Drugs 2024, October

"Mebendazole": reviews of patients and doctors

"Mebendazole": reviews of patients and doctors

"Mebendazole" is an effective drug that can help with the presence of various types of parasites in the human body. During its use, it has fully proved its first-class qualities

Drug "Ligandrol": reviews

Drug "Ligandrol": reviews

"Ligandrol" (LGD-4033) helps to quickly gain muscle mass. It does not belong to the group of steroids, but it has a high anabolic ability. According to its characteristics, the effect is in many ways similar to the effect of testosterone, but at the same time, the drug is completely safe and does not have negative consequences for the human body

Which is more effective: "Vaxigripp" or "Influvac"? What is the best flu vaccine?

Which is more effective: "Vaxigripp" or "Influvac"? What is the best flu vaccine?

Afraid of getting the flu? Then you should consider getting vaccinated. Thanks to this event, a person will maintain his he alth, not get sick with the flu or get sick, but in a mild form. Immunization is the right thing, especially when it comes to our kids

Candles "Polyoxidonium": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Candles "Polyoxidonium": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The drug is intended for intravaginal and rectal administration once a day, one suppository. The regimen and method of dosing is established by a specialist based on the diagnosis, severity and severity of the process. The drug can be used every day, every other day or twice a week

"Grippol Plus": reviews. "Grippol Plus" (flu vaccine): description, price

"Grippol Plus": reviews. "Grippol Plus" (flu vaccine): description, price

The article characterizes such a flu vaccine as Grippol Plus, which is widely used in modern times for vaccinating children and adults. Reviews about this vaccine are of interest today to every second

Drug "Neo-Angin": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drug "Neo-Angin": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

According to doctors' observations and patients' reviews, one of the best drugs for sore throat is "Neo-Angin". Many people like its pleasant taste, it is available in a convenient form of lozenges and helps after the first application

"Baziron AC" helps with acne? "Baziron AS": cheaper analogue and reviews

"Baziron AC" helps with acne? "Baziron AS": cheaper analogue and reviews

When pimples and acne are tortured, you really want to find a remedy that will cope with the disease by 100%. "Baziron AS" - one of the main fighters for clear skin

Drug to normalize blood sugar "Oligim": reviews from customers, characteristics and recommendations for use

Drug to normalize blood sugar "Oligim": reviews from customers, characteristics and recommendations for use

If you are looking for a means to normalize blood sugar levels, to normalize carbohydrate metabolism in the body, pay attention to the drug "Olidzhim". Reviews about it, characteristics from the manufacturer, indications and contraindications for use, as well as other interesting and useful information are discussed in our article

The drug "Polipefam": application, purpose, reviews

The drug "Polipefam": application, purpose, reviews

Effective body cleanser "Polipefam" is incredibly popular among buyers. What are its features? This will be discussed in this article

Inhalations with "Miramistin" in a nebulizer for children and adults: instructions

Inhalations with "Miramistin" in a nebulizer for children and adults: instructions

As medical practice has shown, inhalations with Miramistin in a nebulizer are one of the most effective ways to quickly get rid of any diseases of the respiratory system. One of the advantages of this drug is the absence of complications and side effects

Drug "Etony" (ointment): instructions, indications, reviews

Drug "Etony" (ointment): instructions, indications, reviews

How much is the drug "Etony" (ointment)? The price of this drug is indicated at the end of the article. It also provides information about the features of this medication, its correct use, indications and side effects

Drug "Avastin": patient reviews, instructions for use, side effects

Drug "Avastin": patient reviews, instructions for use, side effects

The drug "Avastin" is considered an antitumor agent, which refers to monoclonal antibodies. During the use of the drug, there is a decrease in the metastatic progression of pathology and microvascular permeability in various malignant neoplasms, especially those related to the mammary gland in women, the colon, as well as the pancreas and prostate glands

Eye drops "Defislez": instructions for use

Eye drops "Defislez": instructions for use

"Defislez" is a popular drug that helps restore tear function. It is recommended to use the medication after reading the instructions

"Complivit Mom": application reviews, price

"Complivit Mom": application reviews, price

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, every woman needs an additional source of vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, nutrition during this period leaves much to be desired: in the early stages of gestation, women suffer from toxicosis, and with the onset of lactation, they follow diets. That is why doctors so often prescribe vitamin complexes to them

Description of the vitamin preparation "Doppelgerz Active from A to Zinc". "Doppelherz Active from A to Zinc": feedback on admission

Description of the vitamin preparation "Doppelgerz Active from A to Zinc". "Doppelherz Active from A to Zinc": feedback on admission

Why do you need a drug like Doppelherz Active from A to Zinc? His testimony will be discussed below

"Yohimbine hydrochloride" for weight loss: instructions, analogues and reviews

"Yohimbine hydrochloride" for weight loss: instructions, analogues and reviews

Yohimbine is often used for weight loss, the action of its herbal composition is aimed at reducing body weight. The main purpose of the drug is to increase potency, libido, and the secondary is to burn fat in the body. If you regularly use Yohimbine, a particularly noticeable effect of losing weight is achieved: up to twenty kilograms per course

Can I take "Dufaston" with uterine myoma?

Can I take "Dufaston" with uterine myoma?

Uterine fibroids is one of the most common pathologies among women who are older than thirty-five years of age. This is a benign neoplasm that occurs in the muscular tissue of the uterus, appearing as a result of a number of infectious, inflammatory or mechanical processes

Candles "Zalain": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Candles "Zalain": instructions for use, composition and reviews

With vaginal candidiasis, gynecologists often prescribe Zalain suppositories. The drug is an antifungal agent that effectively destroys pathogenic microflora. This tool is easy to use and has only a local effect. It affects the skin and mucous membranes without penetrating the circulatory system, so vaginal suppositories have few contraindications and are well tolerated in most cases

Furosemide: what is it prescribed for?

Furosemide: what is it prescribed for?

Furosemide is a diuretic that affects kidney function. Why is it prescribed and how is it used? This medicine belongs to the group of diuretics. It well removes substances such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium from the human body, and lowers blood pressure. The active component of the drug promotes the excretion of sodium chloride and has a hypotensive effect on the patient

"Bacteriophage Klebsiell": instructions and reviews

"Bacteriophage Klebsiell": instructions and reviews

Infectious diseases are our reality today. They must be de alt with promptly and effectively. The remedy "Bacteriophage Klebsiella" will help get rid of a number of infections. How? Read more in this article

"Artikain INIBSA": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

"Artikain INIBSA": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

Brief instructions for the drug "Articaine INIBSA" for consumers excludes complex medical terms and is written in an accessible language for any reader

"Adrenaline": instructions for use, indications, dosage

"Adrenaline": instructions for use, indications, dosage

The adrenal glands are endocrine glands that produce adrenaline. It takes part in the regulation of the cardiovascular system. It is also called the hormone of fear, as it is released into the blood in large quantities during fright, stressful situations, during physical work. But it is also produced by the pharmaceutical industry "Adrenaline"

NZT pills: do they really exist

NZT pills: do they really exist

Possibility of existence of the mysterious NZT pills from the movie "Region of Darkness". Secret experiments of pharmaceutical companies. Real-life drugs that can increase brain performance: Modafinil, Glycine and Melatonin

How to take Swedish Bitters? "Swedish bitterness" ("Doctor Theiss"): indications, application, reviews

How to take Swedish Bitters? "Swedish bitterness" ("Doctor Theiss"): indications, application, reviews

Medications containing herbal ingredients are especially popular with those who are skeptical of traditional medicine. It should be noted that such funds are sold in almost all pharmacies. Their main advantage is not only efficiency and fast action, but also inexpensive cost compared to traditional medicines

The best medicine for colic for newborns

The best medicine for colic for newborns

To know which medicines for colic in newborns are the most effective, all parents, without exception, should. After all, this is a problem that the vast majority of babies face. Intestinal colic is called bouts of painful crying, which are provoked by acute pain in the abdomen. In this article we will tell you how to deal with this condition, which drugs are considered the most effective

Antibiotics for bacterial infection: list with names, doctor's prescription, composition and contraindications

Antibiotics for bacterial infection: list with names, doctor's prescription, composition and contraindications

Antibiotics are a large group of drugs, each of which is characterized by its spectrum of action, indications for use. All antibiotics prescribed for a bacterial infection can act bactericidal or bacteriostatically on microorganisms. In the first case, the bacteria die, and in the second they are deprived of the opportunity to multiply. The absence of offspring leads to the death of pathogens and their complete disappearance

Dermatol ointment: instruction, composition

Dermatol ointment: instruction, composition

Dermatol ointment is prescribed to eliminate inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. The instructions for use describe in detail the spectrum of action of the active ingredient, as well as possible negative reactions, indications and contraindications for use

"Dalmaxin" (candles): instructions and reviews

"Dalmaxin" (candles): instructions and reviews

"Dalmaxin" (candles) is a safe, and most importantly, effective drug. It is well tolerated, in rare cases causing allergic reactions in the form of rashes, burning of the mucosa, dizziness and nausea. It can be used by adults without any restrictions

Means "Ampicillin". Application

Means "Ampicillin". Application

As a rule, when infectious pathologies occur, the doctor prescribes various antibiotics. "Ampicillin" is considered a fairly popular and highly effective remedy from this group of medicines

Candles "Pimafucin": cheaper analogues

Candles "Pimafucin": cheaper analogues

Fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes cause a lot of inconvenience to their "owners". The antifungal drug "Pimafucin" is often prescribed by doctors of various speci alties in clinical practice for the treatment of fungal infections caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Let's look at "Pimafucin", cheaper analogues, which are also successfully used in dermatovenerological practice

Nicotinic acid: instructions for use, release forms, reviews

Nicotinic acid: instructions for use, release forms, reviews

The topic reflects the features of the use of nicotinic acid, instructions for its use to improve he alth, as well as the use of the drug for beauty and hair growth. Separately noted the possibility of using the drug to reduce weight

"Bilobil": reviews, instructions for use

"Bilobil": reviews, instructions for use

Pathologies of cerebral vessels are currently a common cause of death in people in our country. A general deterioration in the quality of life, an increase in stress background cause a massive spread of these diseases, reaching terrible numbers - about 450,000 strokes per year in Russia

Effective cure for stomatitis: the best remedies

Effective cure for stomatitis: the best remedies

Stomatitis is a common lesion of the oral mucosa. It is not dangerous. For its diagnosis, specific tests are not required, since it is enough just to see a dentist

Disinfectants. Chlorhexidine digluconate. Instructions for use

Disinfectants. Chlorhexidine digluconate. Instructions for use

Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate belongs to the category of therapeutic and prophylactic agents for topical use. The drug has a very wide spectrum of therapeutic activity

"Sudokrem": instructions for use, reviews

"Sudokrem": instructions for use, reviews

"Sudokrem" is a remedy that quickly cures various skin diseases, which allows it to be used not only for adults, but also for babies. The article will discuss the positive properties and features of "Sudokrem"

Eye drops "Travatan": analogues

Eye drops "Travatan": analogues

Travatan is a popular antiglaucoma drug. If there is no medicine in the pharmacy, you can choose a suitable substitute

Antiseptic for wound treatment. Antiseptic preparations - names, reviews, prices

Antiseptic for wound treatment. Antiseptic preparations - names, reviews, prices

Even a minor injury can cause serious he alth problems. Open wounds are especially dangerous. Bacteria and viruses can enter the affected area. A purulent infection often leads to blood poisoning, and this is already a serious threat to life. Therefore, even the smallest wound must be properly treated with an antiseptic

Licorice root for children: indications and method of application

Licorice root for children: indications and method of application

How is licorice root used for children? At what age is this drug indicated and are there any contraindications? Read the answers to these and other questions in this article

Which analogue of "Pregnil" to use? Comparison of analogs "Pregnil"

Which analogue of "Pregnil" to use? Comparison of analogs "Pregnil"

"Pregnil" is used in the treatment of anovulatory infertility in women, miscarriage, the threat of self-abortion, as well as for the purpose of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, ovulation induction and increase in estrogen levels. Its use is effective in the scheme of endogenous luteal hormone replacement therapy to stimulate the maturation of follicles

Drug "Glyciram": instruction, reviews

Drug "Glyciram": instruction, reviews

Each of us, unfortunately, at least once in a lifetime is faced with various diseases. Skin diseases, low blood pressure, difficulty in clearing sputum, problems with the adrenal glands, it would seem, are a variety of diseases that are quite common. However, these diseases are at least unpleasant, and most importantly, if they are not cured in time, they can lead to serious complications. In the fight against these diseases can help "Glycyram"