Supplements and vitamins 2024, October

Inneov "Density of hair": instructions, reviews

Inneov "Density of hair": instructions, reviews

Every girl dreams of beautiful curls that do not split and have excellent properties. Many begin the search for a suitable shampoo that will help get the desired result. But everyone is well aware that the properties of hair primarily depend on internal metabolic processes - metabolism. To maintain a good metabolism, an integrated approach to many processes is required, including the balance of vitamins and minerals. In this article we will talk about the Inneov tool "Density of the ox

Vitamins "Complivit Radiance": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Vitamins "Complivit Radiance": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Surely each of us watches TV. Of course, everyone had to watch a lot of commercials that describe various products and medicines. Therefore, it is probably not a secret for anyone that there is a multivitamin complex "Complivit Radiance". It is not necessary that you learned about it on TV, perhaps you read it in some advertising booklet

Essential vitamins, zinc - body builder

Essential vitamins, zinc - body builder

The work of the body depends on the amount of vitamins in the body. This ensures the he alth of hair, bones, teeth, blood vessels and all systems in the body. Complex vitamins, zinc in which deserves special attention, can prolong youth and maintain he alth

Lack of magnesium in the body: symptoms and signs. What to do if there is not enough magnesium in the body?

Lack of magnesium in the body: symptoms and signs. What to do if there is not enough magnesium in the body?

Magnesium is one of the important macronutrients in the human body. It is involved in the most important physiological processes. A sufficient amount of this macronutrient ensures good he alth. Lack of magnesium in the body, the symptoms of which we list below, leads to the development of a variety of diseases. According to WHO, about 65% of the world's population is deficient in it

Potassium: daily intake

Potassium: daily intake

The purpose of this article is to study the role of the main chemical element of the cell - potassium - in the metabolism of the human body. We will also find out what daily intake of potassium and magnesium will ensure the functioning of all vital organs and physiological systems of our body

The best multivitamins with trace elements

The best multivitamins with trace elements

What you need to know when choosing a multivitamin with trace elements. The Best Multivitamins for Different Age Groups

Vitamins when planning pregnancy. For men: how to prepare for a wife's pregnancy for a man

Vitamins when planning pregnancy. For men: how to prepare for a wife's pregnancy for a man

Pregnancy planning is a serious and deliberate decision of a loving couple, and the direct participation of a man in it is no less important, since he must not only morally support the expectant mother, but also properly prepare for conception: pass all the necessary tests and to refuse from bad habits. Taking care of your he alth in advance is a valuable investment in the future of an unborn baby

Tea "Siberian Swallow" for weight loss: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Tea "Siberian Swallow" for weight loss: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

For many women, losing weight becomes an obsession. They are constantly on the lookout for new exercises for a slim body, diets and drugs that promise rapid weight loss. Dietary supplements and herbal teas that help to remove extra pounds are especially popular. Tea "Siberian Swallow" promotes weight loss due to diuretic and laxative effects

"Omegaferol" (oil): reviews and indications for use. Negative reviews about Omegaferol oil

"Omegaferol" (oil): reviews and indications for use. Negative reviews about Omegaferol oil

Useful properties of oil "Omegaferol" are that it increases the antitumor defense of the body, restores the walls of blood vessels, improves vision and skin condition

"Bio-copper" ("Spring of He alth"): indications for admission

"Bio-copper" ("Spring of He alth"): indications for admission

Not everyone knows about the benefits of copper for the human body. It is considered an essential element that helps in the processes of hematopoiesis and the formation of hemoglobin. In addition, copper is involved in the production of proteins, enzymes, collagen and has a direct impact on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Its deficiency leads to postural disorders, loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, wrinkles, early gray hair and dysfunction of the thyroid gland

B2 vitamin in what foods? What is his daily allowance?

B2 vitamin in what foods? What is his daily allowance?

The main source of beauty and he alth is vitamin B2, or riboflavin. With its lack, people face such a problem as early aging not only of the skin, but of the whole organism. This is not the only consequence of a lack of an amazing vitamin. Its deficiency threatens with disorders of the nervous system, digestion, the occurrence of various skin diseases. In addition, people who lack riboflavin are very often prone to depression

Vitamins with selenium and zinc: names, indications for use, reviews

Vitamins with selenium and zinc: names, indications for use, reviews

Among all the minerals involved in the functioning of the body, there are some of the most important. In addition to calcium and iron, these are selenium and zinc. They are very necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Zinc, selenium, vitamins and other trace elements are part of many drugs. But it is undesirable to take them without consulting a doctor, since an overdose of these substances can be no less dangerous than a deficiency

Drug "Niacin": instructions for use. Vitamin B3 (niacin) - indications

Drug "Niacin": instructions for use. Vitamin B3 (niacin) - indications

Drug "Niacin" instructions for use characterizes as a powerful tool for lowering the amount of cholesterol in the blood. It has several forms and can be used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases

"Femibion -1": composition. "Femibion" for pregnant women: instructions, reviews

"Femibion -1": composition. "Femibion" for pregnant women: instructions, reviews

The Femibion 1 vitamin complex, the composition of which differs in the content of a fairly wide range of useful substances, is prescribed to women planning to conceive a baby, as well as during the first trimester of this period. The above preparation enriches the body of the expectant mother with vital vitamins and elements and contributes to the normal growth and development of her child

Hydrolyzate of the placenta "Source of Life": description, features and reviews

Hydrolyzate of the placenta "Source of Life": description, features and reviews

The hydrolyzate of the placenta contains all the elements necessary for the body. With the help of new technology, they are maximally bioavailable to the cells of the body, due to which the desired effect is achieved

Carotenoids are plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables their red, orange and yellow color. Sources of carotenoids. Vitamin carotene

Carotenoids are plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables their red, orange and yellow color. Sources of carotenoids. Vitamin carotene

Almost from childhood, we hear that there should be more vegetables and fruits on our table. They contain vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body to function properly. This also includes carotenoids. What it is? What role do these substances play in the body? Consider further

Vitamins "Macrovit": instructions for use, contraindications

Vitamins "Macrovit": instructions for use, contraindications

The best sources of vitamins are food. However, in the conditions of modern life, the use of multivitamin complexes, such as, for example, the Macrovit vitamins, is often justified

"Atheroclefit Bio": reviews of doctors and instructions

"Atheroclefit Bio": reviews of doctors and instructions

Pharmacy kiosks and shops offer a huge selection of various medicines, skin and hair care products, accessories for babies and young mothers, active food supplements, etc. In this article, we will consider in more detail the drug "Atheroclefit Bio"

How to choose Omega-3: an overview of the best drugs, composition, manufacturers

How to choose Omega-3: an overview of the best drugs, composition, manufacturers

The benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids for humans are very high. Regular intake of Omega 3 acids protects the internal resources of the body from diseases, prevents thrombosis and various inflammatory processes. Helps blood vessels, vision, hair, reproductive function, and is also famous for many other beneficial properties

Vitamins for hair loss in women: a list of the best drugs and customer reviews

Vitamins for hair loss in women: a list of the best drugs and customer reviews

The problem of hair loss and slow hair growth is familiar to almost every woman. The pharmacological market offers many means to solve this issue: sprays, masks, dietary supplements and drugs. Vitamins against hair loss in women will help stop the development of alopecia and accelerate the growth of hair. But which drug should you choose?

"Orlix" (drug): instructions and recommendations

"Orlix" (drug): instructions and recommendations

"Orlix" helps not to limit oneself in the choice of various dishes and products and at the same time feel as comfortable as possible

"Doctor Sea: Extra Strength": reviews of grateful men prove the effectiveness of the drug

"Doctor Sea: Extra Strength": reviews of grateful men prove the effectiveness of the drug

Quality effective drugs that increase potency have always been in demand. "Doctor Sea: Extra Strength" for men is a vivid example of how you can easily improve your life and fill it with vivid emotions

Protein expiration date after opening

Protein expiration date after opening

Protein is protein. Yes, the same protein that we need to maintain he alth and for muscle growth. A lot of athletes, people who want to keep fit drink protein shakes

Syntha 6. 1 Protein Reviews

Syntha 6. 1 Protein Reviews

American sports nutrition company BSN produces products that meet the highest standards. One of them is synta 6 protein powder, reviews of which confirm its unique qualities

Folic acid with vitamins B12 and B6: instructions, reviews

Folic acid with vitamins B12 and B6: instructions, reviews

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin B9. Vitamin B9 is a biologically inactive substance. For medical purposes, the substance is obtained artificially. Vitamin B9 is made in the form of ampoules, powders or tablets. Folic acid is also found in foods: spinach, beans, tomatoes, beets, eggs, meat, animal liver

"Marine calcium": types of dietary supplements

"Marine calcium": types of dietary supplements

One of the most important trace elements in the human body is calcium. It is part of the bones, teeth, hair, nails. The trace element is involved in the process of blood clotting, is responsible for the performance of the cardiovascular system. To compensate for the lack of this substance, various medicines, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements are used

Resveratrol - what is it? "Resveratrol": instructions for use, reviews

Resveratrol - what is it? "Resveratrol": instructions for use, reviews

Recently, representatives of alternative medicine offer their patients the drug "Resveratrol" as a rejuvenating agent. What it is? What is the composition of this remedy? How does it affect the human body? Read on for more details

Composition of "Neuromultivit", reviews and analogues

Composition of "Neuromultivit", reviews and analogues

Vitamins "Neuromultivit" are used in the treatment of various disorders of the nervous system, as well as back problems (vertebral hernia, back pain, etc.). The composition of "Neuromultivit" is ideal for the effective treatment of the above diseases. This complex preparation contains only vitamins of group B. Read more about the pharmacological action, indications and contraindications for its use

Vitamins "Time Factor": instructions for use, price and reviews

Vitamins "Time Factor": instructions for use, price and reviews

To regulate the menstrual cycle, specialists often prescribe herbal preparations with phytohormones and vitamins to their patients. BAA "Time-Factor" instructions for use calls a complex of extracts of medicinal plants and vitamins. This drug has a fairly simple scheme of application

"Omega-3 Solgar": vitamins, reviews

"Omega-3 Solgar": vitamins, reviews

59 minerals, 12 amino acids, 16 vitamins. These are the figures for the full-fledged activity of the human body … And now the most erroneous opinion is that all these necessary substances are in food

Review of nutritional supplements and components for joints and ligaments: sports nutrition

Review of nutritional supplements and components for joints and ligaments: sports nutrition

Gelastin Sport is a drink for joints and ligaments. Sports nutrition designed specifically for people who want to keep the pleasure of movement. With regular physical activity, these parts of the body are not adequately supplied with the nutrients they need for their he alth, strength and endurance. Sports drink is the optimal dietary supplement

BUD - what is it? Are dietary supplements harmful or not?

BUD - what is it? Are dietary supplements harmful or not?

Now in pharmacy chains you can find a huge number of dietary supplements that are recognized to solve the problem. In the article we will try to figure out, dietary supplements - what is it

Harm of steroids: consequences of taking, reviews

Harm of steroids: consequences of taking, reviews

Anabolic steroids are hormonal drugs that promote hypertrophy of muscle tissue. In our country, the distribution and sale of these substances is punishable by law, since they are equated to potent ones. Depending on the amount of material found, the unlucky seller can face from three to fifteen years. The harm of steroids to he alth is difficult to overestimate - they literally change the appearance and psycho-emotional state radically in a matter of weeks

Glycerin and its application. Food grade glycerin

Glycerin and its application. Food grade glycerin

A substance called "glycerin" was first obtained in 1779 as a waste product from the manufacture of soap. Since then, it has been successfully used in almost all areas of industry, including food

Vitamin B in fruits and vegetables. What vegetables and fruits contain vitamins B1, B6, B12?

Vitamin B in fruits and vegetables. What vegetables and fruits contain vitamins B1, B6, B12?

We have all heard about proper nutrition and how important it is not only tasty, but also the most he althy food. And also that for effective work, our body needs to receive enough vitamins every day. If everything is more or less clear with minerals, then we really don’t know so much about vitamins

What are effervescent vitamins?

What are effervescent vitamins?

Effervescent vitamins for children have firmly entered our lives. There are many different forms of production of such drugs. What is the difference? Are they as useful as we think?

The best vitamins for a child 2 years old. What vitamins are best for a child

The best vitamins for a child 2 years old. What vitamins are best for a child

The word "vitamin" is of Latin origin and in translation "vita" means "life". Along with vitamins, the body needs minerals. They are a kind of building materials for the human body

Use of soy protein isolate

Use of soy protein isolate

Today, soy isolate is losing its popularity, and not entirely deserved. The product can compete with the nearest competitors not only in price, but also in its nutritional qualities

"Wild Yams": properties, reviews and price. Reviews of doctors and buyers about the effectiveness of "Wild Yams"

"Wild Yams": properties, reviews and price. Reviews of doctors and buyers about the effectiveness of "Wild Yams"

Wild yam is a herbaceous vine widely used in medicine. Especially valuable is the root part of the liana, which contains a large amount of diosgenin - a natural precursor of progesterone, an essential female hormone. The drug "Wild Yams", created on the basis of a plant, thanks to diosgenin, is considered the most effective in the treatment of many purely female he alth problems

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12): price, reviews, instructions. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin): beneficial properties

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12): price, reviews, instructions. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin): beneficial properties

Vitamins play an essential role in the life of any living organism. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is involved in the most complex and important processes, it helps to "create" blood cells, regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system