Dentists recommend taking a comprehensive approach to caring for your teeth and oral cavity. Along with cleaning, experts suggest using Lakalut Active, a mouth rinse. You can use the remedy not only for prevention, but also as an auxiliary method of treating diseases of the teeth and gums.

Composition and release form
"Lakalut" is sold in a cardboard box, inside a bottle of liquid (300 ml), instructions for use. The composition of the rinse contains substances:
- PEG-40;
- water;
- castor oil;
- glycerin;
- sodium fluoride 0.25%;
- aluminum lactate;
- chlorhexidine borgluconate;
- fragrance.
Due to its composition, the Lakalut Active rinse helps protect teeth and gums, enhances the healing properties of the paste.
Indications for use
Dentists recommend using mouthwash for the following conditions:
- periodontitis;
- gingivitis;
- stomatitis.
"Lakalut Active" is a rinse that can be used as a preventive measure. Effective remedy in preventing the following problems:
- tartar;
- caries;
- plaque on teeth;
- and also in oral care during orthodontic procedures.
Important! Children under 7 years of age may only use mouthwash under parental supervision.

"Lakalut Aktiv" is a mouthwash that enhances the healing effect of toothpaste. Due to its composition, it has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and firming effect. It also relieves inflammation, strengthens enamel, and prevents caries. Dentists recommend using the Lakalut Active rinse in combination with toothpaste and a brush of the same series.
How to use
Mouthwash "Lacalut Active" is recommended to be used several times a day: after brushing your teeth, in between meals. To use, you need to measure 10 ml of liquid into the measuring cup that comes with the kit. Rinse your mouth for half a minute.
After the rinsing procedure, the remaining liquid must be spit out. But doctors say that an accidental sip will not harm he alth.
Important! You can not use the mouthwash "Lakalut Active" for people with individual intolerance to substances in it.composition.

On the Internet you can find a sufficient number of reviews about "Lakalut Aktiv". Mouthwash can be used only strictly following the dosage. In order to measure the required amount of liquid, a measuring cup with divisions is included. Users note that the release form is convenient and there are no problems with dosage.
People using Lakalut Active note the high effectiveness of the rinse, reducing pain and bleeding gums. Strengthening the effectiveness of the liquid is achieved by sharing a toothbrush and toothpaste from the same company.
But along with a positive opinion, you can also find negative statements about the Lakalut Active mouthwash. This is due to individual sensations: burning during rinsing the mouth, increased soreness of the gums. But, like any drug, it is recommended to use it only after consulting a dentist.
Important! If you experience discomfort when using Lakalut Active, you should stop using the rinse. As soon as possible, you need to visit a dentist to select another preventive remedy for protecting gums and teeth.
Rinse "Lacalut Active" creates a protective layer on the enamel, which prevents the penetration of harmful bacteria. But it is worth remembering that the action of the rinse aid is not instantaneous. So after usingfunds "Lakalut Active" can be eaten only after half an hour.