The most basic signs of tracheitis

The most basic signs of tracheitis
The most basic signs of tracheitis

Tracheitis is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This disease is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the trachea, which, in turn, is manifested by severe attacks of coughing and deterioration of he alth. Are there other signs of tracheitis? Are complications of the disease possible?

Tracheitis and its causes

chronic tracheitis
chronic tracheitis

In fact, most often the inflammatory process in the trachea is the result of the activity of a viral infection. Often, tracheitis occurs against the background of the flu or a cold. This form of the disease is considered the least dangerous. But inflammation of bacterial origin is much more severe.

Of course, the state of the immune system can also be attributed to risk factors. Often, signs of tracheitis appear against the background of a general weakening of the body's defenses, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and malnutrition. Exhaustion of the body and constant stress can also provoke its development.

signs of tracheitis
signs of tracheitis

Main featurestracheitis

As already mentioned, the main symptom of inflammation of the trachea is a cough. It may be dry, but is often accompanied by the release of viscous sputum. It should be noted that coughing attacks most often disturb a person in the evening and at night, which, accordingly, affects the quality of sleep and well-being.

As the disease progresses, the cough becomes more and more annoying and painful. Deep entry, physical tension, laughter - all this ends with a strong attack. In addition, a cough often appears when the humidity or temperature of the external environment changes. For example, patients often complain that seizures appear when going outside or, conversely, when entering a room.

The patient's breathing becomes deep and shallow - in this way the body tries to prevent the onset of coughing. Symptoms may also include hoarseness and a hoarse voice, which are mostly the result of severe and persistent seizures.

Along with this, there are chest pains and involuntary contraction of the intercostal muscles. General weakness, fever, dizziness, drowsiness are also signs of tracheitis. If you have such problems, you should contact a specialist.

In the absence of the necessary treatment, the acute form of the disease slowly flows into chronic tracheitis. Such a disease is accompanied by gradual structural and functional disorders in the work of the upper respiratory tract, changes in the mucosa of the trachea. The symptoms in this case are not so pronounced. However, patients complain of coughing fits,which occur periodically and are accompanied by the release of viscous sputum.

How is tracheitis treated?

tracheitis in adults
tracheitis in adults

Of course, first you need to be examined by a doctor, and if necessary, take tests. Therapy depends on the cause of the inflammation. For example, if the cause is a viral infection, then the patient needs warmth, bed rest, and expectorants.

At the same time, the bacterial form of the disease is more serious. Such tracheitis in adults is treated with antibiotics and the same expectorants. Quite often, patients are prescribed antihistamines, which relieve swelling and help stop coughing attacks. Steam inhalation helps relieve symptoms.
