Drugs 2024, October

Gel "Diclogen": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Gel "Diclogen": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Almost white and translucent gel without a specific odor Diclogen is a non-steroidal drug that can quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce pain in many diseases. Gel "Diclogen" helps to alleviate the symptoms of diseases of the joints and spine

Ointment "Bee and Ant": application features, composition, reviews

Ointment "Bee and Ant": application features, composition, reviews

Ointment "Bee and Ant" - a tool designed to quickly provide assistance with mechanical damage and pain. The drug helps to eliminate discomfort, reduce swelling and inflammation. The composition and rules for the use of the drug are described in the article

Drug "Dioxidin": how to store an open ampoule?

Drug "Dioxidin": how to store an open ampoule?

Any antimicrobial agent shows its effectiveness only when properly stored and used. That is why it is necessary to know in what conditions Dioxidin should be kept. This drug has a wide range of pharmacological actions

How to inject "Combilipen": composition of the drug, dosage and instructions for use

How to inject "Combilipen": composition of the drug, dosage and instructions for use

"Kombilipen" is a drug that is administered for acute neuralgic pain. This is a new generation multivitamin. It quickly and effectively eliminates pain. In an acute attack of neuralgia, the injection form of the drug is more often used. How to prick "Combilipen"? And what is the duration of the course of therapy? We will consider these questions in the article

Calcium gluconate in Latin

Calcium gluconate in Latin

This medicine is prescribed to people to compensate for calcium deficiency in the body. Calcium gluconate is produced in the form of rounded milky tablets that do not have a film shell. The preparation contains 500 milligrams of the active ingredient - calcium gluconate monohydrate

Compress with "Dimexide" and "Novocaine": proportions, application and reviews

Compress with "Dimexide" and "Novocaine": proportions, application and reviews

Pain in the joints and osteochondrosis of a neurological nature cannot be ignored. At the stage of exacerbation, such ailments fetter a person in movements and do not allow him to lead a full-fledged lifestyle. There is a need for qualified treatment and effective drugs. In addition to taking medications, to combat such diseases, they are prescribed jointly, in optimal proportions, compresses "Dimexin" and "Novocaine." In our article, we will look at how to correctly determine not

Gel "Ginofit": composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Gel "Ginofit": composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews

"Gynofit" is a moisturizing vaginal gel for intimate hygiene based on lactic acid. It also contains glycogen. Against the background of its use, there is a decrease and maintenance of the pH level of the mucous membranes of the genital organs at the level of physiology. Thus, conditions favorable for the life of normal vaginal microflora are provided

Gel "Dalacin": analogues and substitutes cheaper

Gel "Dalacin": analogues and substitutes cheaper

"Dalacin" is an antimicrobial agent that belongs to the group of lincosamides. It has a wide spectrum of influence. The drug is produced in several forms and is used in many branches of medicine

Shuysky balm "Old Shuya": description, application, reviews

Shuysky balm "Old Shuya": description, application, reviews

Balm in Greek means a remedy. It is an alcoholic drink with a strength of 40-45 turns, which is infused with medicinal herbs. It is taken for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. For example, the Shuya balm "Old Shuya" combines the taste of various fruits, herbs and roots, and has a brown color. This drink is popular among consumers, especially in the autumn-winter period. Shuya balm is the choice of those who care about their he alth

Patch "Omnipor": characteristics, description, reviews

Patch "Omnipor": characteristics, description, reviews

In medical practice, patches are used to attach cannulas, catheters and probes. Doctors try to use products that are designed for sensitive skin and allow you to gently fix such devices. At the same time, the Omnipore patch, which is produced by the German company Hartman, is very popular

Patch "Wantong Artiplas": instructions, composition, indications for use

Patch "Wantong Artiplas": instructions, composition, indications for use

"Wantong Artiplas" - a medical plaster for joints, presented in the form of a strip of natural perforated cotton fabric, which has a sticky layer of brown plaster mass with a specific smell. From above it is covered with a protective paper layer. The drug is an anti-inflammatory drug

The benefits and harms of "Mildronate". Description of the drug, instructions for use, effectiveness

The benefits and harms of "Mildronate". Description of the drug, instructions for use, effectiveness

What is the benefit and harm of "Mildronate", how and in what cases should the drug be used? Everything you need to know about the drug: indications and contraindications, instructions, side effects, effectiveness, use by athletes and bodybuilders, recommendations from specialists

Effective medicines for urethritis in men and women

Effective medicines for urethritis in men and women

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large selection of a wide variety of drugs that are designed to instantly and successfully eliminate urethritis of any severity. Before prescribing a therapy regimen, a medical specialist performs a comprehensive examination of the patient and, based on the laboratory findings obtained, as well as the results of the diagnosis, forms a treatment regimen for the patient

How to take Allopurinol for gout: instructions and dosage

How to take Allopurinol for gout: instructions and dosage

Gout is a disease that is characterized by the development of inflammatory arthritis due to the high concentration of uric acid in the body, which contributes to the formation of crystals in the joints. A drug such as Allopurinol helps to reduce the level of uric acid. Many doctors prescribe this remedy for such a disease. Not everyone knows how to take Allopurinol for gout. Need to sort this out

"Metoprolol" during pregnancy: composition of the drug, dosage, instructions and advice from gynecologists

"Metoprolol" during pregnancy: composition of the drug, dosage, instructions and advice from gynecologists

"Metoprolol" belongs to the pharmacological group of medicines beta-blockers. The drug is used to lower blood pressure and reduce the load on the heart in various pathological processes of the heart and blood vessels

What is meth. Composition, properties, application of the product

What is meth. Composition, properties, application of the product

For various technical purposes, denatured alcohol is often used, which has an unpleasant odor and taste. Sometimes in the media there are reports of mass poisoning when using denatured alcohol as an alcoholic beverage. Let's take a closer look at what denatured alcohol is

The drug "Indapamide": what it relieves and how to take

The drug "Indapamide": what it relieves and how to take

Medication "Indapamide" affects the vascular walls, relaxing them and normalizing the elasticity of the muscles. Thanks to this drug, arterioles increase, which leads to the unhindered movement of blood in the body

Ointments for trophic ulcers: a list of names and methods of application

Ointments for trophic ulcers: a list of names and methods of application

When it comes to trophic ulcers, it should be said that this is not so much a separate disease as damage caused by a prolonged loss of regeneration, which is the result of defects in the supply of the skin area with blood and tissue rejection. Ulcers can appear on different parts of the body, depending on the patient's diagnosis. They are characterized by long healing (over 1-2 months) and regular exacerbations

Sedative drug from the company "Evalar": "Tryptophan. The formula of calm"

Sedative drug from the company "Evalar": "Tryptophan. The formula of calm"

This medicine from the company "Evalar" has a very effective and mild sedative effect. Tryptophan helps you feel better during the day and fall asleep faster at night. This drug deservedly enjoys the respect of many doctors and patients

Vitreous body: instructions for the use of injections

Vitreous body: instructions for the use of injections

To correct metabolism in connective and bone tissues, a medicine with an unusual name is used - the vitreous body. The instruction refers the drug to biogenic stimulants. Despite the natural origin of the drug, it can be used only on the recommendation of a specialist. Let us consider in more detail what this medicine is and in what cases it is prescribed

BAA "Calcium Active": instructions, reviews

BAA "Calcium Active": instructions, reviews

"Calcium-Active" is a dietary supplement that is a source of calcium and vitamin D3

"Kontraktubeks": use of the drug, composition and contraindications

"Kontraktubeks": use of the drug, composition and contraindications

Therapy and prevention of scars after burns, injuries or stretch marks, as well as the elimination of scars on the skin from acne or acne - all this is possible with the Contractubex gel, which is applied in a thin layer to damaged skin once or twice a day. The onset of a therapeutic effect can be expected against the background of long-term use. The main thing is to follow the rules described in the instructions and the treatment regimen recommended by the doctor

"Prontosan" (gel): instructions, analogues, reviews

"Prontosan" (gel): instructions, analogues, reviews

Antiseptics are called antiseptic drugs that are designed to prevent decomposition processes on open wounds that form after bruises or major operations