Propolis tincture for colds: composition, useful properties and instructions for use

Propolis tincture for colds: composition, useful properties and instructions for use
Propolis tincture for colds: composition, useful properties and instructions for use

Propolis is a universal product of beekeeping, which has found its application in folk medicine and is used in special medicines. The substance has a complex effect on the body, but its bactericidal properties are especially valued. That is why propolis tincture is often used for colds and other diseases associated with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. As the practice of application shows, against the background of treatment, such painful symptoms of acute respiratory infections as pain and sore throat, cough, sneezing and runny nose quickly disappear. There are reviews that the medicine even helps to get rid of sinusitis.

Propolis for the treatment of children
Propolis for the treatment of children

Different uses

The use of propolis tincture for colds involves a variety of ways, depending on the symptoms and the underlying disease. So, with angina, you can use a water-based medicine for gargling. At the same time, notit is also forbidden to use alcohol tincture.

If you are worried about a runny nose, it is recommended to soak turundas in a solution and insert them into the nasal passages. Also, propolis tincture for colds can be taken orally to eliminate severe nasal congestion. The same methods are used if it is necessary to cure sinusitis. At the same time, the therapy is also supplemented with compresses.

Inhalations with propolis have proven themselves well. For this, a water tincture is used, which perfectly removes an obsessive dry cough or a wet one that comes on with bouts.

Propolis tincture inside for colds
Propolis tincture inside for colds

Bee product properties

Treatment of colds with propolis tincture has long been used in folk medicine. Now doctors of standard practice recognize the beneficial properties of the drug and often prescribe it as a symptomatic therapy for various pathologies. It is known that the substance, in addition to excellent bactericidal properties, also has:

  • analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating and wound healing action.

Propolis tincture for colds is also popular because it has an immunomodulatory effect. Therefore, against the background of treatment, the patient quickly gets rid of the characteristic weakness and physical exhaustion, which is typical for infectious diseases of a viral nature. The drug, which contains propolis, infused with alcohol or water, also actively increases the effect of antibiotics, so it is also useful for bacterial pathologies.

Propolis tincture: instructions for use for colds

Propolis, or in other words bee glue, is usually insisted on alcohol for preparation, although there are also water-based preparations. The latter are often recommended for the treatment of children, since the use of ethanol is undesirable for them. The drug is obtained with a strong concentration of the active ingredient, so the use of the drug for therapy will depend on the age of the patient, the underlying disease and the percentage of propolis and alcohol (water).

Propolis as a cure for colds
Propolis as a cure for colds

Cough treatment

With a cold, the patient is often tormented by a cough that prevents him from getting enough sleep. At the same time, it can be dry and hysterical or wet, rolling in attacks. Often, even after the disease has gone and all the symptoms have subsided, it is the cough that manifests itself as a residual phenomenon. Therefore, propolis tincture for colds, when a strong cough bothers, is necessary in the most concentrated form. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. There are two options for using the drug:

  1. Water or alcohol tincture 30% is taken for inhalation. To do this, it is necessary to dilute the agent in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons in 1 liter of boiled water. The procedure is especially effective in the treatment of bronchitis.
  2. Alcohol or water 10-20% tincture for oral use. For this, the remedy must be diluted in milk and drunk. Propolis tincture for colds for children is measured in drops. For each year, you need to take one drop. Yes, fortreatment of a three-year-old baby, dissolve 3 drops of tincture in one glass of warm water. In this case, it is allowed to take only a water-based drug. Adults are allowed to use a tablespoon of alcohol solution per glass of warmed milk.

In addition to tincture, propolis is often used in its pure form. To eliminate the symptoms of a cold, the substance must be chewed 1-5 g in the morning on an empty stomach. But this option is not suitable for treating children.

Eliminating sore throat

Sore throat and itching often accompany colds and are a sign of inflammation. If you start the process, complications may arise in the form of tonsillitis, tonsillitis or pharyngitis.

Propolis tincture instruction for colds to relieve sore throat has the following:

  • gargle with alcohol or water;
  • the concentration of the solution should be the lower the younger the patient;
  • it's not so much the concentration as the number of procedures, which should be at least five a day;
  • for the procedure, you need to dilute a tablespoon of the drug in a glass of heated water.

Children who cannot gargle are advised to drink the tincture dissolved in a glass of warm milk.

Propolis tincture for colds
Propolis tincture for colds

To relieve the symptoms of a runny nose

A cold is always accompanied by a copious flow from the nose. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, again, a solution based on propolis is useful. You can use the following treatments:

  • soak in turunda solution and insert into each nasal passage for a few minutes three times a day;
  • rubbing the nasal mucosa with water tincture;
  • instill one drop of a water-based preparation into each nostril.

It is important to remember that only a low concentration agent (no more than 10%) is used for instillation into the nose and rubbing of mucous membranes. Otherwise, you can provoke a burn of delicate tissues.

Treatment of sinusitis

When a cold is started, bacteria attack and complications can occur. The most typical is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The disease is difficult to treat with standard therapy and often becomes chronic. To speed up the recovery process, it is important to take action right away.

Of course, propolis cannot serve as a reason for the abolition of traditional antibiotics. On the contrary, their combined use only enhances the effect of both drugs. To get rid of sinusitis, you can:

  • drink alcohol or water tincture of propolis;
  • use compress solution;
  • use for instillation.

Often, patients are interested in how to drink propolis tincture for colds. It is necessary to dissolve the composition in a glass of warm milk, using about one tablespoon. This dosage is suitable for adults. For the treatment of children, drops are counted depending on age, as described above.

Propolis tincture: instructions for use for colds
Propolis tincture: instructions for use for colds

Are there any contraindications

Many believe that once propolisa natural product, then it has no contraindications. In addition, the prospect of such treatment seems very tempting. At the same time, many believe that it is better to drink propolis tincture in the treatment of sinusitis than harmful antibiotics. However, it should be remembered that propolis, like other beekeeping preparations, is not suitable for everyone and has its own contraindications. You can not use it uncontrollably, otherwise you can not only not recover, but also lose a lot of precious time for ineffective treatment.

For the treatment of colds, it is important to contact a specialist to prescribe basic therapy. Also, the specialist will find out the possibility of using propolis and, as a supplement, will check the patient for an allergic reaction, the manifestation of which will only aggravate the situation.

You can not use propolis tincture and pregnant women. Of course, antibiotic therapy threatens the he alth of the unborn child, but the bee product can also provoke various complications that can manifest itself in congenital allergies.

How to drink propolis tincture for a cold
How to drink propolis tincture for a cold


Bee propolis tincture is easy to prepare at home. All ingredients are quite commercially available. However, it is necessary to choose an appropriate basis. You can use alcohol, oil or distilled water. To obtain the required concentration, the following data must be taken into account:

  • for 10% tincture, take one part of propolis and nine parts of the base;
  • the basis shouldbe warm;
  • propolis powder is poured out and also heated;
  • 30-40 minutes insist;
  • filter and store in a dark place.

It is better to use small glass bottles that are hermetically sealed. Alcohol tinctures do not need to be placed in the refrigerator, water ones require a lower temperature for storage.

The use of propolis tincture for colds
The use of propolis tincture for colds


Tincture of propolis inside for colds is used quite often, and the result of such treatment is visible to almost all patients. The substance contains a natural concentrate, which is used by bees for disinfection. At the same time, for a person, the tincture has an equally significant effect, having anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. The significance of the drug specifically for colds is also due to the anesthetic properties that the drug exhibits when it is used by the patient inside and out.
