Stone in the chest: signs, what to do, prevention

Stone in the chest: signs, what to do, prevention
Stone in the chest: signs, what to do, prevention

Stone in the breast is a problem for many breastfeeding women today. Otherwise, this problem is called lactostasis or stagnation of breast milk, which thickens over time if the baby does not suck it out in full. Thus, a kind of “cork” is formed, creating the effect of that same stone.

Pain in the chest
Pain in the chest

Stagnation of milk during breastfeeding

Often, when a child does not eat his mother's milk completely, a seal forms in the mammary glands from its remains, the so-called stone in the chest. It creates a feeling of discomfort. The woman is in a lot of pain. Realizing that such a problem has appeared, in the early stages it can be eliminated with the help of constant pumping. Otherwise, you will have to seek help from specialists.

Often, mothers try to grind the stone in their breasts using a breast pump and massage movements. This is a big mistake. The device not only does not help in the fight against this problem, but can also exacerbate it. So, it is better to work with your hands and try as often as possible to offer the baby a breast withseal. This will help to soften the stone in the chest faster and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Signs of lactostasis

Understanding that you have a formation in your chest that is definitely not the norm is quite simple. In addition, many women can anticipate the development of this problem if they have:

  1. The narrow ducts through which breast milk passes. At the same time, the child is always full and does not have to make great efforts to draw out the milk.
  2. Previously experienced trauma to the mammary glands can also cause the chest to become a stone. What to do in such cases? We will talk about this a little later.
  3. Regular sleep in prone position.
  4. Excessive density of milk. Because of this, it is difficult to pass through the ducts, due to which a seal forms, that is, the chest becomes like a stone.
  5. Irregularities in the baby's feeding schedule. With a sharp increase in time between feeding the baby, there is a risk of developing lactostasis.
  6. Complete refusal of the child from breastfeeding. This is one of the most popular reasons women experience breast lumps.
  7. Rough or inverted nipples. With such indicators, babies often refuse to breastfeed, which also leads to the development of lactostasis.

Alas, but many mothers and just women who are faced with the problem of a stone in the chest, could not prevent and cope with it on their own. So, most of them turn to doctors for help already when more serious symptoms appear: increasedbody temperature, general malaise, eg.

Increase in body temperature
Increase in body temperature

Over time, if qualified assistance is not provided, the chest begins to become inflamed, redden and may develop into mastitis. It is known to be treated only with surgery.

What to do?

Specialists recommend that the first step, as soon as a lump is found in the mammary gland, is to get rid of it. To do this, you need to offer the "stone" breast to the child as often as possible.

baby sucking breast
baby sucking breast

When he pulls milk, it is necessary to massage with smooth movements in the place where the seal is found. After that, you can use the folk method: attach a handkerchief dipped in cool, but not ice-cold water to your chest. This will improve circulation while reducing milk flow.

Why is there a stone in my chest? And what to do with it? First of all, you need to be very careful. So, with an inflammatory process in the mammary gland, alcohol and hot compresses should not be done. This can make things worse.

Also, one of the most effective ways to combat seals in the mammary glands is cabbage leaves. They are able to relieve inflammation and accelerate the process of resorption of education.

In order to properly make a cabbage compress, you need to break off one leaf from the head and carefully crush it. For these purposes, you can use a kitchen hammer. Then wrap a cabbage leaf with gauze or a handkerchief and apply to a sore spot. Such a compress is desirable to do at night. Remove and rinse in the morningchest with warm water.

Mom with baby
Mom with baby

You can also take a warm bath or shower. This will help expand the ducts and reduce discomfort. During breastfeeding, the baby should be laid in such a way that he massages the lump with his chin.

Prevention of stone breasts

Often, the problem of a stone in the breast appears in women after childbirth. However, there are times when it develops even after two, three, six months from the start of breastfeeding. Experienced professionals recommend the following preventive measures:

  1. Do not drink a lot of liquids, as many mothers and grandmothers advise. It helps increase the volume of milk. Accordingly, it worsens your well-being. It is also necessary to exclude s alty foods. S alt is known to cause puffiness. This leads to narrowing of the ducts.
  2. Avoid drafts, wind and freezing temperatures. All these factors negatively affect the condition of the mammary glands during breastfeeding.
  3. Choose the right bra. It is best if it is special underwear that is designed for nursing mothers.


In the period when you are faced with this problem, first of all, remain calm. A positive attitude is the key to successful treatment of all ailments. Also call on the help of your loved ones who will help look after the baby, allow you to express milk on time and not lead an overly active lifestyle. This is known to cause much more weakness and malaise.
