Childhood is the most important time in the life of every person, because it is during this period that the formation of personality takes place. In childhood, a small person spends an extremely large amount of strength and energy. His body is still very susceptible to various infections and viruses. That is why in childhood it is very important to take measures to strengthen the immune system of the child and minimize the occurrence of various diseases and colds. For these purposes, parents use traditional medicine methods or purchase special multivitamin complexes in a pharmacy. One of these products are vitamins "Multi Tabs Baby", the composition of which is ideal for babies from the first year of life.
This tool has proven itself from the best side over the period of its existence and has captured the sympathy of many millions of mothers. It is very important when using this drug to strictly follow the instructions in order to avoid the occurrence of side effects and allergic reactions. In addition, it is very importantbe aware of the availability of similar drugs. This will allow you to choose the most suitable replacement for the "Multi Tabs Kid" vitamin product, if necessary.
Components of the drug

The complex of vitamins is based on four main components that have a number of useful properties and positively affect the body of a small child:
- Vitamin A contained in the preparation helps to maintain the normal state of the mucous membranes of the body, and also has a positive effect on the state of the visual analyzer. Beneficial effect on the development of the baby.
- Vitamin D is an indispensable and very important component that prevents the appearance and development of rickets, and also has a positive effect on the course of metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus in the body of a small child.
- Vitamin C is also part of the preparation and helps to activate the protective functions of the body directly during illness or as a preventive measure.
- Vitamin E, which helps to improve and stimulate the immune system of a small child. In addition, this component ensures the normal development of the muscular system, thereby improving the endurance of the body.
The drug also includes other important components:
- vitamin B1;
- vitamin B2;
- pantothenic acid;
- vitamin B6;
- nicotinamide;
- folic acid;
- iron;
- copper;
- manganese;
- iodine;
- selenium;
- chrome.
All of the above components perform basic functions and play an important role in the normal functioning of the baby's body. It is not recommended to use other multivitamin preparations in combination with the drug "Multi Tabs Baby" in order to avoid the occurrence of hypervitaminosis and allergic reactions.
How the drug works

Vitamin A, which is part of the product, develops the child's immunity, promotes its physiological growth. In addition, this component has the ability to accumulate and be stored in the liver tissue. Vitamin A increases the body's resistance to various harmful factors, and also activates the differentiation of epithelial tissue and has a positive effect on the vision of a small child. In addition, this constituent substance has antioxidant protection.
Vitamin C, which is part of the composition, affects the appearance of teeth, is involved in the development of skin, bone tissue, and capillary endothelium. In addition, this component helps to strengthen the immune system and increases the body's resistance.
The component of the components is also vitamin D, which affects the course of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. In addition, this substance has a positive effect on the condition of the intestines, kidneys and skeletal system, prevents the appearance and further development of rickets.
Vitamin B6 contributes to the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Nicotinamide regulates the functioning of the digestive organs and the nervous activity of the baby's body.
Folic acid is an extremely important component for the body of a small child, which ensures normal cell division, synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids. Copper improves the metabolic processes of the body, and manganese, in turn, potentiates the synthesis of immunoglobulins.
Zinc is an important substance that takes an active part in the formation of blood cells, including red blood cells, thereby ensuring the stability of the baby's immune system.
Issue form
Multi Tabs Kid for children is available in the form of chewable tablets. One package contains 30 or 60 tablets.
"Multi Tabs Kid". Instructions for use
Take a vitamin complex no more than once a day before meals or immediately after meals. It is strictly not recommended to give a small child more than one chewable tablet per day. Vitamins "Multi Tabs Baby" can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.
Indications for use
This drug is prescribed to prevent the occurrence of a deficiency of vitamins A, B, D and minerals in the body of a small child. In addition, this multivitamin complex is prescribed to strengthen the baby's immune system.
The drug "Multi Tabs Baby", the composition of which allows it to be used for children from one year old, is suitable for the treatment of diseases such as:
- hypovitaminosis,beriberi;
- unbalanced diet;
- prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
- prevention of disorders of the mental development of the baby.
In addition, this drug is used during the recovery period after diseases of various origins.

For older children, the drug "Multi Tabs Baby Calcium Plus" is intended, which is able to compensate for the lack of calcium in the baby's body and contribute to the proper formation and development of the musculoskeletal system, as well as organ systems. This product is intended for children ages two to seven.

The main and only contraindication to the use of the drug is the child's individual intolerance to one of the constituent components. There are no other factors prohibiting the use of the product.
If a child has an individual intolerance to the constituent substances, and the use of vitamins causes allergic reactions, you should stop using "Multi Tabs Baby" and give preference to a similar drug. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to use the drug for children under the age of one year.
Side effects
When used correctly, that is, with a clear and unquestioning observance of the instructions for the drug, side effects do not occur. An exception may be an allergic reaction to one or more of the ingredients.components. An overdose of a multivitamin may cause the following symptoms:
- rashes and eruptions on the surface of the skin;
- itch;
- redness.
If an allergic reaction to a multivitamin occurs, it is strictly forbidden to continue taking the drug. In this case, the use of the multivitamin complex must be stopped and immediately contact a medical institution for qualified assistance and advice from a pediatrician.
Storage conditions and expiration date
Storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The storage location must be carefully protected from moisture.
The shelf life of vitamins is 2 years. It should be borne in mind that you need to store a multivitamin remedy for babies from the first year of life in a place inaccessible to children.
Drug cost

A package of the Multi-Tabs Kid multivitamin complex containing 60 chewable tablets can be purchased for an average of 620 rubles. The price for 30 tablets does not exceed 400 rubles. During the period of promotions, you can purchase a vitamin remedy for children from the first year of life at an even more affordable price. That is why the complex of vitamins "Multi Tabs Baby" is affordable for everyone.
Mom reviews

Currently, there are a huge number of products enriched with vitamins and intended for young children from one year old. Duringof its existence, the multivitamin "Multi Tabs Kid" has become very popular. Reviews about this drug are mostly positive.
Many mothers who prefer this drug, among the main advantages, note the ease of use, as well as the pleasant sweet taste of the chewable tablet, which is an important factor for a small child.
In addition, women note the availability of purchasing a vitamin remedy, as well as the low cost of the drug. You can buy "Multi Tabs Baby" at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
Many mothers note that after the end of one course of using vitamins, the baby's immune system is strengthened, the child stops getting sick often. In addition, for most women, an important point is the hypoallergenicity of the multivitamin complex. Some mothers note that the use of the drug "Multi Tabs Baby" helps a small child to tolerate colds more easily, reduce the intensity of the manifestation of painful symptoms.
According to young mothers, this multivitamin complex significantly strengthens the baby's immune system, reduces the incidence of colds during a visit to kindergarten.
There are not so many analogues of this drug, intended for young children from 1 year old. A similar composition has a tool for children "Multi Tabs Baby", which is allowed to be used from the first days of a baby's life. It should be noted that the countryDenmark is the manufacturer of both drugs.

If you have an allergic reaction to "Multi Tabs Baby" chewable tablets, you should stop taking vitamins and consult a specialist to find another remedy enriched with useful substances and having a similar effect. Such a drug could be:
- "Alphabet";
- "Bio-Max";
- "Glutamevit";
- "Vitacap";
- "Menopace";
- "Lavita";
- "Pikovit";
- "Polyvit";
- "Duovit";
- "Complivit" etc.
All of the above drugs have minor differences from the "Cartoon Tabs Kid" complex, but have a similar effect. Everyone has the right to choose the remedy that suits his child in terms of its constituent components, and is also affordable.
Instructions for use
During the application of the multivitamin complex "Multi Tabs Kid", it is highly not recommended to violate the instructions. Take the drug should be one tablet once a day, preferably with meals.
In addition, it is important to follow these guidelines:
- This vitamin fortified formulation is strongly discouraged from being used in combination with other multivitamins to avoid overdose and allergic reactions.
- It is strongly recommended not to exceed the permissibledaily allowance.
- Caution should be used with "Multi Tabs Baby" for children suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidney failure.
- It is strictly forbidden to use a multivitamin complex after the expiration date.
If these recommendations are followed, there should be no side effects from the use of the drug "Multi Tabs Baby". Instructions for use can be found in the package with the drug.
Instead of a conclusion
Among the huge number of multivitamin preparations, "Multi Tabs Kid" occupies its niche. This tool has earned the respect of many millions of mothers due to its high efficiency, as well as an affordable price. You can buy a multivitamin complex at any pharmacy and without a doctor's prescription. However, experts strongly recommend that before starting the use of "Multi Tabs Baby" contact a medical institution for advice from a pediatrician, pediatrician. For older children, a special vitamin complex is produced. It is called "Multi Tabs Baby Calcium Plus", the main task of which is to fill the deficiency of not only vitamins, but also calcium in the baby's body.
Vitamin complex, the composition of which is very good for children from the first year of life to four years, helps the body of a small child get rid of the deficiency of vitamins A, B, C and D, and also activates the growth of the baby, relieves problems with the stomach -intestinal tract. Used as a prophylactic against infectiousdiseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, this tool helps to cope with beriberi.
During the use of the drug "Multi Tabs Kid" should follow certain instructions and recommendations to avoid overdose and side effects. If a child has contraindications to the use of a vitamin complex, it is recommended to replace this drug with a similar remedy.