Many patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system are interested in why the aorta ruptures and whether it is possible to save a person. Aneurysm implies a significant expansion of the lumen of the artery and the formation of a protrusion on the walls. Atherosclerosis often provokes the onset of the disease, as a result of which plaques form on the vessels.
A pathological neoplasm can grow very quickly in size under the influence of blood pressure. An aneurysm can burst at any time, leading to hemorrhage and death of the patient.
The structure of blood vessels
Before determining why an aneurysm occurs, you need to clearly understand what the aorta is and what its structure is. This vessel originates from the left ventricle of the heart and is divided into several sections, namely:
- ascending;
- aortic arch;
- left subclavian;
- right humerocephalic trunk.
Then it passes into the abdominal cavity through the aortic opening in the diaphragm so that its contraction does not interfere with blood flow. The walls of the aorta are made up of 3 layers. The inner layer consists of flat cells that fit snugly. He is perfectsmooth and ensures the movement of blood in the vessels.
The middle layer is represented by smooth muscle fibers that contract together with the heart muscle, creating an additional impulse to move blood through the vessels. The outer layer is a fibrous tissue that supports the shape of the vessel and guarantees its normal location. Having determined what the aorta is, you need to understand why exactly it ruptures and what provoking factors can be.
Main reasons
A disorder that leads to a rupture is an overgrowth of a specific part of an artery. Among the main causes of aortic rupture are:
- atherosclerosis;
- bad habits;
- old age;
- heredity;
- physical strain;
- pregnancy.
Gradually growing, the aneurysm exfoliates, breaking the vessel membrane. Gradually, the blood begins to accumulate, and if the tissues are damaged, a dangerous rupture can occur, which leads to the death of the patient. In the absence of urgent resuscitation, it is not possible to save a person.

In addition, there are provoking factors for aortic rupture. The causes of death are that the patient simply does not have time to provide first aid. Provoking factors include the period of bearing a child, as well as a hypertensive crisis.
Classification of pathology
Since the aorta has a very strong wall that can withstand high blood pressure, spontaneous tearing does not occur. The reasonsaortic rupture is not yet fully understood, but it is a very dangerous condition. Experts identify a number of factors that lead to this condition.

It is worth noting that the rupture of a dissecting aortic aneurysm can be in absolutely any area. Due to the violation of integrity, certain difficulties may arise in the work of adjacent internal organs. According to the speed of the pathological process, several forms can be distinguished, namely:
- spicy;
- subacute;
- chronic.
The chronic form is considered the safest, as it is possible to prevent complete rupture and bleeding. In the acute form, the walls of the aorta can rupture completely in a very short time.
Depending on where the rupture of the aorta of the heart occurs, the pathology is divided into proximal and distal. The proximal form is characterized by the fact that the stratification occurs in the ascending part of the vessel and there is a subsequent spread of it below. The distal form is different in that the pathology affects only the lower section.
Signs of aortic rupture are quite pronounced, and among them the following can be distinguished:
- occurrence of acute pain;
- rapid increase or decrease in pressure;
- strong weakness;
- dizziness and loss of consciousness;
- vomiting and nausea.
All these manifestations are also characteristic of many other cardiac pathologies, therefore, to accurately determine it according to the existingsymptoms are difficult. If a person complains of a deterioration in well-being and all the listed signs of a rupture of the thoracic aorta are observed, then a diagnosis should be made immediately.
Rupture of the abdominal aorta
If an aortic rupture occurs, the causes of death are severe internal hemorrhage, which is why it is important to timely examine and treat the patient. Symptoms of an aneurysm are associated with the site of its occurrence, as well as the formation of a rupture, resulting in acute hemorrhage along with a state of shock.

Abdominal aortic rupture of the abdominal region is characterized by severe pain in the abdomen, sudden weakness and blurred vision. Very often, the symptoms increase quickly enough that the person does not even have time to explain what is bothering him, shock sets in, and he instantly dies.
If the gap is localized a little higher, then there may be pain in the heart, similar to a heart attack. When blood enters the abdominal cavity, a shock syndrome instantly occurs.
Rupture of the aorta of the heart
This condition is observed quite often, especially in the presence of provoking factors. When the aorta ruptures, the cause of death of the patient is hemorrhagic stroke and heart failure. At the same time, the blood stops moving through the veins, does not enter the heart, as a result of which it stops beating. All other organs begin to suffer from a lack of blood supply, however, due to the rapidity of the appearancethe signs just don't show up.

Among the causes of aortic rupture are atherosclerotic formation, fungal infection and high blood pressure. Patients, before a rupture occurs, complain of severe pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, weakness and palpitations.
If the upper vein is damaged, then this condition manifests itself in the form of swelling and swelling of the neck, face and upper body. In addition, there are interruptions in breathing. The veins in the neck quickly swell, and the skin turns blue.
First Aid
It is important not only to know what causes an aortic rupture, but also how to provide first aid to the patient so that his life can be saved. It is on the quality and timeliness of the first aid provided that the subsequent prognosis for a person will largely depend. Be sure to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, take certain measures. In particular, you need to give the patient a horizontal position, try to raise his head. The person must be immobile all this time.
You need to try to calm the patient, so as not to further aggravate the condition or provoke bouts of shock. In addition, it is forbidden to give food or drink, as well as the use of laxatives. If there is nitroglycerin at home, then you need to put one tablet under the patient's tongue to ease the pain somewhat.
After that, you need to wait for an ambulance, since a traumatic aortic rupture is treated only by holdingsurgical intervention. In addition, additional drugs are prescribed to treat the underlying disease, which can provoke a rupture of the vessel.
Diagnosing an aneurysm requires a detailed examination. However, if an aortic rupture is suspected in a teenager or adult, the doctor prescribes supportive treatment, which is then adjusted according to the diagnostic findings.

Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging are obligatory, as only this will help to make the correct diagnosis and exclude the presence of other diseases. It is possible to recognize the real cause of the disease only with a hardware study.
Features of treatment
Resuscitation measures are aimed at stabilizing the patient's condition, eliminating pain shock, stopping bleeding, and preventing kidney failure. Intensive care methods include:
- intravenous administration of glucose-s alt solutions;
- diuretics;
- calcium gluconate;
- applying a clamp on the vessels;
- application of a special compress on the aorta;
- insertion of a balloon catheter into vessels.
After stopping the bleeding, the aneurysm is removed and the vessels are replaced.
Surgical intervention for aortic rupture should only be performed by a very experienced doctor, as seriouscomplications and there is a high risk of death. The sternum is opened, and then the damaged area of the vessel is completely removed and sutured by applying a special synthetic patch to the junction. If necessary, prosthetics of worn parts of the heart are carried out.

Rupture of the abdominal aorta is repaired through an abdominal incision up to the pubis. For a better view, the duodenum is removed from the abdominal cavity for a while. After a few minutes, the doctor makes several incisions and removes the aorta, which is then clamped. A similar cross-clamping of the aorta occurs near the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys. As a result, kidney failure may develop. That is why the operation is carried out as soon as possible.
After the prosthesis is in place, the clamps are removed from the aorta. The surgeons then conduct an examination to make sure that the circulatory system is functioning properly. Only after that the drainage is removed and sutures are applied. Treatment generally gives a good result, but the main thing is that it be carried out in a timely and comprehensive manner.
During the operation, the blood circulation is transferred to the heart-lung machine, which will temporarily perform the function of the heart. After the operation, the patient needs a long period of rehabilitation under the strict supervision of the attending doctor.
If the aneurysm has not yet ruptured, but there is such a threat, doctors applystenting technique. It implies the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels by introducing an endoprosthesis. This is a practically safe and minimally invasive operation.
If the aorta is completely ruptured, then the prognosis in this case is quite unfavorable, most patients die. This is due to various factors, in particular, such as:
- late ambulance arrival;
- too much bleeding;
- misdiagnosed;
- severe anesthesia tolerance;
- old age.
In the earliest stages of the disorder, the patient's chances are much higher if you turn to the doctor for help in a timely manner. Surgery guarantees a full recovery, but the risks associated with the operation itself remain.
Prevention measures
Since aortic rupture in many cases ends in the death of the patient, it is necessary to take preventive measures to help prevent the occurrence of this condition. Properly conducted therapy through the use of certain drugs helps to significantly slow down the process of stratification of vascular tissues. In addition, patients may be prescribed cholesterol-lowering medications.

With a sharp increase in tissue damage, cardiologists recommend surgical intervention. Surgery is mandatory for people with Marfan syndrome.
Ideally, it is best to avoid an aneurysm. Since the risk of rupturetissue increases with the development of atherosclerosis, then to prevent it, you need to take drugs that reduce the level of triglycerin and cholesterol. Be sure to lead an active life in order to prevent obesity, and as a result of this hypodynamia. Cardiologists recommend timely treatment of hypertension and diabetes. Additionally, a special diet is required.
Food Features
Eating a person with a predisposition to aortic rupture is important. The list of he althy foods includes avocados, as they contain fatty acids, as well as vitamins that reduce the risk of developing vascular problems. This vegetable helps to remove bad cholesterol. It can be consumed raw or added to salads.
Grapefruit is considered a useful product, as it contains a lot of vitamins and useful fiber. It eliminates the risk of ischemia, atherosclerosis, and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Pomegranate is good to consume as it contains antioxidants that help lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of aneurysms, and also normalize blood circulation. Garlic helps fight vascular problems, as it contains many useful substances.
Together with medications, you need to use traditional medicine, but before that you need to consult with your doctor. All these activities help prolong life and reduce the risk of complications.