Drugs 2024, October

Drug "Caver": instructions for use (injections)

Drug "Caver": instructions for use (injections)

If it is impossible to relieve pain by oral administration of the drug, then use the solution for injections "Caver". Instructions for use advises injections for pain syndrome of moderate and high severity. This may be a postoperative condition of the patient, renal colic or lumbar pain

"Artron Triactiv Forte". Information, description, application

"Artron Triactiv Forte". Information, description, application

Every year, joint diseases are getting younger. Experts associate this fact not only with a sedentary lifestyle of people and poor ecology, but also with a deficiency of minerals in modern products

"Struktum": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Struktum": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

At present, the problem of lesions of the musculoskeletal system has become especially acute, which, unfortunately, appears both in the elderly and in the young. Therefore, new drugs are being developed to eliminate such diseases. One of these tools is "Struktum"

"Solgar", "Chondroitin glucosamine": composition, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

"Solgar", "Chondroitin glucosamine": composition, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

It is worth noting that in the modern world, the human body, for various reasons, experiences a significant lack of a variety of useful substances. Restoring the imbalance often allows the use of various complexes, including preparations from the Solgar company. "Chondroitin glucosamine" with hyaluronic acid and MSM is a very effective remedy. More on this below

Aminocaproic acid: instructions for use for children and adults

Aminocaproic acid: instructions for use for children and adults

The pharmaceutical industry is currently on the move, with dozens of new cold and cold medicines hitting the shelves every day. But, looking at such an abundance, we must not forget about effective and proven over the years means, which, perhaps, only doctors of the old school remember. One of them, inexpensive and effective, is aminocaproic acid

Gel "Metrogil": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Gel "Metrogil": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The human body can cope with many harmful microorganisms. But sometimes the immune system is not able to cope, and therefore it needs additional help in the form of drugs. Gel "Metrogil" is used in the treatment of vaginal diseases, there is a form of remedy for the treatment of skin rashes. This is a universal drug, which, according to patients, is easy to use and effective

"Cycloferon" for children: instructions for use, indications, analogues, reviews

"Cycloferon" for children: instructions for use, indications, analogues, reviews

"Cycloferon" is a popular drug that allows you to stimulate the immune system. You can hear a lot of positive reviews about the antiviral agent

Tetrizoline hydrochloride: description of the substance, instructions for use and analogues

Tetrizoline hydrochloride: description of the substance, instructions for use and analogues

The article below will focus on eye drops based on tetrizoline hydrochloride. The mechanism of action of the drug, indications and contraindications for use, possible side effects, analogues and much more will be considered

The medicine "Stoptussin phyto". annotation

The medicine "Stoptussin phyto". annotation

The drug "Stoptussin phyto" has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect. When taking the medication, the viscosity of sputum in the bronchi decreases

Cream "Lamisil": instructions for use, composition, reviews

Cream "Lamisil": instructions for use, composition, reviews

Foot fungus is one of the most common diseases. For its treatment, there are many ways, folk remedies and drugs. One of the most proven medicines for the treatment of fungal infections of the dermis is Lamisil cream. The drug acts quickly and effectively. Easy to use. Rarely causes side effects. And those patients who used this external remedy for the treatment of mycosis were satisfied with the result

Strong sleeping pills without prescription: a list of drugs

Strong sleeping pills without prescription: a list of drugs

Strong sleeping pills - a remedy without which many simply cannot fall asleep today. But because of sleep disturbance, a person’s well-being deteriorates significantly, all this affects his performance and he alth. At the same time, many do not want to go to the doctor because of the reluctance to stand in lines and lack of time, but prefer to come to the pharmacy and buy some effective drug

Ointment from a wen: home and pharmacy ointments, formulations, instructions for use and results

Ointment from a wen: home and pharmacy ointments, formulations, instructions for use and results

The appearance of a lipoma on the body is very unpleasant, and almost every person wants to get rid of such an unaesthetic formation. This unattractive bulge can be found anywhere on the body, but it's most problematic when it's on the face or in areas that can't be hidden by clothing

"Iberogast": instructions and reviews about the drug

"Iberogast": instructions and reviews about the drug

Regardless of what kind of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is diagnosed in a person, most often the main symptom of the disease is pain. It can be provoked by a violation of the motor function of the stomach as a result of muscle spasm. Discomfort can cause stretching of the organ or a change in tone. A variety of medicines are used to combat ailments. One of the effective remedies is the medicine "Iberogast". The instruction recommends the use of the remedy for numerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

"Iberogast": reviews of doctors. "Iberogast" for newborns: reviews

"Iberogast": reviews of doctors. "Iberogast" for newborns: reviews

The drug "Iberogast" is a natural remedy that can save a person from abdominal pain, heartburn, increased gas formation. It is used both in relation to the adult population and for children, although the instructions say that the contraindication is the age of up to 18 years. Today we will find out if children can be treated with this remedy. And also find out what doctors think about this drug

"Turinabol": reviews. How to take "Turinabol"? Side effects of Turinabol

"Turinabol": reviews. How to take "Turinabol"? Side effects of Turinabol

Turinabol is an oral steroid that has recently become especially popular among professional athletes, as well as novice athletes. The drug is a modernized analogue of "Methandrostenolone", a variety of anabolics, which has been known in the sports industry for a long time

"Stanozolol": reviews. "Stanozolol": the opinion of doctors

"Stanozolol": reviews. "Stanozolol": the opinion of doctors

Stanozolol is one of the most effective and most used anabolic steroids of the 20th century. This is evidenced by studies of experts in the field of anti-doping control. People who used the drug also have their own reviews about it. Stanozolol played a big role in the development of sports in the last century. It is still used today

Is it possible to give motherwort to a child?

Is it possible to give motherwort to a child?

In recent years, people try to give preference to natural and natural medicines, use herbs and follow "grandmother's" recipes. The benefits and harms of such treatment can be argued for a very long time. This issue is especially acutely discussed by pediatricians. After all, babies need a separate approach

Drug "Hepatosan": instructions for use, price

Drug "Hepatosan": instructions for use, price

How much does Hepatosan cost? The price of this medicine will be named in the article. Also from the publication you will learn about what consumers say about this medication, why it is prescribed and how it should be used correctly

Antibiotic "Isofra": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Antibiotic "Isofra": instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Isofra" - nasal spray. It is an excellent topical antibiotic. It has a pronounced bactericidal effect. Very often prescribed to children. "Isofra" promotes faster recovery and works, as a rule, when other sprays are no longer effective

The drug "Candide B" is a reliable remedy for fungal infection

The drug "Candide B" is a reliable remedy for fungal infection

"Candide B" is a cream, the components of which are clotrimazole, betamethazole and excipients: white petrolatum, propylene glycol, etc. It goes on sale in aluminum fifteen-gram tubes packed in cardboard boxes. How does Candide B work?

"Horse balm" for joints: composition, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

"Horse balm" for joints: composition, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

Pain in the joints can significantly reduce the quality of human life. They usually arise due to various kinds of inflammatory processes, which can be extinguished using, for example, therapeutic creams and ointments. One such tool that has earned good reviews from consumers is Horse Balm. For joints, according to patients, this remedy is worth using if there are any problems

Passiflora tablets: scope

Passiflora tablets: scope

Passiflora incarnate (Passiflóra incarnáta) is a medicinal plant with a sedative and hypnotic effect. It is used in folk and traditional medicine. It is available in various forms, but passionflower tablets are considered the most convenient option. Recommended for use in VVD, insomnia and other conditions accompanied by increased anxiety

"Sialor Reno": reviews, instructions for use

"Sialor Reno": reviews, instructions for use

Sialor Rhino is a vasoconstrictor for topical use only. Available in the form of a spray or nasal drops. According to reviews, "Sialor Reno" is prescribed mainly for rhinitis of various origins. Can be used as an additional remedy for conjunctivitis and some allergic diseases

"Ganaton": what helps, how to take? Reviews about "Ganaton"

"Ganaton": what helps, how to take? Reviews about "Ganaton"

What is a drug like "Ganaton"? What does this remedy help with? You will find the answer to these questions in this article

Analogue of "Ganaton" is cheap. "Ganaton": instructions for use, Russian analogue, reviews

Analogue of "Ganaton" is cheap. "Ganaton": instructions for use, Russian analogue, reviews

"Ganaton" is a popular remedy that will relieve problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Couldn't find a remedy? The specialist will be able to recommend a quality analogue

"Luffel", spray: instructions for use

"Luffel", spray: instructions for use

In the article, we will consider the instructions for use for "Luffel". Spray is a combined homeopathic preparation with anti-allergic effect. This medication is produced by the German pharmacological company Biologische Heilmittel Heel

"Akrustal" for psoriasis: reviews, description, composition and instructions for use

"Akrustal" for psoriasis: reviews, description, composition and instructions for use

In severe situations, doctors prescribe glucocorticosteroids, in milder forms - drugs of natural origin. For example, I collected numerous positive reviews from Akrustal. In psoriasis, it is very effective, because the structure of the drug includes only natural components that provide anti-inflammatory, as well as regenerating and antipruritic effects

"Zovirax Duo-Active": reviews, active substance, instructions for use, side effects

"Zovirax Duo-Active": reviews, active substance, instructions for use, side effects

Zovirax Duo-Active is a drug that is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is designed to treat a well-known problem - colds on the lips. In medicine, it is called labial herpes. Reviews of "Zovirax Duo-Active" indicate that this drug eliminates the pathogen, relieves inflammation, but only when used correctly

The drug "Tsindol" with chickenpox in children: reviews

The drug "Tsindol" with chickenpox in children: reviews

Chickenpox is one of the most common diseases that almost every adult has been ill with. In rare cases, the disease can cause serious complications. To prevent this, doctors recommend using various medications that have a decongestant effect. One of these is "Tsindol" with chickenpox in children. Reviews about it note that after a few days the symptoms of the disease become less pronounced

Chinese Yiganerjing ointment for psoriasis: reviews, composition, instructions for use

Chinese Yiganerjing ointment for psoriasis: reviews, composition, instructions for use

According to reviews, Yiganerjing from psoriasis is a popular product that is actively used to eliminate the symptoms of various skin diseases. Previously, Yiganerjing has been clinically tested and researched, proving its effectiveness in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases. In terms of its composition and properties, Chinese cream is out of competition

"Sinupret" for adenoids in children: reviews, instructions for use, treatment regimen

"Sinupret" for adenoids in children: reviews, instructions for use, treatment regimen

Does "Sinupret" help with adenoids in children, and how to use it correctly? Everything you need to know about the drug: composition and form of release, mechanism of action, instructions for use, features, advantages and disadvantages, parental reviews

Sulfur ointment from nail fungus: reviews and instructions for use

Sulfur ointment from nail fungus: reviews and instructions for use

Does sulfur ointment help with nail fungus, how to use it correctly? Everything you need to know about the drug before you start using it: composition and form of release, features, method of application, contraindications, side effects and patient reviews

"Yohimbine": reviews of men, composition, instructions for use

"Yohimbine": reviews of men, composition, instructions for use

It's no secret that with age, people's sexual activity changes noticeably. But in any period, taking into account individual capabilities and within the framework of the norm, it can and should be regulated in men, even against the background of absolute he alth. Next, let's talk about such a tool as Yohimbine. Men's reviews will be presented at the end of the article

"Ketotifen" for a child: reviews, indications for use, dosage

"Ketotifen" for a child: reviews, indications for use, dosage

"Ketotifen" is an allergy drug, it can be prescribed for children as well. The advantages of this tool, parents include not only efficiency, but also the softness of the action. But be that as it may, the instructions for using "Ketotifen" for children, of course, must be followed exactly

"Gastroguttal": reviews, instructions for use

"Gastroguttal": reviews, instructions for use

Gastroguttal is a complex phytopreparation that has an antispasmodic effect. The medicine is available in the form of drops for oral use. The solution is clear, reddish-brown in color, has a specific aroma

Suspension for children "Amoxiclav", 125 g: dosage, instructions for use, composition

Suspension for children "Amoxiclav", 125 g: dosage, instructions for use, composition

Amoxiclav 125 suspension (1-5 ml per serving) intended (as can be seen from the instructions) for children is a drug from the category of antibiotics. It is considered quite powerful, has a pronounced effect, therefore it is used only as prescribed by the doctor. Unauthorized use of the drug is strictly prohibited, since there is a risk of adverse reactions. The manufacturer says this in the documentation accompanying the medicine

Patch "Omnisilk": description, instructions, reviews

Patch "Omnisilk": description, instructions, reviews

Medical practice is not complete without the use of catheters, probes, cannulas. To fix them securely, plasters are used. Today there are a lot of such products on the pharmacology market, but doctors are trying to choose those that are suitable for sensitive skin, securely and gently fix medical devices. Among such products, one can single out the Omnisilk patch, produced by the German company Hartman

"Maxilak" for children: reviews, indications, instructions for use

"Maxilak" for children: reviews, indications, instructions for use

Human immunity is closely related to the state of the microflora of his intestines. From birth, the body begins to colonize microorganisms. During labor, the child from the mother receives beneficial bacteria for the further formation and development of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and, accordingly, immunity. It is also important to pay attention to the formation of the microflora of the child during breastfeeding

Is it possible to give Theraflu to children? Composition "Theraflu" in a sachet

Is it possible to give Theraflu to children? Composition "Theraflu" in a sachet

The drug does not have a special form of release, which is intended for the treatment of children. This is a complex drug that simultaneously has several types of effects: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic, antihistamine

"Apibalm 1 Tentorium": application, reviews, composition and photo

"Apibalm 1 Tentorium": application, reviews, composition and photo

In the article, we will consider reviews on the use of "Apibalsam 1" from "Tentorium". This therapeutic agent containing oily propolis is widely used externally and internally in the complex treatment and prevention of many colds, pathologies of the ENT organs, skin, and so on