcium, as the baby takes part of the mineral for its development. The complex contains it in sufficient quantities, and it, in turn, helps to form bone tissue, regulates blood clotting and participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, supportsnormal heart function. It also promotes iron absorption.

Folic acid is needed for the formation of blood cells, takes an active part in the complex synthesis of amino acids. It is very important to get enough of this substance, because a lack of it can lead to fetal malformation. Pregnant women need to control the normal level of hemoglobin. And in this process, iron is of great importance. It is part of the hemoglobin molecule. It, in turn, carries oxygen throughout the body and helps all organs to function properly, prevents the development of anemia.

Zinc is necessary for the proper formation of the skeleton of the unborn baby and active tissue regeneration. Also, this mineral is part of insulin. At the same time, zinc reduces the likelihood of intrauterine malformations.

vitrum prenatal forte photo
vitrum prenatal forte photo

How to take

You should not assume that the Vitrum Prenatal Forte vitamins, the instruction confirms this, can be taken in any quantity and not be afraid of an overdose. Any mineral and trace element must be present in the body in adequate amounts. In addition, only a doctor who monitors your he alth should prescribe this complex. It is necessary to use capsules in the morning, after breakfast, it is recommended to drink plenty of plain water. Adequate medication regimen:

  1. Pregnancy planning - 1 capsule per day.
  2. Pregnancy, postpartum - 1 capsule per day.

Duration of the course is calculated based on the surveythe patient's body.

vitamins vitrum prenatal forte instructions
vitamins vitrum prenatal forte instructions


Complex "Vitrum Prenatal Forte", reviews confirm this, has virtually no side effects. However, do not forget that each organism is individual. If you have hypersensitivity to at least one of the components of the drug, you should not drink it, otherwise an allergic reaction may occur, which will be quite difficult to stop during pregnancy. If you have been diagnosed with hypervitaminosis A or have an increased accumulation of iron or calcium, you are not recommended to take the Prenatal Vitrum Forte complex. The instruction warns of possible complications if the manufacturer's recommendations are ignored.

Overdose and possible side effects

vitamins vitrum prenatal forte reviews
vitamins vitrum prenatal forte reviews

When taking the complex, you must strictly follow the instructions, do not allow excessive intake of capsules. This can lead to an overdose of the drug. In this case, it is urgent to rinse the stomach and drink activated charcoal. If there is no positive effect, and you feel unwell, be sure to consult a doctor. Some side effects may appear: allergy to vitamins or individual components of the Vitrum Prenatal Forte complex.

Reviews of pregnant women indicate cases of changes in the color of urine. It takes on a bright yellow color. Doctors say that this phenomenon is not harmful to he alth. And some pregnant women may have problems with stool: it becomesirregular, constipation appears. Although doctors say that this moment is not a reason to stop the drug.

Experience is the best adviser

Unfortunately, many ladies prescribe drugs to themselves. And it's absolutely not worth it. Each complex has its own composition and contraindications. There is, of course, and individual intolerance to medicines. If you choose from the popular Elevit or Vitrum Prenatal Forte vitamin complexes, it is worth noting that they have a qualitatively different composition.

For example, the first contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, but minerals are absent in it. That is, it is necessary to supplement the intake with other drugs. But it is more easily absorbed by the body. The second has an extended composition and provides everything you need. However, not every organism accepts such diversity. In addition, pregnant women note the pungent smell of Vitrum Prenatal Forte capsules, which causes nausea. So consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of a particular vitamin complex for you.
