Pharmacological agent "Calcium Magnesium Chelate" from NSP (USA) belongs to the category of dietary supplements. This drug contributes to the formation and restoration of bone tissue structures, as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels. While taking the drug, normalization of the functionality of the nervous system is observed due to the normalization of nerve impulse transmission.
What is the composition of NSP Calcium Magnesium Chelate?

Composition, properties of components
The product contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D. A variety of hormonal disorders, nutritional errors, physical inactivity (decrease in physical activity) lead to a lack of many important elements in the body. For example, calcium deficiency often develops, and this is a predisposing factor for the development of certain pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Approximately one third of the female population of the planet has a tendency tothe emergence of such a dangerous disease as osteoporosis.
Bone fragility provokes frequent fractures and complications in the recovery process after injuries. To prevent the weakening of bone tissue, the body requires a sufficient amount of calcium and magnesium. These compounds contribute to the inhibition of bone destruction in the early stages of osteoporosis, in particular, after menopause.
In the required concentration, such substances are present in the content of the biological additive "Calcium Magnesium Chelate" from NSP. Additional intake of minerals significantly improves the condition of bone structures. With their deficiency, the condition of the teeth worsens, the functioning of enzymes during the processing of fats and proteins is disrupted. Calcium is one of the most important nutraceuticals that are used in diets. This component takes part in impulse transmissions, energy formation, and regulates the processes of muscle contraction. It is an important element in the process of hematopoiesis and clotting, promotes the absorption of nutraceuticals. Due to its accumulation in bone structures, the content in the blood becomes permanent. With the gradual loss of calcium, the process of osteoporosis begins.

Due to the increased fragility of the bones, a curvature of the spine, pain in the back and joints can occur.
Symptoms of a lack of magnesium in the body in women will be discussed below.
Phosphorus is present in all tissues of the body, is involved in manyenzymatic and metabolic processes. It is an essential trace element for life. All biochemical processes that occur in organs and tissues depend on the presence of phosphorus. It plays an important role in energy metabolism and is also used by body cells to properly absorb calcium and magnesium. Phosphoric acid compounds are present in the nucleoproteins responsible for the transmission of hereditary qualities. However, the highest amount of phosphorus is found in teeth and bones.
The exchange of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium is a very complex, but a single chemical process. All three trace elements are necessary for important biochemical transformations that cannot occur without the participation of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestines and the entry of these substances into the bone tissue. Moreover, the volume of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D must be within certain limits - a lack or excess of any of them leads to metabolic disorders.

Balanced formula
NSP specialists, based on numerous studies, have developed a balanced formula of the NSP Calcium Magnesium Chelate supplement, which contains these minerals in the amount necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This remedy is recommended for people whose diet does not meet the body's needs for trace elements. Taking this drug helps to form and strengthen bone tissue, activates blood circulation processes, regulates the functions of the nervous system, and increases tone.
Dosages andhow to use
Dietary supplement Calcium Magnesium Chelate is taken orally. Dosage - 1 tablet 2 times a day during meals.
The remedy is indicated for use in case of deficiency in the body of the substances that make up its composition. It is also prescribed in the following cases:

- complex prevention and treatment of osteoporosis;
- fractures;
- caries, periodontal disease, thinning and cracks in the enamel;
- heavy menstrual bleeding;
- fatigue leg syndrome;
- period of intensive growth in childhood;
- allergic reactions;
- to support and improve the functionality of the vascular system;
- climax and postmenopause;
- poor condition of nails and hair;
- hypotension;
- diabetes mellitus;
- skin problems;
- sleep disturbance and insomnia;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- feeling anxious;
- depressive states;
- unstable blood pressure;
- chronic fatigue;
- emotional instability.
According to the instructions for use for NSP Calcium Magnesium Chelate, the only limitation of this active supplement is individual intolerance.
The use of a pharmacological agent during pregnancy and lactation may also have some contraindications, so before you start using it, you need to get recommendationsspecialist.

Necessary minerals
Recommended 800 to 1100 mg of calcium per day (dosage varies by age and gender). When choosing additional sources of such an element, preference should be given to those forms of calcium that are most easily absorbed, for example, dicalcium phosphate, calcium citrate, or aminoacid chelate. In the course of a number of scientific studies, the relationship between a deficiency of this natural element and an increase in blood pressure has been proven.
Calcium deficiency is especially dangerous for women, because during the onset of menopause, their levels of estrogens, which promote the absorption of calcium, decrease. Thus, during menopause, a woman begins to lose calcium and phosphorus intensively, which is extremely dangerous due to the development of osteoporosis.
Lack of magnesium is dangerous for all categories of patients, but for women this condition also poses a greater threat than for men, and this is due, again, to changes in the hormonal background and the characteristics of the female body.
Deficiency symptoms
Symptoms of a lack of magnesium in the body in women:
- Cramps, muscle twitches, tremors and spasms. These signs are due to an increase in the supply of calcium to nerve cells, which overexcite or stimulate the nerves.
- Mental disorders. These include apathy, characterized by a lack of emotion and mental numbness. In severe stages, magnesium deficiency can lead to delirium and coma.
- Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by weak bones and an increased likelihood of fractures.
- Fatigue and weakness are conditions characterized by mental or physical exhaustion. Everyone experiences fatigue from time to time, but if this condition is permanent, then this is a sign of a magnesium deficiency.
- High blood pressure, which over time provokes the development of various vascular and heart diseases.
- Bronchial asthma. Scientists have found that a lack of magnesium can cause the accumulation of calcium in the muscles of the respiratory tract, which contributes to a violation of their elasticity and makes it difficult to breathe.
- Arrhythmia, which over time can provoke palpitation of the heart.
If you find such signs, you should consult a doctor.

Price"Calcium Magnesium Chelate" from NSP
The cost of a dietary supplement is approximately 870-940 rubles. It depends on the region.
On medical sites you can find a lot of reviews about "Calcium Magnesium Chelate" from NSP, but they contain rather conflicting information about its effectiveness. Approximately half of the patients left positive feedback, in which they note that after the start of taking this pharmacological agent, their clinical manifestations of deficiency of such elements as magnesium, calcium and phosphorus significantly decreased. Many of them feel much better. In this category of patients, this drug was well tolerated, notcaused negative side effects.
The rest of the people who took the remedy "Calcium Magnesium Chelate" from the NSP did not notice a positive effect from taking it. They note that the supplement had practically no beneficial effect on their body, and all the pathological symptoms that they had before they started taking it remained. Some adverse reactions have been observed in some patients who report negatively about this active supplement, most often related to the functioning of the digestive system.

People reported mild pain in the abdomen, dyspepsia in the form of nausea and indigestion. Some patients have made the decision to stop taking this medication.
Doctors indicate that "Calcium Magnesium Chelate" from NSP is not a medicine, so its effectiveness can only be judged on clinical experience.