In modern times, people are increasingly subject to stress, moral overstrain. But not every organism can overcome adverse living conditions without consequences for its he alth. Troubles at work, in the family, in personal life, lack of finances, he alth problems, death of loved ones and relatives, as well as many other factors lead to the emergence of blues, despondency, depressed mood.

This physiological condition is commonly called depression - this is a disease of the nervous system caused by negative environmental factors, in which a person suffers from a depressed state of mind. Depression is a rather dangerous disease, the identification of symptoms of which requires treatment as soon as possible.
In order to understand how to get rid of this harmful disease, it is important to understand the causes of its occurrence. The most common reasons for the appearance of depression are problems in the social sphere of life: dismissal from work, quarrels with others, parting with a loved one, divorce, feelings of loneliness, loss or death of a loved one, close friend or relative.
The presence of suchserious diseases, such as diseases associated with hormonal disorders, oncology, paralysis and heart failure can also lead to a depressive disorder of the human psyche.

What are the symptoms of people suffering from this disease? You can identify signs of depression by the following manifestations:
- a sharp drop in self-esteem, lack of faith in yourself and in your own strength;
- feeling of loneliness;
- moping;
- longing;
- melancholy;
- depressed and depressed mood;
- apathy, loss of any feelings and indifference to everything (a person is no longer interested in the events taking place around him, he does not want to do what he loved before, nothing pleases him, he begins to perceive the world differently, as if in gray).
As a result of this, there is a desire to retire to a calm and quiet place where no one can disturb, to stop all contacts with the outside world. Depression gives rise to the emergence of various phobias and fears, and also contributes to the emergence of bad habits. Usually people in this state are much more likely to become prone to alcoholism and drug addiction.
During depression, the following symptoms are observed:
- like insomnia or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness,
- loss of appetite, lack of strength and energy,
- gastrointestinal upsetpath,
- as well as pessimistic thoughts and attitudes, self-pity,
- concentration problems and inability to focus on anything.
For people suffering from depression, it is extremely important:
- friend support,
- relatives,
- favorites.
They play a key role in overcoming this disease. To help, they should spend as much time as possible with the depressed person, make him enjoy the little things, persuade him to take part in some activity, take walks in the fresh air with him.
It is important to have patience, sincerely empathize with your loved one. In no case is it recommended to pretend that everything is fine with a person, you can’t abstract from him, because the main medicine that contributes to faster recovery and recovery is the care of relatives and loved ones.
In addition to the support of close friends and relatives, for a productive treatment of depression, first of all, you must not be afraid to seek help from a psychotherapist. There is no need to be skeptical about this advice. Talking to a competent doctor is not a waste of time, money and effort.
Getting rid of depression is a long process. But it is important to remember that it is necessary to move on in absolutely any circumstances, because any problem can be solved, and all obstacles can be overcome!
The material was prepared by a specialist from ME-D. RU.