Calcium is a vital trace element in the human body. As a rule, bones and teeth need it, but this mineral is also important for the proper functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is known that the cells of the body contain a small microdose of calcium.
A he althy person who does not have a calcium deficiency should consume the daily intake of this substance, given their age. Children under three years of age can take calcium, but under the strict supervision of a doctor. A child under eight years old should consume 1000 milligrams, teenagers from eight to eighteen years old - 1300 milligrams, adults - 1000 milligrams.

When should I take calcium?
According to the indications, calcium should be consumed in the presence of the following abnormalities and ailments:
- increased activity;
- nervousness;
- constant irritability;
- brittle nails;
- stopping baby growth;
- tooth decay;
- enamel fragility;
- bleeding gums;
- permanent numbness of limbs;
- feelingtingling at the fingertips;
- convulsions;
- increased heart rate;
- high blood pressure that is difficult to bring down with drugs.
All these signs indicate a calcium deficiency, which must be replenished in a short time.
How to take calcium correctly?
When deciding to purchase a vitamin-mineral complex with calcium, you should pay attention to the instructions. It must be remembered that the substance in its pure form cannot be taken orally, since it is a difficult to digest substance.
To keep your teeth and bones in excellent condition, you need to eat foods that contain calcium. For example:
- milk;
- cheese;
- sour cream;
- cottage cheese;
- egg;
- meat;
- nuts.
When taking them, the absorption of calcium increases several times. A good way to normalize the level of this microelement in the body is eggshell. It must be used in crushed form once a day. The norm is three-quarters of a tablespoon a day.

Daily requirement for calcium
The following amount should be consumed per day:
- 400 milligrams - for babies up to six months;
- 600 milligrams - children under three;
- 800 milligrams - given to children under ten;
- 1200 milligrams - Teenagers under 16;
- 800-1200 milligrams needed for an adult;
- 1500 milligrams -women in the first trimester of pregnancy;
- 1800-2000 milligrams - women in the last three months of pregnancy;
- 1000-1400 milligrams required by athletes;
- 1200 milligrams or more is needed for the elderly.
To replenish calcium in the body, you can use specialized multivitamin preparations, which should be selected with the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. You can do it yourself, but you need to pay attention that vitamin D must be present in a good vitamin-mineral complex. Without cholecalciferol, calcium is not absorbed.
There is a myth that if you are in direct sunlight for fifteen minutes a day, you can safely take calcium, because this way it will begin to be absorbed faster. It's not true!
In retail pharmacies you can find a huge variety of calcium in both effervescent and regular tablets, the greatest absorption of the substance is observed in the first case. But, unfortunately, the effervescent form is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems.
Vitamin-mineral complexes
Domestic and foreign multivitamins, which contain both calcium and vitamin D, are now very popular.
When drinking coffee, alcohol, smoking cigarettes and tobacco, calcium is washed out of the bones. Therefore, adults need to take this phenomenon into account when calculating the dosage.
Among the bestvitamins with calcium for women can be identified as follows:
- Calcemin.
- "Calcium D3 Nycomed".
- Kalcid.
- "Doppelherz Active: Magnesium plus calcium"
- Complivit Calcium D3.
- Solgar vitamins with calcium.
- Kalcepan.
- K altsinova.
- Complivit Calcium D3 for Toddlers.

Drug, the therapeutic effect of which is based on replenishing the deficiency of calcium and other essential trace elements in the body. Under the action of this complex, phosphorus-calcium metabolism is normalized.
Produced in the form of capsules for oral administration. Tablets are milky in color and oblong in shape. The vitamin-mineral complex is sold from pharmacies in bottles of thirty to one hundred and twenty capsules per pack.
Calcemin contains the following useful substances:
- calcium citrate;
- calcium carbonate;
- vitamin D3;
- magnesium oxide;
- zinc oxide;
- copper oxide;
- manganese sulfate;
- boron.
Calcium is the main building material of bone tissue. In addition, this microelement is actively involved in the conduction of nerve cells, contraction of smooth muscles, and is considered one of the important elements in blood clotting.
Calcium carbonate has the maximum amount of pure calcium. Citrate is used in preventive measures to eliminate stone formation in the genitourinary organs.system.
The preparation contains vitamin D3, it increases the absorption of calcium by the body, and also participates in the formation of bone tissue.
"Calcemin" has certain contraindications:
- Individual intolerance.
- Allergic reaction to similar drugs.
- High amount of calcium in the blood.
- Kidney stone disease.
- Severe liver and kidney disease.
According to reviews, vitamins with calcium are prescribed to patients from the age of twelve. People need to take one tablet once a day. The cost of the drug is 400 rubles.
Calcium D3 Nycomed
Preparation containing calcium and vitamin D3. The vitamin complex is released in the form of chewable tablets. One package contains from thirty to one hundred and twenty capsules. One tablet contains the following important ingredients:
- calcium carbonate;
- aspartame;
- sorbitol;
- povidone;
- isom alt;
- lemon oil;
- magnesium stearate.
"Calcium D3 Nycomed" with the help of certain substances included in the composition has the ability to regulate the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Replenishing the lack of vitamin D3 and calcium, reduces the destruction of bone tissue and increases its density.
The use of calcium together with vitamin D3 stops the increased production of parathyroid hormone, which is an activator of calcium leaching from bones.
Prohibited use are as followsstatus:
- children under three;
- hypersensitivity to peanuts or soybeans;
- hypercalciuria;
- hypercalcemia;
- hypervitaminosis D;
- sarcoidosis;
- active tuberculosis;
- phenylketonuria;
- kidney stone disease;
- severe kidney failure.
According to the instructions, the tablets must be taken with meals. The drug can be sucked or chewed. To replenish the deficiency of vitamin D3 and calcium recommend:
- adults and adolescents from twelve years old - two tablets a day;
- children from three to twelve years old - one tablet per day.
The duration of the course varies from four to six weeks. The cost of the drug is from 300 to 600 rubles.

Vitamin complex is an additional source of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3. The drug is produced in the form of tablets for oral and oral administration, one bottle contains up to 150 capsules.
Solgar contains the following active ingredients:
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- cholecalciferol.
The effect of the multivitamin complex helps to strengthen and maintain the normal structure of bones and teeth, and also helps prevent osteoporosis, reduce the frequency of calf muscle cramps.
"Solgar" helps to maintain the he alth and normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and also protects against heavy metal intoxication and the occurrencekidney stones. Against the background of taking the vitamin-mineral complex, the general condition of the body improves, sleep normalizes.
When can I take Solgar?
According to the instructions, "Solgar" is recommended to be used as a biologically active food supplement, as well as an additional source of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3. In addition, the drug is used for the prevention and treatment of the following conditions:
- chronic fatigue;
- sleep disorder;
- nervous excitability;
- muscle tics;
- convulsions;
- back pain;
- violation of posture;
- prevention of osteoporosis;
- hyperactivity in children;
- headache;
- hypertension;
- arrhythmia;
- pain in the heart;
- atherosclerosis;
- diabetes;
- metabolic syndrome;
- kidney stones;
- bladder inflammation;
- premenstrual syndrome;
- heavy or painful periods for women;
- caries.
According to the instructions for use, the dietary supplement is taken with food. Consume one capsule once a day. The cost of the Solgar complex is 1800-2000 rubles.

K altsinova
Children's Vitamins with Calcium are available as chewable tablets in blister packs of nine. One package contains twenty-seven capsules with four different flavors:
- pink pills - raspberries;
- light blue -blueberries;
- yellow - pineapple;
- green - kiwi.
Calcium forms bone tissue, and also takes part in the conduction of nerve impulses. Without sufficient concentration of vitamins, the functioning of the heart and blood formation can be disrupted.

Children's vitamins with calcium prescribe:
- During the period of active growth and development, to prevent deficiency of beneficial trace elements.
- With a lack of milk and other dairy products in the diet.
- To protect and strengthen children's teeth and bones.
Vitamins "K altsinova" are recommended for children from the age of three. If calcium is needed for a child younger than three years old, it is important to choose an age-appropriate substitute drug with the doctor.
Maximum daily dosage for children three to four years old is two to three capsules. Children over four years of age can take four to five tablets per day. The duration of the course is usually thirty days.

Doppelhertz Active: Magnesium plus Calcium
Biologically active additive is used as part of therapy and as a preventive measure against cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. It is also recommended in case of malnutrition or increased need for nutrients, stress. The drug is produced in the form of tablets for oral use.
Adult patients should take one tablet daily with food. Pricevitamin and mineral complex is - 400 rubles.