Drugs 2024, October

Effervescent hangover pills - name. Instructions for use

Effervescent hangover pills - name. Instructions for use

Despite the impressive list of effervescent hangover pills that pharmacy chains have, finding an effective remedy is a difficult task. After all, it should eliminate the unpleasant symptoms caused by intoxication. In addition, to deal with its manifestations such as fever and blood pressure, indigestion. In today's article, we will try to figure out what the hangover effervescent tablets are called, whether they really help

"Ketonal Forte": instructions for use

"Ketonal Forte": instructions for use

Synthetic substances are the basis of many drugs. They are divided into different groups and have different effects on the human body, although many of them are used in the treatment of the same diseases or conditions. One of the commonly prescribed drugs is Ketonal Forte (tablets). Instructions for use, analogues, composition, indications are discussed in the article

"Ambrobene" for children: dosage, instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Ambrobene" for children: dosage, instructions for use, composition and reviews

In the article, consider the dosage of "Ambrobene" for children. A fast-acting mucolytic drug treats and eliminates such a symptom of respiratory pathologies in children as a cough. As we are informed by the instructions for its use, within an hour after administration, the therapeutic effect begins. "Ambrobene" is rapidly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, and the active substances that make up its composition enter the bloodstream, which explains such a good result

"Novarest": reviews, instructions, description

"Novarest": reviews, instructions, description

Stress and emotional tension have firmly entered the life of modern man. Some, due to their strong nervous system, cope with unpleasant situations without harm to he alth, while others need medical help. One of the effective drugs against stress and anxiety is Novarest, reviews confirm this. The product contains natural ingredients that normalize the activity of the National Assembly, eliminate depression and anxiety, excitability and tension

Suspension "Sumamed Forte": composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Suspension "Sumamed Forte": composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Even in the last century, pneumonia could easily provoke the development of serious complications and even bring the patient to the grave. Today, it is through the use of potent antibiotics that doctors have learned to deal with even such dangerous diseases. Suspension "Sumamed forte" is one of the best examples of the successful use of antibiotics in pediatrics

"Suwardio": patient reviews, instructions for use and photos

"Suwardio": patient reviews, instructions for use and photos

Reviews of "Suwardio" will need to be read by everyone who is going to take this drug. It is believed that this is an effective and modern drug that helps, if necessary, regulate the concentration of cholesterol in the body. It is produced in the form of tablets, which help to achieve good therapeutic results in a short period of time

"Insulin Tresiba": reviews of diabetics, instructions and photos

"Insulin Tresiba": reviews of diabetics, instructions and photos

Reviews of "Insulin Tresiba" should be of interest to all patients who in their lives have encountered such a serious disease as diabetes mellitus. This is a modern ultra-long-acting drug produced by the international company Novo Nordisk, headquartered in the suburbs of Copenhagen. Many claim that it is far superior in effectiveness to many other well-known insulin-containing drugs, the effect of each injection lasts up to 42 hours

Ointment "Momederm": instructions, composition, indications for use, contraindications, reviews

Ointment "Momederm": instructions, composition, indications for use, contraindications, reviews

The drug "Momederm" is produced in the form of an ointment, packaged in aluminum tubes of 15 or 30 grams. The ointment is white in color, its consistency is opaque and dense. The medicine has no specific aromas. Ointment "Momederm" hormonal or not?

"Virgan" eye gel: instruction

"Virgan" eye gel: instruction

"Virgan" - eye gel, which is prescribed for topical use and is necessary to cure diseases that occur according to the herpetic type. The drug is presented in the form of an ointment, which must be used only externally

"Alfuprost": reviews, composition, instructions for use, analogues, side effects, contraindications

"Alfuprost": reviews, composition, instructions for use, analogues, side effects, contraindications

Prostate adenoma worries more and more often not only elderly patients, but also quite young men. At the same time, its treatment involves the use of a complex of medical procedures and various medications. One of the effective agents that affect the receptors of the prostate gland and reduce the tone of the urethra is Alfuprost. Reviews of men, as well as urologists, confirm the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of functional disorders associated with urination

"Levetiracetam": reviews of doctors and patients, instructions for use and analogues

"Levetiracetam": reviews of doctors and patients, instructions for use and analogues

Various anticonvulsant drugs are used to maintain normal life when epilepsy is detected. Among these drugs, Levetiracetam deserves special attention. Reviews of specialists and patients taking it show that the drug eliminates unpleasant symptoms, causes a minimum of side effects, but requires competent prescription

Drug "Malavit": expiration date, composition, analogues, instructions and reviews

Drug "Malavit": expiration date, composition, analogues, instructions and reviews

Before using any medicine, you should consult your doctor. Self-medication can harm and provoke the development of serious complications. Medication "Malavit" rarely causes side effects, but it's better to visit a doctor and follow his recommendations for using the remedy

Balm for wounds "Healer": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Balm for wounds "Healer": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Performing various activities in everyday life, one often has to deal with bruises and skin lesions. All these troubles bring pain and can turn into extremely adverse consequences. In case of damage, there is a possibility of secondary infection. In order for bruises and wounds to heal faster without any additional problems, you can use the Healer balm for wounds

Ointment "Methyluracil" with Miramistin: instructions, indications for use, composition, side effects, manufacturer, reviews

Ointment "Methyluracil" with Miramistin: instructions, indications for use, composition, side effects, manufacturer, reviews

Methyluracil ointment with miramistin (according to the instructions) is a medicine that has a restorative, as well as anabolic and anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. The drug is used to accelerate recovery processes in sluggish epithelialization of wound surfaces and burns, bone fractures and other lesions of the skin and soft tissues

"Albucid": antibiotic or not, the composition of the drug and instructions for use

"Albucid": antibiotic or not, the composition of the drug and instructions for use

"Albucid" is an antimicrobial ophthalmic medication. The drug is produced in the form of eye drops of 20% and 30%. They are colorless or slightly yellowish. Drops are dispensed from pharmacies of 5, 10 or 15 milliliters in plastic dropper bottles. The composition of the drug includes one active substance - sodium sulfacetamide

Effective children's nasal congestion drops: overview, features

Effective children's nasal congestion drops: overview, features

Nasal congestion makes little children uncomfortable. To facilitate breathing, you need to use therapeutic agents. Effective children's drops from nasal congestion can quickly eliminate discomfort. An overview of the best drugs is presented in the article

"Naysulide" (powder): instructions for use, composition, photos and reviews

"Naysulide" (powder): instructions for use, composition, photos and reviews

All people know what pain is and how much it affects the quality of life. Modern pharmacology offers a large number of medicines that will help to cope with this problem. One of the most effective drugs in this area is the Naisulid powder. What does the drug help? The answer will be given in this article

"Betaserc" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, reviews. "Betaserk": instructions for use, composition, effect of the drug

"Betaserc" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, reviews. "Betaserk": instructions for use, composition, effect of the drug

Betaserc is a prescription drug. It has one dosage form - tablet. Every person who is prescribed "Betaserk" is faced with the need to obtain additional information about this medicine. Firstly, it is not clear whether it is possible to combine the medication with alcohol and whether any serious consequences may occur. Secondly, it is important to know exactly about the features of the use of Betaserk, possible side effects

Spray "Iodinol": instructions for use, indications, composition, reviews

Spray "Iodinol": instructions for use, indications, composition, reviews

In accordance with the instructions for use, spray "Iodinol" is a low-toxic iodine preparation belonging to the group of local anesthetics. It is widely used to treat ailments such as tonsillitis, purulent inflammation of the oral cavity, tonsillitis. Convenient dosage form allows you to apply it directly to the affected area. Due to the balanced composition, the complex preparation has a pronounced antimicrobial effect

Gel "Clodifen": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Gel "Clodifen": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The main active ingredient of the drug is diclofenac sodium. As excipients are: ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, nipagin, hydroxyethyl cellulose ether, purified water, carbomer. Gel "Clodifen" belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of local action

Propolis tincture for colds: composition, useful properties and instructions for use

Propolis tincture for colds: composition, useful properties and instructions for use

Propolis is a universal product of beekeeping, which has found its application in folk medicine and is used in special medicines. The substance has a complex effect on the body, but its bactericidal properties are especially valued. That is why propolis tincture is often used for colds and other diseases associated with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa

Preparation "Proflosin": reviews of patients and doctors. Medicine "Proflosin": application, composition, reviews

Preparation "Proflosin": reviews of patients and doctors. Medicine "Proflosin": application, composition, reviews

"Proflosin" - a drug intended for use in urinary problems that are associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. This drug is an alpha-adrenergic blocker

"Lakalut Active", mouthwash: application features

"Lakalut Active", mouthwash: application features

"Lakalut Active" is an effective mouthwash. It can be used not only for prevention, but also in the complex treatment of teeth and gums. In the article, we will consider whether Lakalut is so effective. Can it be used by children

"Daivobet", ointment: instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Daivobet", ointment: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Recently, a significant part of the population suffers from a chronic skin disease - psoriasis. Each person who has been affected by this problem would like to choose an effective method of treatment for himself. Help in such a situation can be provided by Daivobet ointment. The article will discuss why this tool is recommended by many medical professionals

"Enterofuril": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Enterofuril": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Everyone knows about antibiotics, which are used to fight bacterial infections, including intestinal ones. However, not everyone knows that there is another category of medicines - intestinal antiseptics. One of these tools, which we will consider in this article, is Enterofuril. Instructions for using this drug, whether it has side effects and what are the reviews of patients, read on

Activated charcoal for children 2 years old: indications, instructions for use, dosage

Activated charcoal for children 2 years old: indications, instructions for use, dosage

The drug has been known for a long time and is an integral part of every home first aid kit. Adults take enterosorbent to treat various pathologies of the digestive system, as well as to cleanse the body in case of poisoning. Many consider taking the drug effective and safe. However, there are questions about whether activated charcoal can be given to children under 2 years of age

"Sedalgin-Neo": instructions for use, reviews, price

"Sedalgin-Neo": instructions for use, reviews, price

Very often, specialists prescribe to their patients a drug such as Sedalgin Neo. Instructions for the use of this drug will be presented in the materials of this article

Acne Chatterboxes: recipes, reviews

Acne Chatterboxes: recipes, reviews

What is an acne talker? What are the main advantages of the remedy, indications and contraindications, how effective is the drug? How to apply it correctly? Where can I buy the remedy? In the article, we have collected recipes for self-preparation talkers - anti-inflammatory, from black spots, abscesses, acne all over the body, acne marks

Best birth control pills for women of all ages

Best birth control pills for women of all ages

More women interested in reliable contraception and quality sex are choosing to use birth control pills to prevent unwanted pregnancies

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology. Features of purpose and application

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology. Features of purpose and application

When inflammatory processes of a gynecological nature occur, topical agents are increasingly becoming the drugs of choice. In particular, suppositories for intravaginal administration are very popular

"Dicinon": side effects, instructions, indications, reviews

"Dicinon": side effects, instructions, indications, reviews

Bleeding is a condition that can threaten a person's life. To eliminate them, hemostatic preparations have been created. The list of these medicines includes Dicinon. This is a prescription drug and should not be used on your own. Let's get acquainted with the instructions, the side effects of Dicinon

Gel "Baziron AS": price, reviews. Analog "Baziron AS" is cheaper

Gel "Baziron AS": price, reviews. Analog "Baziron AS" is cheaper

In adulthood, men and women, unfortunately, find acne on their faces. This often causes self-doubt, which affects not only personal life, but also career. In the pharmacy there are various drugs, for example, "Baziron AS" (analogue). Cheaper and faster to buy a cream, and the rash will disappear in a couple of weeks, you think and are very mistaken. Read about the causes of acne and the most effective remedies in our review

The best cough remedy: names, medications, homemade cough recipes and doctors' reviews

The best cough remedy: names, medications, homemade cough recipes and doctors' reviews

The best cough remedy helps get rid of painful symptoms. A positive result is provided by medications for children and adults. In addition, folk remedies help well. Before using the medicine, be sure to consult a doctor

Balm "Keeper": description, instructions for use and reviews

Balm "Keeper": description, instructions for use and reviews

The Keeper balm has been popular among our fellow citizens for many years. It is a good helper in the treatment of various skin pathologies. In addition, the drug is characterized by analgesic, wound healing and antiseptic action. How to use this tool correctly, we will tell in today's article

Vitamin E: what is it for in the human body?

Vitamin E: what is it for in the human body?

In our time, the importance of taking vitamins is more relevant than ever. For example, in an effort to limit themselves from negative factors, many people take vitamin E. Why you need to take it, everyone should know

"Artra MSM Forte": instructions and reviews

"Artra MSM Forte": instructions and reviews

What can replace such a remedy as "Artra MSM Forte"? Analogues of this drug will be listed at the end of the article. You will also learn about the form in which this medication is produced, what users say about it, and how to use it correctly if there are indications for use

Vitamins "Doppelgerz Active": composition, instructions, reviews

Vitamins "Doppelgerz Active": composition, instructions, reviews

There are vitamin complexes for children, teenagers, athletes, the elderly, for those who want to grow hair and improve their eyesight… Here everyone will find a complex just for themselves! The widest range is offered by the Doppelherz Active line: In this article, you will find out what is the difference between their varieties and what form of the drug to choose

Medications allowed during pregnancy: a list of drugs

Medications allowed during pregnancy: a list of drugs

Medications during the period of expectation of a child are a painful issue, since it is necessary to treat expectant mothers, but this is done under the strict supervision of a doctor using drugs that are allowed for a specific period

The best medicine for gastritis

The best medicine for gastritis

The medicine for gastritis is selected taking into account the characteristics of the body. This takes into account the causes of the disease

Synthomycin ointment: what helps? Instructions for use and reviews

Synthomycin ointment: what helps? Instructions for use and reviews

In pharmacies you can find many products with antibacterial action. Among them there is an affordable and effective drug - "Synthomycin ointment". The tool has a wide range of activities. According to reviews, it is easy to use and safe. The nuances of using the drug are described in the article