"Albucid" is an antimicrobial ophthalmic medication. The drug is produced in the form of eye drops of 20% and 30%. They are colorless or slightly yellowish. Drops are dispensed from pharmacies of 5, 10 or 15 milliliters in plastic dropper bottles. The composition of the drug includes one active ingredient - sodium sulfacetamide. Additional components are:
- water;
- hydrochloric acid;
- sulfidotrioxosulfate sodium.
Albucid eye drops - is it an antibiotic or not for the eyes?
Healing properties
"Albucid" is considered an antimicrobial agent with a broad spectrum of influence from the group of sulfonamides. It has a bacteriostatic effect. The drug shows increased effectiveness against the following pathogens:
- Plague wand.
- Bacillus anthrax.
- Vibrio cholerae.
- Toxoplasma.
- Clostridia Perfringens.
- Escherichiaif.
- Actinomycosis.
- Diphtheria Corynebacterium.
- Shigella.
- Chlamydia.
When used topically, the maximum concentration is reached within the first thirty minutes after instillation. "Albucid" - is it an antibiotic?

Indications and contraindications
The drug "Albucid" is prescribed in the presence of the following conditions and ailments:
- Infectious conjunctivitis (a disease of the visual system caused by viruses or bacteria).
- Purulent ulcers of the cornea (lesion of the cornea of the organs of vision, which is accompanied by the formation of a crater-like ulcerative disorder).
- Blepharitis (bilateral recurrent lesion of the ciliary edge of the eyelids).
- Blennorrhea of newborns (purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye).
- Gonorrheal eye disease (an infectious disease that affects the eyeballs).
The drug is forbidden to use with increased sensitivity to any of the substances that are included in the medication. Antibiotic or not "Albucid"? The drug is not antibacterial.

According to the annotation, as a therapy and prevention of infectious diseases of the organs of vision, adult patients are prescribed a thirty percent solution. It is recommended to instill 2 drops twice a day. After the elimination of an acute purulent and inflammatory process, 1-2 doses are prescribed for use.drops three times a day.
Children from 1 year old are recommended to use a twenty percent solution. The doctor recommends instillation of 2 drops five times a day. After the elimination of the acute process, 1-2 drops are prescribed three times a day. For prophylactic purposes, newborns, as a rule, after birth, apply 2 drops of a twenty percent solution in each eye to prevent blennorrhea, instillation is performed every 2 hours.

Sometimes, children's doctors recommend using drops for bacterial rhinitis, which is characterized by the release of viscous purulent exudate from the nose. There is no need to eliminate transparent snot - this is a physiological cleansing of the respiratory organ.
Instill 1-2 drops of medicine into the nose no more than 4 times a day. So that the newborn baby is not bothered by burning, the medication is diluted with water before use, in a ratio of one to one. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days. Before applying the Albucid solution, the affected organs are cleaned of mucus and purulent exudate.
Adverse reactions
According to the instructions for use, eye drops "Albucid" can provoke certain undesirable actions:
- lacrimation;
- itch;
- cut;
- hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels of the circulatory system of any organ or area of the body);
- burning;
- puffiness of the eyelids;
- allergy.
When instilling it is necessarytake special care: do not allow the tip of the vial to come into contact with any objects or surfaces. Cap tightly after each use.
Increased sensitivity to eye drops may occur in people who have hypersensitivity to carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, sulfonylurea derivatives, thiazide diuretics, Furosemide.
If irritation occurs on the skin, it is recommended to use solutions of the lowest concentration. During pregnancy and lactation, "Albucid" is prescribed only in that situation, if the probable benefit is higher than the risks. There are no age restrictions on the use of the drug. The drug can be prescribed from birth.
The drug is not combined with silver s alts. "Albucid" is forbidden to be used in conjunction with "Anestezin", as well as "Dikain" and "Novocain", as they reduce the bacteriostatic effect.
Salicylic acid and "Difenin" increase the toxicity of sodium sulfacetamide. The drug increases the activity of indirect anticoagulants.

Drops "Albucid" - an antibiotic or not for the eyes
Doctors give an exhaustive answer to this question. This is an external medicine that has the properties of a powerful antibiotic. Eye drops enter tissues and fluids, and also penetrate into the bloodstream in severe inflammation.
To structureThe drug "Albucid" includes the main active ingredient under the name sulfacetamide. It refers to sulfonamides - antimicrobial agents that are synthetically created. Therefore, this medication is not considered an antibiotic.
Is "Albucid" an antibiotic or not? Unlike antibacterial agents, sulfonamides cannot eliminate bacteria, they act only bacteriostatically.
Nevertheless, "Albucid" is active against various pathogens, so the range of use of the drug in ophthalmology is extensive.

Generic "Albucid" are the following drugs:
- "Sulfacyl".
- "Tobrex".
- "Azidrop".
- "Erythromycin".
- "Gentamicin".
- "Tetracycline".
- "Levomycetin".
- "Nettacin".

Is Albucid an antibiotic or an antiseptic? The drug is neither one nor the other. Keep the drug "Albucid" away from children, light, at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life - 24 months, after opening the bottle - 10 days. The medication is dispensed without a prescription from a medical specialist. The cost of the drug varies from 80 to 100 rubles.

"Albucid" or"Tobrex" - which is better
Both drugs are drugs that have antimicrobial activity with almost similar indications and restrictions for use, and the same adverse reactions.
"Tobrex" is considered a modern pharmacological drug with a broader spectrum of antibacterial action and greater efficiency, but its price exceeds the cost of sodium sulfacyl. It ranges from 160 to 220 rubles. Both medications usually do their job well, so the choice between them depends on the severity of the disease, as well as the preferences of the doctor and the patient's ability to pay.
When asked whether "Albucid" is an antibiotic or not, experts answer that the drug is not, it only has antimicrobial activity. And although the solution is intended for the treatment of eye diseases, most parents use it to eliminate rhinitis in children.
Additional advantages of the drug also include low price and no age restrictions. The disadvantages are burning sensation immediately after instillation and a short shelf life after opening the bottle.
Due to the many years of use of this drug in medical practice, the reviews on Albucid drops are numerous and, as a rule, only positive. When using the drug, there is a rapid decrease in the negative signs of the disease and the rapid elimination of bacteria in the absence of serious adverse reactions.
When using "Albucid" in the nose of smallresponses to patients about its effectiveness are not so unambiguous. Some medical specialists in their practice in most situations prescribe it for rhinitis with green purulent exudate, while others are categorically against such use of these eye drops and talk about their uselessness in this case. It should be noted a large number of positive reviews from parents who treated their children in this way and are going to continue such treatment in the future.