Smoking is necessary in order to quit

Smoking is necessary in order to quit
Smoking is necessary in order to quit

I'm Vladimir Shahidzhanyan - psychologist and journalist, teacher, atypical person. He taught, published books (“1001 questions about IT”, “I am interested in all people”, “Gymnastics of the soul”), broadcast on the radio. Many people know me from the SOLO on the keyboard program.

My friends were joking with me: “You are all virtues: you don’t show up late, you don’t cheat, you don’t swear, you don’t drink. You just smoke and it's terrible.”

And my friends were right: I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. Earned a lot of diseases and still continued to smoke. And one day I decided to stop smoking. I understood the need for a he althy lifestyle - a he althy lifestyle.

This beautiful day dragged on for a long time, but I still quit smoking.

Smoked for 55 years, I haven't smoked for 11. Yes, yes, I quit at 69, today I am 80 years old.

The power of nicotine over a person is enormous. Nicotine is strong, but man is stronger. Nicotine can and must be beaten.

Why are we afraid to quit smoking?

What do people feel when they decide to stop smoking?


What to do?

Don't be afraid.

Don't worry.

Don't panic.

Quitting smoking, people are afraid that they will become irritable.

It happens that a person does not find a place for himself after he stops smoking. And he says: “The cinema is not interesting. The theater is not attractive. Walking is not fun. I don't want to watch TV. I can't read.”

In fact, there should be no fear. All these situations with withdrawal, with negative consequences, people came up with themselves.

People have many different "pseudo"

Why, why and when?

Recently, I released a new online book "Smoking to quit!". A person reads a book and stops smoking. And I decided to make it free. Today, many live hard, and they are forced to count every penny.

Recently alone, I have received almost two thousand responses to this book.

Why should I stop smoking?

Life exhausts many, sucks the last juice out of them. Agree, the difficulties of life are easier to endure if he alth is in order. Smokers have less endurance than non-smokers by default.

The smoker(s) always emits an unpleasant smell, and this often negatively affects communication.

It interferes with work. The smoker is forced to switch to smoke breaks up to twenty times a day.

A busy person is selfish. He needs to be helped or not hindered. It would seem an axiom. And when we smoke, we interfere with ourselves.

Each of us solves hundreds of questions every day: who to call, what to do in this or that case, how best to solve everyday problems … A person needs to have a goodmemory. Smoking slows down and destroys memory.

In their youth, in their youth, and maybe in their teens, many people wanted to be fashionable and adult, and that's how they started smoking.

smoking monkeys
smoking monkeys

And then addiction, smoking slavery.

Smoking is a disease. I can help people overcome it.

Save yourself, or what willpower can do

3,720 rubles per month.

44 640 rubles a year.

223 Almost every third Russian throws 200 rubles in the trash in five years because he has no willpower…

Willpower is generally a powerful thing. It can inspire, it can invigorate, it can give hope. But it can also kill - if a person lives according to Oscar Wilde: I can resist everything except temptation. Willpower is also a panacea for a serious illness that causes strokes, heart attacks, impotence, cancer, diabetes. As the famous French philosopher Francois de La Rochefoucauld said: "Man's greatest enemy is himself." But he can also be his own savior.

The main thing is not to quit, the main thing is not to start smoking. Here a man smoked, put out his cigarette, and the main thing is not to start, learn to restrain yourself.

Each smoker needs to understand himself.

Smoking is not a bad habit, not a vile hobby, not an addiction.

Smoking is a common disease. The disease must be treated, one cannot scold a person for the disease, the sick must be helped.

In conclusion, two pieces of advice. Even three.

Vladimir Shahidjanyan
Vladimir Shahidjanyan
  1. Remember: people capitulate more often than they fail.
  2. In every impossible situation there is an opportunity.
  3. Don't be afraid to take risks, because the biggest risk in life is not taking risks at all.

Often a "not now" decision turns into a "never".

Start reading my free book now.
