"Alfuprost": reviews, composition, instructions for use, analogues, side effects, contraindications

"Alfuprost": reviews, composition, instructions for use, analogues, side effects, contraindications
"Alfuprost": reviews, composition, instructions for use, analogues, side effects, contraindications

The state of the prostate gland has a great influence on the well-being of a man. Prostate adenoma worries more and more often not only elderly patients, but also quite young men. At the same time, its treatment involves the use of a complex of medical procedures and various medications. One of the effective agents that affect the receptors of the prostate gland and reduce the tone of the urethra is Alfuprost. Reviews of men, as well as urologists, confirm the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of functional disorders associated with urination with inflammation of the prostate.

Image "Alfuprost": instructions for use
Image "Alfuprost": instructions for use

Basic drug information

The drug "Alfuprost" is a tablet with a prolonged spectrum of action. The pills are almost white in color and rounded.form. They are convex, engraved with RY 10 on one side. The package can contain from one to six blisters, each of which contains ten pills.

Drug composition

Alfuprost is produced based on the action of alfuzosin hydrochloride. The composition of the drug also suggests the presence of excipients. Among them are:

  • hypromellose;
  • hyprolosis;
  • lactose anhydrous;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • povidone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc.

The composition of the tablets is standard and involves the use of all the classic substances necessary to form a pill. The main active ingredient - alfuzosin hydrochloride - is in a tablet in the amount of 10 mg per piece.

Image "Alfuprost": reviews
Image "Alfuprost": reviews

Therapeutic effect

Active effect on alpha-1 receptors is the main quality of Alfuprost medication. Reviews of experts indicate that the active substance is detected immediately after the start of administration in large quantities in the prostate gland and bladder. The therapeutic effect is achieved by relaxing the smooth muscles of the urethra. As a result, urine flow improves, and the process is almost painless and natural.

As the responses of patients show, spasms in the sphincter area disappear as a result of a decrease in intraurethral pressure. At the same time, the effect of taking the tablets persists for 12 hours. This is confirmed by numerous patient reviews andmedical practice of urologists.

Image "Alfuprost": manufacturer
Image "Alfuprost": manufacturer

The effect of pills on the body

The active substance of the drug "Alfuprost" has a rather selective effect on the body. Reviews of specialists based on the results of laboratory studies show that the following results can be achieved with treatment:

  • destruction of false urge to urinate;
  • stopping the resistance of the normal outflow of urine due to the increased tone of the urethra;
  • reduce residual urine in the bladder;
  • eliminate the discomfort of an unemptied bladder.

Patients who were prescribed the drug "Alfuprost" confirm that unpleasant symptoms pass quickly. At the same time, side effects are practically not disturbing. However, the medication should not be used without a doctor's prescription, because it has strict indications.

The drug "Alfuprost"
The drug "Alfuprost"

When Recommended

According to the instructions and laboratory tests, the drug is combined with other medicines designed to relieve inflammation in prostate adenoma. Medical indications for taking pills are the following diseases:

  • dysuric disorders;
  • prostatic hyperplasia that develops in older men;
  • prostate adenoma at the growth stage.

The drug is also prescribed if it is impossible to use surgical methods for the treatment of adenoma.

Not worth it for any disorderin urination, run to the pharmacy for this drug. It must be taken strictly as directed. The doctor prescribes the medicine, taking into account the main diagnosis, comorbidities, the age of the patient and the presence of contraindications.

Image "Alfuprost": contraindications
Image "Alfuprost": contraindications

"Alfuprost": instructions for use

Annotation to the drug instructs to take tablets three times a day at a dosage of 2.5 mg. Moreover, the intake of pills does not depend on the use of any food. You can drink the medicine at any convenient time.

For patients over 65, doctors usually prescribe a reduced dosage. The standard regimen involves the use of tablets only twice a day at a dosage of 2.5 mg. However, gradually the amount of the agent used can be increased, but more than 10 mg of the active ingredient should not be taken per day.

Recommended course

You should be careful about the prescribed treatment. Your doctor may recommend taking the pills for six months. Usually the rate is calculated based on:

  • severity of disease;
  • associated symptoms;
  • individual characteristics of the patient's he alth.

So, for some, one month is enough for the complete relief of all symptoms, while others will have to take pills for six months. In any case, when using Alfuprost, the course of treatment is calculated individually. You should not rely only on the instructions, because the doctor is based on general symptoms and the presence ofimprovements.

Complex Therapy

Often, as part of complex therapy, urologists prescribe Alfuprost to patients. The instructions for use contain information about drugs that are recommended for joint use, as well as completely incompatible ones. They should be listed:

  • Drugs that lower blood pressure. As a result of simultaneous use, there is a risk of developing hypotension.
  • "Ritonavir", "Itraconazole". Complex administration increases the risk of excessive plasma concentrations of alfuzosin.
  • "Prazosin", "Urapidil", "Minoxidil". There is a high risk of developing a hypotensive effect.

Not every patient is able to assess the compatibility of various types of drugs, so when using any medication, it is important to report this information to the doctor.

Unpleasant symptoms during treatment

The drug may cause unpleasant symptoms. Side effects of Alfuprost are not observed in all patients, but you should be aware of the possible consequences. The most common adverse events include:

  • headache;
  • feeling uncomfortable;
  • weakness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • tachycardia;
  • dry mouth;
  • diarrhea;
  • rhinitis;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • edema;
  • chest pain;
  • asthenia;
  • hyperemia of the skin.

Of course, all these symptoms do not appear at the same time. Some patients may be bothered by skin problems, others willcomplain of discomfort in the abdomen, and still others suffer from headaches. But it is worth noting that such occurrences are quite rare. The drug is widely used in urology and has quite positive reviews.

Image "Alfuprost": side effects
Image "Alfuprost": side effects

Significant contraindications

"Alfuprost" contraindications, like any medical drug, has. All of them are listed in the instructions and are always taken into account by a specialist. The practitioner knows that the medicine is not intended for use by all categories of patients. Contraindications are as follows:

  • Failure of the liver and kidneys. In this case, a more thorough examination of the patient is required to assess all risks.
  • Individual sensitivity to tablet components.
  • Galactose or glucose malabsorption.
  • Lactase deficiency, acquired or congenital.
  • The patient has a history of frequent headaches or dizziness of unknown origin.
  • Taking other A-blockers.
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Under 18 years of age.

Also, the drug is not prescribed to the female sex. It should be noted that cases of overdose with tablets have been recorded. In this case, the patient's blood pressure drops sharply. It is necessary to hospitalize the patient, where he will receive the necessary treatment.

How to replace the medicine

"Alfuprost" analogues, of course, has. Medicines are produced both in Russia and abroad. The most famous and effective include:

  • "Artezin". Tablets from a Russian manufacturer. Used to reduce pressure on the walls of the urethra and bladder. It is a prescription drug, meaning it requires a doctor's prescription to purchase.
  • "Doxazosin". There is a medicine of Russian and Canadian production. It is also used in the complex therapy of prostate adenoma, but doctors often prescribe medication as monotherapy. It has vasodilating properties and antispasmodic effect.
  • "Tamsulosin". Imported drug (Slovenia). Helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms of adenoma due to the expansion of peripheral vessels.
  • Kardura. The tablets are produced by a German pharmacological company. It is an analogue of "Alfuprost" for therapeutic action. The agent is prescribed for benign hyperplasia as a vasodilator.
  • Omnic. The drug has an identical mechanism of action, but the active substance is completely different. However, patients often choose Omnic because of the need to take it only once a day. At the same time, the medicine is more expensive.

It is worth remembering that only a doctor should prescribe any analogue. Each drug has its own therapeutic indications, as well as contraindications. Self-medication can lead to serious he alth problems and provoke unwanted side effects.

Analogues "Alfurost"
Analogues "Alfurost"

Medication cost

Supplied from India "Alfuprost". Manufacturer - pharmaceutical company Sun PharmaceuticalIndustries Ltd. The cost of the drug at the same time varies and depends entirely on the supplier of the drug. The price range is quite wide. In some pharmacies, you can buy pills for 600-700 rubles. In other outlets, the price tag ranges from 900 to 1000 rubles.

Patient Feedback

"Alfuprost" has accumulated quite a lot of reviews, and almost all of them are positive. The drug is often prescribed if there are problems with urination against the background of prostate adenoma. If the patient strictly adheres to the recommended instructions, then after two to three weeks of use, they almost always feel significant relief. Pain and burning during trips to the toilet disappear, side effects are also rare.

In the case of the treatment of elderly patients, the dynamics are also positive. After 65 years, quite a few men are concerned about prostate adenoma. When prescribing Alfuprost by a urologist, patients note a rapid normalization of the condition. However, they are more likely to experience side effects such as nausea and dizziness.

Basically, all the reviews come down to the fact that the pills stop pain during urination. After the course of treatment, the inflammation of the urethra disappears, and the condition returns to normal.


Prostate adenoma is an insidious disease. For treatment, it is imperative to contact a urologist who will prescribe the appropriate procedures. It may also be recommended to take Alfuprost tablets. The drug has proven itself on the positive side, therefore it is often prescribed. Most patients are satisfiedtreatment. In rare cases, the drug is not suitable, does not improve, and therefore a replacement is required.
