Supplements and vitamins 2024, October

Black walnut oil: useful properties, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Black walnut oil: useful properties, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Detailed description of black walnut fruits, their beneficial properties and appearance features. The main indications and contraindications for the use of black walnut oil. How can the finished product be used and what is the use of it?

Tablets "Alerana": reviews, composition, instructions for use, review of analogues

Tablets "Alerana": reviews, composition, instructions for use, review of analogues

Aleran pills never stop being discussed on the Internet. Most of the reviews about the product are positive, which makes many people think about whether to try drinking a course of this drug. The problem of hair loss is relevant for many people today. Moreover, both women and men suffer from alopecia equally

"Acidum Nitricum": homeopathy, composition of the drug, dosage, form of release, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

"Acidum Nitricum": homeopathy, composition of the drug, dosage, form of release, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

In modern homeopathy, Nitricum Acidum is not used as often as one might think. This remedy has been used in alternative medicine since the end of the 18th century. Literally translated from Latin, "Acidum Nitricum" is nitric acid. Let's try to figure out what kind of drug it is, what are the indications for its use, are there any contraindications

"Omega 3 Forte": instructions for use, features and analogues

"Omega 3 Forte": instructions for use, features and analogues

Before taking a drug, you always want to be sure that it is really effective, safe and experimentally proven. You can study sources or reviews on forums about medicines and vitamins for a long time, or you can refer to our article, which contains all the necessary information about the drug "Omega-3 Forte"

Vitamins of group B: reviews of therapists, release forms, features of use, contraindications, effects on the body

Vitamins of group B: reviews of therapists, release forms, features of use, contraindications, effects on the body

The basis for the he althy functioning of the nervous system, the beauty of hair and skin, he althy digestion, the speed of cognitive processes is the presence of B vitamins in the blood. Reviews about them are different: for some, the injectable form is more suitable, for other people - tableted. The pharmacological industry offers many drugs that in one way or another satisfy the need of people for these essential vitamins

Coral Club: doctor reviews, product line, drug formulations, side effects, pros and cons of taking

Coral Club: doctor reviews, product line, drug formulations, side effects, pros and cons of taking

In Russia "Coral Club" opened in 1998 and over the years has managed to take a leading position. The Russian representative office is considered one of the most promising and successful branches of the company, and it is constantly developing. The specialists of this company are working on opening marketing, training and logistics points in different regions of Russia

DHEA: customer reviews, instructions for use, pros and cons of use, indications for use, form of release and dosage

DHEA: customer reviews, instructions for use, pros and cons of use, indications for use, form of release and dosage

Since ancient times, humanity has been dreaming of finding the secret of the elixir of immortality - a means for longevity and eternal youth, but meanwhile this substance is present in the body in every person - this is dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA). This hormone is called the mother of all hormones, since it is he who is the progenitor of all steroid and sex hormones

"Multi-Tabs Perinatal": reviews, composition, instructions for use

"Multi-Tabs Perinatal": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Clinically and experimentally, it was found that the main cause of violations in the development of the fetus, congenital malformations and a decline in the he alth of the mother is the insufficient supply of the body of a pregnant woman with vitamins and minerals. How to start taking vitamins and which drug to choose?

"Thermocomplete Herbalife": how to take

"Thermocomplete Herbalife": how to take

The article reveals the features of the drug "Thermocomplete" from the firm "Herbalife". These are the benefits, useful properties of herbal ingredients, contraindications, side effects from use and instructions for using the drug

Food supplement E129: description, benefits and possible harm

Food supplement E129: description, benefits and possible harm

This article will answer questions about what the food additive E129 is, how harmful it is to the body, and also in which industrial areas it is used and for what. The information provided will help to conclude whether it is worth buying products that contain E129

"Ortho Calcium + Magnesium": indications for use, instructions, description, analogues, contraindications, reviews

"Ortho Calcium + Magnesium": indications for use, instructions, description, analogues, contraindications, reviews

Features and benefits of using the drug. In what cases should this tool be used. What are the contraindications. Methods of application and dosage of the drug. Similar medicines with calcium and/or magnesium on the market

Creatine for weight loss: instructions for use, pros and cons of use, indications for admission, form of release, features of administration and dosage

Creatine for weight loss: instructions for use, pros and cons of use, indications for admission, form of release, features of administration and dosage

How to use the drug "Creatine monohydrate" for weight loss. The benefits of creatine and its contraindications for use. How creatine works. How women use this remedy. What is the harm to he alth

Energy in a pharmacy: review, composition, application, effect on the body, photo

Energy in a pharmacy: review, composition, application, effect on the body, photo

Natural energy drinks are adaptogens. Adaptogens are substances that can have a general tonic effect on the body, increase its resistance to great physical exertion, with sudden changes in climate, hypoxia. Adaptogens help the body adapt to unexpected or negative environmental factors

Succinic acid in sports: course, rules of administration, dosage, purpose, indications for sports, contraindications and effect

Succinic acid in sports: course, rules of administration, dosage, purpose, indications for sports, contraindications and effect

Succinic acid is a biologically active substance used to remove free radicals from the body and increase stamina. It is used in the treatment of alcoholism, depression and nervous exhaustion. Succinic acid has proven itself especially well in sports. It helps to avoid psycho-emotional stress and recover after a long workout

“Vitrum. Calcium D3 ": purpose, form of release, instructions for use, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

“Vitrum. Calcium D3 ": purpose, form of release, instructions for use, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

In some pathologies, a person has a lack of calcium. This leads to brittle bones, cramps, hair loss and tooth decay. In such cases, it is recommended to take calcium supplements. But it is poorly absorbed with a lack of vitamin D3. Therefore, complex preparations are considered more effective. One of them is Vitrum. Calcium D3. This is a drug that regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism and compensates for the lack of vitamin D3

Edible clay: composition, useful properties, processing, instructions for use and reviews of doctors

Edible clay: composition, useful properties, processing, instructions for use and reviews of doctors

Our body is "clogged" with toxins through food, water, harmful emissions into the environment. Based on his strength, he removes these substances in order to prolong the full functioning. However, to maximize your he alth, you need to clean it with the help of modern methods. All due to the fact that despite the constant filtering of blood by the liver, poisons tend to gradually accumulate, bringing the body to serious diseases and pathologies

"Doppelhertz Ginseng": reviews, purpose, release form, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

"Doppelhertz Ginseng": reviews, purpose, release form, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Fatigue, depression, mental and physical stress, past illnesses - all this exhausts the body, deprives one of strength and energy, and reduces immune defenses. To restore, increase efficiency, and prevent diseases, you can use Doppelherz Ginseng Active and Doppelherz Ginseng, reviews of which are often positive

"Aevit" for nails: composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

"Aevit" for nails: composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Everyone knows that vitamins are essential for our body. All organs and systems need a complete and balanced diet. But for some of the fair sex, the beauty of hair and nails is more important than anything else. Therefore, many of them are fond of a variety of vitamin complexes, often expensive. Today we'll talk about how to use a simple and affordable "Aevit" for nails

How to drink vitamins: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, reviews

How to drink vitamins: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, reviews

The question of choosing a vitamin complex, the method of administration and benefits, is very relevant today. A variety of vitamin supplements, presented on pharmacy shelves, is an easy way to compensate for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. But when and how to drink vitamins, so as not to harm your he alth?

Tea "Donna Bella": composition and application, effect on the female body, consumer reviews

Tea "Donna Bella": composition and application, effect on the female body, consumer reviews

Created on the basis of green tea, with the addition of a collection of plants growing in the Altai regions, the tea made a splash among women. Altai is famous for its clean air, so the plants of this region have a special power. The recipe for Donna Bella tea was developed by Vladimir Romanyuk, Doctor of Biological Sciences, who has extensive experience in herbal medicine

How much protein is in protein: types of sports nutrition, calculation and consumption of daily protein intake, regimen and dosage

How much protein is in protein: types of sports nutrition, calculation and consumption of daily protein intake, regimen and dosage

If you dream of becoming a successful athlete, then you need to follow not only the regime of training and proper nutrition. You need to consume the correct amount of protein in order to maintain the balance of proteins in the body, and for this you need to know how much protein is in the protein in grams. You will learn about this from the article

Vitamins for teeth and gums: drug names

Vitamins for teeth and gums: drug names

Lack of vitamins for teeth and gums in adults leads to loss of vascular elasticity, disruption of the blood supply process, which is why hard and soft tissues do not receive the necessary amount of micronutrients. As a result, the enamel loses its properties. What vitamins for gums and teeth are the most useful? What products contain them?

Which is better - protein or amino acids: features of use, subtleties of sports nutrition, reviews and recommendations of doctors

Which is better - protein or amino acids: features of use, subtleties of sports nutrition, reviews and recommendations of doctors

Which is better: protein or amino acids? This question is more often asked by people who are trying to build muscle mass faster and are faced with a choice of what to buy. However, there is no single answer, since both products are effective and useful in their own way. When and how should they be taken? What are their similarities and differences?

Drugs for endurance in sports: overview, instructions for use

Drugs for endurance in sports: overview, instructions for use

Professional athletes understand that it will be possible to achieve results in sports only by actively training. But the body can not always withstand severe stress. Currently, there are special drugs for endurance that will help and support

Vitamin E for conception: effects on the human body, rules of administration, dosage. Foods containing vitamin E

Vitamin E for conception: effects on the human body, rules of administration, dosage. Foods containing vitamin E

Any woman planning a pregnancy should start by visiting a doctor and looking for vitamins that will help her conceive a he althy baby and bear it successfully. One of these vitamins is vitamin E. For conception, this useful element is simply indispensable, because it regulates the functioning of the female reproductive system. In addition, the intake of tocopherol is also recommended for men, because this substance is involved in maintaining normal spermatogenesis

Vitamins for fractures for bone splicing

Vitamins for fractures for bone splicing

In case of fractures, our body is the most helpless, and it needs useful micro- and macroelements more than ever. What kind of vitamins does the body need for a speedy recovery and from what sources can they be obtained?

Vitamins for a one year old baby. Overview, tips for choosing

Vitamins for a one year old baby. Overview, tips for choosing

Babies get vitamins from mother's milk. When the baby reaches one year, he gradually switches to a normal diet. During this period, his body is actively developing, growing and needs an increased amount of nutrients. Many doctors recommend taking pharmacy vitamins for a one-year-old child. Nowadays, the choice of such drugs is huge. How to navigate the diversity of the range of vitamin and mineral complexes? We will consider this issue in the article

Sports nutrition: harm and benefit, composition and opinions of doctors

Sports nutrition: harm and benefit, composition and opinions of doctors

The modern trend for fitness and an athletically built body does not leave a chance for lazy and unassembled people. Sports nutrition has been at the peak of popularity for several years now. Amino acids, protein, gainer, creatine, steroids, testosterone… This world is sucking in beginners like a black hole. The benefits and harms of sports nutrition, reviews of doctors and athletes are presented in this article

Vitamins "Aevit": reviews, analogues and instructions for use

Vitamins "Aevit": reviews, analogues and instructions for use

Vitamins "Aevit" - a complex of vitamins that stimulates the body's immunity and the removal of antioxidants, and it also has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails. But it should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Why? The article answers this question

Dietary supplement "Cordyceps": reviews, instructions for use

Dietary supplement "Cordyceps": reviews, instructions for use

The Cordyceps drug, produced by the Chinese company Tianshi, is a unique dietary supplement. It is recommended to take it as a prophylactic or therapeutic agent (as an element of complex therapy)

"Phytolax": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Phytolax": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

This is a dietary supplement that supports the proper functioning of the digestive and excretory organs. The drug helps to reduce spasms, thereby eliminating pain

Vitamins "Merz": reviews, instructions for use

Vitamins "Merz": reviews, instructions for use

Dragee "Merz" is a vitamin complex containing many useful substances, which was developed specifically for women in the mid-60s. It is used to maintain female beauty and he alth. The composition of the drug is balanced in such a way that each capsule can improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and it also strengthens the immune system well

Vitamins "Triovit": instructions for use, composition, analogues, side effects

Vitamins "Triovit": instructions for use, composition, analogues, side effects

In the treatment of many diseases, as well as for their prevention, vitamin-mineral complexes are often used. They increase the body's defenses and speed up recovery

Capsules for weight loss "Beelayt": how to take, composition, reviews

Capsules for weight loss "Beelayt": how to take, composition, reviews

With the advent of spring, most women remember that it would be nice to lose weight so that they can put on a beautiful dress. But not everyone wants to stick to a diet, calculate calories and go to the gym. Therefore, the search for a magic pill begins again and again. Today, in almost every pharmacy you can find Beelight slimming capsules. Let's find out what they are and whether it is worth believing advertising

Nicotinic acid: reviews, indications, instructions for use

Nicotinic acid: reviews, indications, instructions for use

Contrary to its name, nicotinic acid has almost nothing to do with tobacco nicotine. The first is useful for humans, and the second is a dangerous poison, an alkaloid. To avoid confusion in definitions, let's just say that nicotinic acid is also called "niacin", or vitamin PP. What role does this substance play in the body, reviews of nicotinic acid, its use in medicine, cosmetology and sports - you can read below

Alpha lipoic acid: indications for use, reviews

Alpha lipoic acid: indications for use, reviews

Pharmacology is improving, and therefore drugs are being produced that solve various problems. Acids are used in medicine, cosmetology and sports. A special place is occupied by alpha-lipoic acid. According to reviews, it is effective in the medical field. The rules for its use are described in the article

"Magne B6": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

"Magne B6": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

"Magne B6" is a tool specially designed to eliminate the deficiency of the trace element magnesium and vitamin B6. It can be used not only for the treatment of deficient conditions, but also for preventive purposes. In addition, against the background of drug therapy, there is an elimination of the consequences caused by a deficiency of these substances in the body, such as increased nervous excitability, pain in the muscles, asthenic syndrome, etc

Ascorbic acid: instructions for use, release forms, reviews

Ascorbic acid: instructions for use, release forms, reviews

Ascorbic acid is a very useful vitamin. In addition, it has several options for taking: orally by resorption, intravenously or intramuscularly. In addition, it can also be used for cosmetic purposes

Vitamins "Supradin": customer reviews

Vitamins "Supradin": customer reviews

The vitamin-mineral complex "Supradin" was developed by the pharmacological concern "F. Hoffmann La Roche" in Switzerland in 1993. Over the past two decades, the shape of tablets and package design have undergone great changes. Only the main principle of the developers remained the same - to create vitamins that could satisfy the need for nutrients in any person to the maximum

"Aevit": customer reviews, cosmetologists and doctors, instructions for use

"Aevit": customer reviews, cosmetologists and doctors, instructions for use

Why do you need to take vitamins and why should you choose Aevit vitamins? All about the drug and its use, as well as reviews of cosmetologists and customers. The article is divided into thematic sections for ease of reading and perception of information