Nasal congestion makes little children uncomfortable. To facilitate breathing, you need to use therapeutic agents. Effective children's drops from nasal congestion can quickly eliminate discomfort. An overview of the best drugs is presented in the article.
Why does nasal congestion appear?
Nasal congestion is not considered a separate ailment, it is just a symptom. Usually this phenomenon appears with colds, when the immune system is too weak. In addition to viral damage, congestion appears when the nasal passages and mucous membranes are traumatized, as well as due to the penetration of a foreign object. The latter reason is often observed in children due to active play and lack of experience.

It is better to eliminate congestion at the initial stage. If the inflammation is in the acute phase, the disease can lead to sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or otitis media. These ailments appear with the accumulation of mucous secretion in the nose. Mucus is a favorable environment for pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, to prevent infectionthe body of harmful microorganisms need timely treatment. If you need baby drops from nasal congestion up to a year, then it is better to consult a specialist. This will allow you to choose the safest remedy.
When choosing baby drops for nasal congestion, you should understand the causes of this phenomenon. If this symptom occurs due to acute rhinitis, the use of vasoconstrictors is required. If congestion is associated with viral inflammation, the patient is prescribed antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs. When the disease is bacterial, the patient needs antibiotic treatment. A list of cold remedies for children is presented below.
When do you need drops?
Vasoconstrictors should not be used at the first signs of a cold. In viral diseases, strong clear or cloudy discharge always appears. And they do not need to be eliminated with drops, as this does not allow the body to eliminate the infection on its own.
But these drops are needed when the following symptoms occur:
- When congestion blocks the flow of oxygen to the nasopharynx. In these cases, the child will breathe through the mouth, which causes drying of the mucous membranes not only in the nose, but also in the lower respiratory tract. And with dysfunction of the mucous membrane, the appearance of bronchitis and pneumonia is likely. Therefore, with severe congestion, vasoconstrictor drops are used, which restore the normal moisture content of the mucosa.
- At elevated temperature, when breathing is difficult. When these symptoms appeartogether, the child's he alth worsens. The exudate that has stagnated in the nose dries up, which leads to blocking the flow of air, discomfort due to the appearance of dry crusts. Therefore, in this situation, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictor drugs.
- When inflammation of the ear. Acute otitis media develops with swelling of the passage between the nasopharynx and the auditory organ. If you apply nasal drops, then this channel will be expanded, and the pain will be eliminated.
- For infections of the nasopharynx. If a child has bacterial sinusitis or rhinitis, vasoconstrictors are required. With them, the accumulated secretions are removed outside and do not lead to purulent inflammation.
Vasoconstrictor drops act on blood vessels, constricting them. But since the effect of adrenaline always leads not only to vasospasm, but also to an increase in pressure, an increase in heart rate, these drugs cannot be used for a very long time and often. Modern drugs last up to 12 hours.
If the conditions of the instructions and recommendations of the doctor are violated, the appearance of drug-induced rhinitis is likely. Instead of a therapeutic effect, medications lead to the opposite effect - swelling of the mucous membrane, which is difficult to eliminate by other means.
Another long-term use of drops and an increase in dosage leads to side effects, such as drowsiness, disability, headache, lowering the temperature, allergies, loss of smell. Before using the drugs, you need to choose high-quality drops, as well as follow the instructions for their use. It is also important to consult with a lore that will help you chooseeffective medicines.
These are good drops for nasal congestion. An intranasal agent for therapy has a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. It also has anti-allergic properties. The active substance of the drops acts on the cells that are responsible for the synthesis of protein molecules.

According to reviews, the product improves breathing and has a positive effect on the paranasal sinuses immediately after use. Beclomethasone, present in the composition, eliminates inflammation and reduces the development of the disease. Therefore, in addition to a pronounced anti-edematous effect, "Baconase" has an anti-inflammatory effect. Because the drops suppress susceptible receptors, they are a powerful remedy for congestion caused by allergens.
The drug is prescribed as the main remedy for seasonal or year-round allergies. For treatment, these children's drops from nasal congestion are the best fit. Due to its low bioavailability, the drug is also effective for children. At 2 years old, children's drops from nasal congestion "Baconase" will be the most suitable. From the age of 6, treatment can be performed in the morning and in the evening. And up to this age, one injection at bedtime is enough. Treatment is allowed only 5 days.
Which children's drops for nasal congestion help to cope with this symptom? According to reviews, "Tizin" is a remedy that works for 6 hours, and the paranasal sinuses are released immediately after its use. The course of treatment should notbe more than 5 days.

For the treatment of children under 6 years of age, 3 drops are prescribed in each nasal passage. After reaching this age, treatment should be individualized based on age, height and weight. Before treatment, it should be checked that the child does not have a strong sensitivity to the drug. It is forbidden to use the remedy for diabetes.
These are children's nasal drops that relieve congestion. Its active ingredient has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Drops are effective for congestion, which appears from allergens. Doctors most often prescribe this drug because the drug does not cause systemic side effects.
The drug is effective in the following cases:
- seasonal or year-round allergies;
- exacerbation of sinusitis;
- prevention.
It is forbidden to use these children's drops with nasal congestion, if it is associated with rhinitis, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis, as well as if you are allergic to the components of the product. It also cannot be done with an untreated infection on the mucosa. It is undesirable to use the drug if you have recently performed operations in the nasal cavity.

Means should be used carefully up to 2 years. Adults should monitor the presence of side effects in a child. If you experience headache, ear pain, nausea, dizziness, or other signs of intoxication, you should stop using the medication. These symptomsappear with the wrong dosage. Doctors often prescribe 2 injections per day. If acute symptoms are observed, the doctor prolongs the course of treatment.
The list of the most effective nose drops for children includes Flixonase. The drug relieves congestion and improves respiratory function almost immediately after application. The intranasal agent has not only a decongestant effect, but also a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
The active substance of the drug reduces the effects of histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, cytokines. The therapeutic effect is provided with the right dose. Usually, children are prescribed 1 dose in each nasal passage no more than 1 time per day.
According to reviews, for the treatment of adolescents, the doctor can prescribe 2 injections. Before use, the nasal passages should be cleaned with special saline solutions. It is possible to bury "Flixonase" only from the age of 4. The medicine is prohibited for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the composition.
Inexpensive drops in the nose from congestion include "Nasobek". If the problem is related to vasomotor or allergic rhinitis, then this remedy will help improve the condition. This medicine relieves the symptoms of inflammation on the 3rd day of treatment. The drug treats allergic reactions, reduces inflammation without harm to the body.

But the use of drops is allowed only from 5 years. "Nasobek" can lead to a serious reaction in young children. The drug is not usedat:
- tuberculosis;
- fungal disease;
- frequent nosebleeds;
- special sensitivity to composition.
When treating children, it is necessary to adhere to the dosage. From the age of 6, doctors prescribe 1 injection in each nostril twice a day. From the age of 12, the dosage can be increased to 2 injections 2 times a day. The product should be used with caution in a deviated nasal septum and after recent operations on the nose.
Nazol Baby
This is a children's vasoconstrictor for the common cold. "Nazol Baby" is prescribed from 2 months to 2 years. The drug is one of the effective means, the safety of which is confirmed by research. The result from the application of the spray is noticeable immediately, and lasts for 6 hours. You can use it no more than 3 times a day.

During treatment, the following dosage must be observed:
- From 2 months appoint 1 drop 2 times a day.
- 2 drops required from 6 months.
- From 1 year it is allowed to inject 3 drops 3 times a day.
"Nazol Baby" is highly addictive, so the course of therapy should be compiled by a doctor. If the child's rhinitis lasts more than 4 days, the doctor prescribes powerful nasal remedies. The remedy for the treatment of allergies should not be used. You also need to be careful about the use of the drug for dysfunction of the heart muscle.
The list of the best drops for nasal congestion includes Naphthyzin. Its active ingredientis naphazoline. It eliminates the symptoms of inflammation 5 minutes after administration, and its effect lasts for 4 hours.
Compared to other medicines, Naphthyzin quickly eliminates all symptoms of acute or chronic rhinitis, seasonal allergies. But you can only use a nasal remedy for 3 days. Naphthyzin can only be used by children from 12 months old.

If you take the drug longer, there is a possibility of addiction. During treatment, a small patient is administered 2 drops in the morning and evening. If, after the introduction of the drug, the child has symptoms of intoxication and the state of he alth worsens, it is necessary to stop taking the drops.
As evidenced by the reviews of doctors, it is advisable to choose proven nasal drops. Often, other effective remedies are used to treat congestion. Complex therapy allows you to quickly improve the well-being of the child.
How to use?
In order for the drops to be beneficial, you need to bury them according to the following instructions:
- It is important that the product is at room temperature.
- The nose must be cleared of mucus.
- If the baby's age allows, it is necessary to give a sitting position, calm down, explain that after such treatment there will be an improvement.
- Tip your head back a little.
- The required number of drops are instilled into each nostril, and then the nostril is healed for a few seconds to protect against leakage and absorption of the drug into the mucous membrane.
In conclusion
Soway, there are many children's nose drops. When treating congestion, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. For therapy to be effective, you must first consult with your doctor.